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3.2k · Nov 2013
Marc Pruchnitzky Nov 2013
Emotions heavy on the mind of this warrior tonight.though he will try to sleep he will not rest tonight. The battle of yesterday on his mind. Recounting the actions recalling the slain, seeing his pain a tear from his dear lay on his shoulder in vain. For the warrior so strong by day had crumbled at night. All the feats he had obtained they all seemed to be in vain. While they lay there she whispered, why must you cry, why do you hurt, why do you never fall asleep is it I? Am I the reason you cry? Am I the reason you hurt? Can you not see that when you hurt it hurts me? The warrior looking up at what seemed to be the sky, looking right through her and her deep blue eyes. It is not you although your actions be in vain. The tears you stream like mine they to are the same. You cry for understanding while I cry because I know. You want to know why the tears run down my face it's because I fight. No one should be forced to take another mans life. I cry for the time I will not return home, for when this warrior will walk alone. Holding her he says this again. Now sleep my sweet, don't fret on the worries of my night. By daybreak everything will be alright. Just listen and trust me and the warrior bid her goodnight.
2.5k · Jan 2014
Marc Pruchnitzky Jan 2014
Breathe they told me it'll be alright, just breathe deeply and let it pass by. When the time is right they will come and love you like the seasons when they are young. Just breathe deeply it'll be alright they whispered to me as I strayed from the candlelight, to wander on my own, to reach out and find my new home. To find a place and make it mine, to make it strong to withstand the test of time. Just breathe deeply it'll be alright as I clutched her hand so tight, as I watched her through the night. But that night turned alight very soon with joyous life so new. Just breathe deeply it'll be alright, as I warped my arms around my family on this late afternoon. He's gone and left for something new something greater than this world could produce. We watched as my father passed into the light to soon. Just breathe deeply it'll be alright, as I walked into the ward that cold winter night. Her hearts so strong but body so weak, the will to push is there but she cannot speak. Into the corridor I wander as I feel the light it's my father he's come back for her, to hold her with all his might; and as I entered the room she had passed with delight. Just breathe deeply it'll be alright, as I send my future into the night with the same words they told me, to follow the light, and breathe deeply it'll be alright, and never forget to follow your heart it will always be right. Just breathe deeply it'll be alright, as I watch my firstborn carry our light. He's made it through the night and he's found another and I see the greatness in sight. Just breathe deeply it'll be alright as I walked into the room with the sounds of a young one wailing with all their might. Strength so new I know that they get it from you. Just breathe deeply it'll be alright as we watch the time slip with our grand kids delight. We've watched them grow and find their light,it's amazing to witness this worlds beautiful life. But darling I am sorry I must confess I cannot breathe deeply tonight, for I'll leave you to find the light. He's calling and I must go but just remember that I love you so. I'll miss our nights of sweet embrace when I could stare into your eyes and mine you the same. Darling just breathe deeply and take my hand it'll be alright I'll be waiting by the gate to carry you on your final night, through the gates and into the light.
2.3k · Mar 2018
Marc Pruchnitzky Mar 2018
She said to me "Marc now there's something i just could never understand, where is your heart exactly because I don't know how you continue to stand. How many times has it broke and how many times has it healed, if it's healed, has it healed? I don't get it why don't you give up like any other man?" All I could do was smile as a took her hand and in its Palm I traced my heart like I would in the sand, and I said. "My heart is in your hand where it has always been, and all those struggles yeah they’re hard but it makes it all worth it when we gaze at the stars." And as I closed her hand her teardrops hit the sand and washed into the ocean blue as she grasped out for me yelling I love you. And in the silence of our embrace she realized our hands had found grace as our heartbeats sang a tune we felt through our palms on that warm afternoon.

1.5k · Nov 2013
Marc Pruchnitzky Nov 2013
The feeling so overwhelming our hearts jump for the cause, to stand up and fight no matter the cost. As our hearts open up to shelter our loved ones from the shadows of the lost. We take the shadowed blows with our bodies as the cost, beaten we must rise again to save our loved ones from those who would sin. If we do not they may fall to these sins, some to return others to never be seen again. Only when they cleanse themselves, will they return to see us once again. For we as the protectors and we'll fight for what we've lost. We are young men and we will battle no matter the cost. We will fight until our eyes meet again. For we are young men and we will fight for our loved ones and protect them from sin. For those who don't remember, I pray you'll find truth. To join me on this battle to those we hold true. For this battle cannot be won solely with steel, we need minds and wits to aid and appeal. My weapon is my words it's how I cast my light, to shatter the darkness so they gleam in the light. I see our strong nation with darkness in sight. We need our protectors to stand in the light, to protect our loved ones from the dark days in view. So that we will be able to look at them and they see us to.
911 · Nov 2013
Marc Pruchnitzky Nov 2013
Tell me child what's the matter why don't you ever smile. Every-time I see you your face is hidden Beneath that frown. Has someone hurt you? Or Can't you see? What is it boy c'mon you can tell me. I'll keep it a secret pinky promise I swear! His eyes told the tale for his voice was made to fail. With his hand on my shoulder he expressed his thoughts. Sorrow, pain, and judgement, but most of all loss. I couldn't understand it this child whom I thought what just a little tot. He knew so much more then I ever could see, his blue eyes they looked as if they where in a dream. No words yet uttered his story still streamed. This boy had no family he was all his own, he had never found that one place to call his true home. As I welled up inside this small boy began to cry. His tears warm to my finger I could see inside like a picture. The small boy he had only one friend, but fate had not abide to the small boys cries as he watched his friend die, even though he tried he could not revive his friend he felt he let him die. Broken as he fell before the large metal door that protected our cell. All these years, these years that he lied and said he was alright fell before me like stars in the night sky. This young lad had, had it so rough I could not imagine another to survive through this kind of stuff. Collapsed on the floor just like in the days of the bullies he abhorred curled holding his head. Never ending it seemed his downfalls they gleamed. But I soon hit the floor for the last of his horrors had hit a spot so sweet. He had watched them die from the shelter they had shown. His parents they cried as they knew he would survive to be haunted alone. I could not stop I cried and I cried for I had finally seen. That this was no boy image or thought. but a vision of myself replayed throughout my dreams.
907 · Dec 2013
Breaking Point.
Marc Pruchnitzky Dec 2013
I wonder how many times I'll say hello to these strange people I am said to know. I can see the look on their faces and the false happiness that they all show. Why can't they be real why must they lie? I'm sick of being played by time! I want them to be straight up, I want them to know that I can see their problems they always show. I just want them to be real to stop the lying and hate. Why can't they just say these things to my face! Mabey I could help them or at least understand why. But no these idiots think its smarter to hide. To keep the demons that eat at their pride. I'll tell you this I want you to know that if I have a problem I won't be apart of your emotionless show. I'll open up express my thoughts. To many times have I welled up my thoughts, but now I'm boiled over to the brim. I've taken so much and held it all in. But not again I can't hold it in, I've been filled to the brim. I'm sorry but not again, I can't do it this is the end.
774 · Mar 2014
Tailored (unedited)
Marc Pruchnitzky Mar 2014
I've been hiding under the covers just trying to stay warm, but it's hard with my mind lost and my heart torn. I've felt a wander for years, weeks, and days, lost amidst these clouded emotional waves. To make sense of them would take an effort I could not obtain. So now I wander throughout this dark and try to chase down the shattered pieces of my heart. Sometimes I'm left to wander this desolate wasteland for days just to have found a piece that is no longer the same, broken beyond repair with the touch of another still lingering around it in the air. Cold hands had grasped it when I was weak, they took advantage of my minuet opening. Those lifeless hands reached in and grabbed the strands that held my heart together, and in the wreckage they grabbed a piece that they would hold onto forever. So now as I wander in these black lifeless dreams I find those pieces and the taint that they still stream. And so I fashion another into its place but still I wonder will my heart ever be the same, so many different pieces all filled with so many different names.
743 · Dec 2013
Wounds of the heart.
Marc Pruchnitzky Dec 2013
As emotion rolls out those close around can see the pain deep inside of me. The nights when I lay awake in vain, haunted. It's the fact that your presence keeps sweeping over me. I can see you just like before, your old pickup truck and your flannel jacket torn. Your eyes so bright, so full of beautiful life. little did you know your major role and impact on life.  Gone but not forgotten my memories play, I'll never forget that day, when I was forced to give you away. With the echoes of my hurt heart beating everyday I remember you, and all that you used to do. There is never a more true statement then the one that Last i Heard come from you, when you had said "son I love you". I've laid awake these countless nights dreaming about you and your wonderful life. But it hurts, my heart hurts! It yearns for you, it's like a massive hole that's just ripping me into two. I just hope that you miss me to. And I promise I'll hold that moment, that last moment that I got to see you.
739 · Dec 2013
True love.
Marc Pruchnitzky Dec 2013
Words cannot describe that emotion in her eyes as her glaze casts upon the world. With an open heart she holds it, with an open heart she loves it, and with an open heart she lets it go but yet she wonders if she'll always be alone.

What is this emotion he wonders, what is this emotion mean to me? As the young man stares down the world. But nothing can hide the truth behind his eyes that wonders if he'll always be alone.

Just for a moment a moment in time two young hearts fall into gray. Blinded by distrust and dismay. But as they try to hold they are pushed farther from the real each day. Yet always they wonder, will I always be alone? Is there no one to call my own?

But one night he see's her and connects with her eyes. He knows instantly that there is something inside. But he has to be careful, because she has just fallen and her heart lay in ruins.

She see's him for the very first time and she's seen that look. It's like a hunger they hide.  She thinks she knows what he wants, so she just tries to hide. She gives him the shoulder, she turns him around, all in all she plain shut him down.

As he tries and tries, all he gets is denies. He won't quit though, he knows she'll come through. He wants to believe that she'll let him through. Time will not matter because he knows that this love is true.

As one heart yearns for his lost love, the other tries to mend its pieces. She tries to make sense of this strange crazy man. Why would he want her, why always hold out his hand. Why has he tried? Why does he not subside.

He will not hide he wants her, he knows that this is right! He pushes with all his might. Inch by inch he earns her maybe she has seen the light.

At last he has woo'ed her at last she has seen! He is not like the others, she just had to believe. The solemn man who has taken the day because he's taken the best she's his and his to stay.

She has opened her eyes, another day in this beautiful life. As she rolls over to the side of the bed she feels his arm grasp her and cups her sweet head. She lets him pull her close as they heat up the bed. At last she says  I'm no longer alone because I've found my own. I've found my everything I've found my all. He's just like me he understands it all. He reads my thoughts and through his whispers I hear the answers. True love is real and it's all because I've found you.

Two young lovers lay intwined. Two young lovers with love undying stay together forever more. For in the night the sky was alight as the world around drew new. Destructive weapons destroyed great intentions and ended the lives of so many to soon.

Time has passed but still that moment lasts of the two young hearts intwined stays true. For they are solidified by the light that ended their lives to soon. Perfect definition of each depiction of their love is true. Now if only the world could learn from this boy and girl that true love will always last through.

And Into the night you can still hear her delight as they dance through the stars and into the moon, and always they say that I love you.
724 · Mar 2018
Love knows no time
Marc Pruchnitzky Mar 2018
I will make your wait worthwhile.

With every moment and every smile.

You just keep flipping that hour glass making sure that no moments pass.

We'll hold on to what's true, we'll always say I love you.

We'll hold each others hand as we sprint through the grass, and fall in the leaves as the summers pass.

Skating on through this endless time, watching the snowflakes and seeing you shine.

We'd watch as seasons flew.

we both know that I’d stay until I’d turn gray and the nights fadeaway because i cherish those moments with you.

We'd stay until the day that one of us would say that I'll be waiting for you.

As time goes by and the seasons fly by our strong lovers story would be through.

They’d smile at the day when they could lay down and say don't worry I've come back to you.
702 · Mar 2014
Marc Pruchnitzky Mar 2014
I will make your wait worthwhile. With every moment and every smile. You just keep flipping that hour glass making sure that no moments pass. We'll hold on to what's true, we'll always say I love you. We'll hold each others hand as we sprint through the grass, and fall in the leaves as the summers pass. Skating on through this endless time, watching the snowflakes and seeing you shine. We'd watch as seasons flew. we both know that id stay until Id turn gray and the nights fadeaway because i cherish those moments with you. We'd stay until the day that one of us would say that I'll be waiting for you. As time goes by and the seasons fly by our strong lovers story would be through. He'd smile at the day when he could lay down and say don't worry I've come back to you.
680 · Mar 2014
Understand me
Marc Pruchnitzky Mar 2014
How many twisted memories of them do you hold? C'mon look back at those countless times you've been told that you're weak, insignificant, and a failure to behold. Look back at those times and remember me, the one who took the beatings who found the escapes. I'm still here I'm still here but I've no longer needed raised. What happens when you remember the days that they tortured you, it burns inside to see them walk by without so much as an apology it's true. More then that though the fight carries on that desire keeps you so strong. How many times do you look back and say "look at me now I'm more then you are today, I've changed and I'm a better person all around but inside I've stayed the same". So instead of throwing them away continue to look back and remember those days, those beatings in school. Those bullies so cruel, those teachers that could never understand, look back and remember them friend. Those memories are your life force the continue to heat your blood, show them what it takes to be a man instead of some ****.
655 · Dec 2013
Marc Pruchnitzky Dec 2013
This women is beautiful she's something to be seen, but all the guys they wonder what's Beneath those jeans. They want to see her body to judge it openly, but she dumbs down her hair to dumb down their thoughts. The queen of the scene is dressed in rags and cloths, she hides her beauty from these mad men who come in flocks. She's waiting for the one, the one that will see that true beauty is what the eyes cannot see but must believe. Her heart is strong as she moves along, to confront the coming days when people will say "why do you look that way?". As days pass by those suitors denied this beautiful women because her looks are her lies. But She vowed to keep the charade until her true love has come through, To sweep her away in his chariot to play with her hair under the moon. To live the life she dreamed evermore, to never have to hide herself behind the curtains she had worn.
536 · Apr 2015
Marc Pruchnitzky Apr 2015
And if I shall lay down tonight do not cry for my pain, but please rejoice in my name. It's what I've always dreamed, to save someone from their torment, twisted, plagued dreams. Though it seems my time was cut short it has not however because it was passed onto that victim. That person who was neck deep in the sand the one who would be lost if no one had dared wade into their sight.  they all warned me not to go that I would be stuck that they couldn't be saved. That's sadly just not how I work if I had done that I could no longer function in my mind I would instead be broken and lost in my head. I hope that in time you'll all see this to be true that the greatest gift us as protectors can give is my life for you. So please do not mourn my fall or condemn the one whom you've thought to have taken it all. Know that I loved this life and it was my honor to have saved you in your strife, do not think that your indebted to my sins because they have been payed for by your loving grin. go live and walk in the light. Now think of the Beauty of the sight of my outstretching wings as I rise in the light and imagine me it's wonderful I can finally do it I can protect them all at night.  

Every inch of my being would stand up for the little guy, I always have no matter how bad the beating.
506 · Nov 2013
Dad I miss you.
Marc Pruchnitzky Nov 2013
Lost in these months of memories of times we've had with you. All the while we've been told that time heals all wounds. Time is cruel like a punishment it stings, It seems like its been eons since I've been with you since I've heard your voice sing.  But while every night I dream your spirit appears so bright, and with that smile so luminescent that shatters all the darkness in sight. Every night I sit with you and every night I pray to find some peace and comfort in the coming day. Only to awaken from something that could only be a dream to carry out my life in the shadow of your wings.
425 · Nov 2013
Marc Pruchnitzky Nov 2013
Numb to the touch of the heat on your skin. Like a ghost he slips through you and falls flat again. Pain from before it's what you abhor to let him sink his way in. Though you think it's right and you fight with all your might. The truth just begins to sink in. The need to be free to end his treachery takes ahold and fills you to the brim. Breaking free of his last melodies you can see the world without him. Running fourth with no remorse you feel the freedom and chase the wind. Passing moments carry the torn man from his sin. As he weeps in the night  staring at the stars holding the moonlight he prays. Oh god let it be me the one who can take the pain. Let it be me to be the one to remember her name. Let her be free of the unjustified love. Let her find the one she will love. Lord let her forget, forget all of me so that her heart be not torn. Oh lord I pray to thee in my time of need let her be free and forget about me.
401 · Nov 2014
The Dream
Marc Pruchnitzky Nov 2014
I want to fall in love so deep, I want you to take my heart and with it create beautiful memories. Because those are the nights I can sleep. When we're wrapped up lying together I swear I have not felt that in what seems to be forever. And although the night may pass with it I know that our love will last. Because in the morning you look so sweet. Your iris when it looks at me radiants unto me, and through it I see all of you just as you see all of me.
384 · Apr 2014
Please I only ask for peace
Marc Pruchnitzky Apr 2014
And into the darkness I'll write.

I'll lay down my words that have
plagued since light.

A true openness is what you'll see.

A true openness of me.

The pain in which I've once adorned I can not hold back anymore.

Restless thoughts keep me awake.

Images that dance form to pictures and then to a face.

And it's always the same.

It's your picture it's burned in my brain.

How can you do it you've been gone for so long.

But still my mind remembers you like it would a song.

How I just wish that I could get away.

To escape from that stare the happy glare that radiates from your face.

But no matter what I do I cannot forget you or all the things you've taught and told.

All I want to do is make them a blank figure to which no name could uphold.

I suppose I'll never forget.

I'll never get over.

I'll always regret.

Those days long since told.

But now I'll lose myself in another drink.

Another sip just a tip let that sweet liquid flow.

Let it take me away to better days where the story had yet to be told.

Let me get lost in my unbalanced thoughts.

Let me sin.

Because moments that I forget you are moments that sometimes create happiness within.

— The End —