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It's not the doubt that does it.
It's not the second thoughts
nor is it the insecurities.
It's not about the lack of trust
or the saturated lust,
it's not the natural attraction
or the ****** satisfaction.

It's just the sickening familiarity of it all.
The painful realization that I've been here before, again and again,
yet each time expecting something...

 Jul 2016 Mandi Drake
if you step in the ****
then you are bound to spread it
doing the ***** work
for the ******* who shed it

who is holding the spoon
here's your chance to stir it
let's forget the truth
spread the **** to blur it

if you play in the ****
then you are bound to regret it
when it covers you
then you'll finally get it
poetry is the reason
I realize
That not all men

That not all men

That not all men

That not all men

That not all men
Are destructive

But it's enough men
For me to be scared
Of all men
I know what it must be like
to deal with me;
but I assure you
it's not as hard
as dealing with being me.

I simultaneously push people away,
keep them at a distance with falsities
designed to prevent incidents
like people actually getting to know the real me

and wish they knew enough to understand

why it is that I grew to become this.
I've been thinking a lot about how pathetic these incessant thoughts of wanting a decent father are.

— The End —