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 Dec 2015 Madeleine
is a breath never released
suffocation of the lungs
and the whole of your mind
is a clock
that never stops ticking
with the constant click, from past to present
Time never ends
and oh darling
nor does anxiety.
 Oct 2015 Madeleine
raine cooper
 Oct 2015 Madeleine
raine cooper
i can only write of you,
and you will live here with me
for as long as my hands can hold a pen
 Oct 2015 Madeleine
David Ehrgott
The pit girl, the pit girl
Wears a mood ring
On her right *******
I wonder what that brings
When nascar needs a woman
To sing the national anthem
They look for the blonde
With her daisy dukes on
The pit girl, the pit girl
Wears a mood ring
On her right *******
I wonder what that means
She's not a tire changer
Nor a football exchanger
She's the pretty blister
With the lip syncing sister
The pit girl, the pit girl
Wears a mood ring
On her right *******
I wonder what that brings
 Sep 2015 Madeleine
David Ehrgott
My rooster's hard, bent blue again
Might break out of her pen
I'd hate to be the headline news
or view on news at ten
Four more people died today
Struck by hotwire pole
There must be something I can do
Something I can poke

I'd like to tunnel through then, glue
your underground encavement
So, no one else could trespass
on your petals nor their softness
I see you.  How do you do?
Let songs of love begin
Carried on through morning light
May sunshine never end
And lay your head on morning wood,
together we will mend
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