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895 · Jul 2014
The contents of myself
Maddie Jul 2014
I live with pain
Its breath-
Its burden.
I live in pain
Its whispers-
It's wicked.

I  break beneath
the weight
of my frame.
                      I'm tearing
                      at my seams.
I can barely contain
831 · Jul 2014
Pain does not just go away
Maddie Jul 2014
I have a sister
Belittled and Torn
Who probably feels forgotten.
Past pain
Rebounds and ricochets
Inside her empty soul.
She cries at night
Sometimes, I know
But she doesn't deserve her tears.
Those cookie-cutter phrases
Couldn't  begin to describe her
I have a sister with a funny laugh
And pale skin.
A sister who dances
When she pleases.
I have a sister
Who likes to be alone.
Whose fragile heart-
Once so loving,
Slowly turned to stone.
I have a sister
Who learned to forget
And who learned to love me again.
I have  sister
Who tries to forget
But sometimes remembers
the pain most present.
She didn't deserve her past,
Or pain
But she deserves a
perfect future.
801 · Jul 2014
Maddie Jul 2014
is a long time.
I never want
My words to end-
Each syllable is
A new breath Taken.
And my voice screams through
My writing-
I breathe through my prose
Live through my poems.
And if my poems never end
Then I will live
770 · Jul 2014
Sometimes I feel ashamed
Maddie Jul 2014
My father served in peace
My grand dads served in war
I come from a long line
Of service.

I wanted to serve
I wanted to fight
But then I found out
A woman couldn't march
On the front lines.

I'm older now
The laws have changed
I believe
I have changed
I want a degree
A family
Bravery  just isn't in my name.
564 · Jul 2014
Maddie Jul 2014
These Two Years
Have felt like
An eternity-
With forever wrapped up
In Christmas paper
And shoved
Under the tree
563 · Aug 2014
If there were any
Maddie Aug 2014
If waves could wash
My memory of you
I'd sleep in the rivers, and
533 · Mar 2014
Maddie Mar 2014
Will is an ember that
kindles inside
of the Heart,
like a predators' instict to ****.
It is there,
carved deep
with a blade into our genetics.
It is there,
waiting dormant for
near fatality
to to gently rest his cold,
hands upon our faces.
It is there, when nothing else is.
It is the driving force of living,
It is something that every human being is born with.
527 · Mar 2014
Maddie Mar 2014
Did you run, or were we torn    
Seperated by miles, our
tend to bind us together; we are
by lost tendencies and hope.
miss you. Please
me. All the
shared. Now though, we drift;
ways. Distance has the best of
I'm lost.
488 · Jul 2014
Maddie Jul 2014
You're bent on fury
On rage and revenge
The heart of hell lives

I ask you release
The anger you seek
But it always comes
477 · Dec 2014
Seven Days and Still born
Maddie Dec 2014
You were never
A Miscarriage
Because that implies
You were never really
442 · Mar 2014
Maddie Mar 2014
Aside from the Feelings
of the contours
of the Earth,
It is the times we feel
That hurt us
425 · Mar 2014
You're still born
Maddie Mar 2014
I remember
Everything you could have been,
And realize now
Everything you're not.
And ink on flesh
Never dissolves
Into the beating
Of a heart.
416 · Mar 2014
Breathless Fire
Maddie Mar 2014
Breathless fire
Knows no bounds
To which it spreads
It's fiery
408 · Mar 2015
The gate to Skyland
Maddie Mar 2015
You crave the love
You're afraid to find
And so you drown yourself
In bars and lies.
You thrive in the sadness
You pretend you don't feel
And look for happiness
In emptiness.

I think of you often
Cry for you even-
Praying someday
The scars of your past
Will fade away.
I pray someday
You'll find
The love your soul so craves.
394 · Jul 2014
I am Stronger
Maddie Jul 2014
I live now only in his wake-
I breathe now only his breath.
Some would say
I'm weak;
Living for the sake of another-
For him.
I see myself now,
Without him
I could live.
I love not out of need
But out of want.
Do not tell me
I am weak
When you could never know
The strength of my heart.
374 · Mar 2014
Maddie Mar 2014
My eyes are your cell:
They  hold our empty memories.
There resides
Everything you could be.
And in our mother's womb,
Lies everything you are.
372 · Aug 2014
Maddie Aug 2014
You can be anything-
Without the burden of pain.
You are everything, in being
You were something.
You still are-
My sister.
I can forget the pain
And I can say your name
359 · Jul 2014
I will never Crawl
Maddie Jul 2014
I don't care how
Beaten and Broken
My body may be
I will always
Run up the stairs,
Just to remind myself
I can.
334 · Apr 2015
Let go
Maddie Apr 2015
Let me breathe
Some sort of ruthless fire
Into your soul
And light up the remains
Of your heart
So you can be brought back
To life
And maybe Find
Some sort of love
For yourself.
315 · Jan 2015
And I can't say I'm sad.
Maddie Jan 2015
sometimes we were
in love.
but those feelings
caught fire
and in the end
caught flight.
the ebbing memories
of how we used
to be
weren't enough
to hold us together.
in the end,
it was me who left
after two years
of begging you
to stay.
and in the end
it was me who said no
when you
came back.
in the end,
your shallow words
weren't enough to save us.
in the end,
it was you who drove me
near the end
i found someone else,
and you didn't care
when i went to his house
you should have cared
because that was when
i saw i no longer loved you
i no longer wanted you.
that was when i saw
i only wanted him.
now i have him
and you're gone,
and in the end
we were too different
and we fought
and you were mean
and the love we sometimes held
wasn't enough
to save us.
314 · Jul 2014
October 23
Maddie Jul 2014
Halloween is meant for
Fairies and Ghosts,
But you donned your costume
Six years later
And I still wonder
Why you dressed up
As death.
312 · Mar 2014
The Pressure
Maddie Mar 2014
I tremble
Beneath the weight of
My own expectations.
I fear
For the day I
310 · Aug 2014
For you
Maddie Aug 2014
I'd feel the floor
Move beneath me
And send the Earth
Into the Sun-
Where it would shatter
And burn.
I would Burn the world
303 · Mar 2014
Maddie Mar 2014
I want to be
The perfect waves
that settle along
the edges of the sea.

But I'm only the sand- on the beach-
being carried away by
the waves I so crave
to be.
297 · Mar 2015
Maddie Mar 2015
I love you because
You respond to my touch
Even as you dream
And it makes me think:
    Maybe that dream is of me.
294 · Aug 2014
Light-years away
Maddie Aug 2014
I wish your ashes
Would turn to dust
So I could
Throw them to the Night.
And if you were a star
I'd tie myself
To the moon
Just to be
A little closer
To you.
286 · Jul 2014
Maddie Jul 2014
I'll have the last word
The last breath
I want to be
The last thing
On their minds.
And when I die
I'll leave behind
Words no one
Will ever forget.
286 · Aug 2014
Wrong Choice
Maddie Aug 2014
I make art;
Portraits piled
On portraits-
My body covered in paint.
My work hangs on the Walls
And often rests
In the trash.

There is something beautiful
In a picture-
But like beauty
It meets no means,
And will leave me
In its
271 · Dec 2014
I'd give my breath
Maddie Dec 2014
I mourn for the
You were never meant
To have.
246 · Jul 2014
Maddie Jul 2014
An innocent
That will never
That's all I'll ever
Let you be-
Because you're the
I will never see,
And your name only hurts me
239 · Mar 2014
For nothing
Maddie Mar 2014
Sometimes we spend
Our entire lives

— The End —