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 Jul 2014 Lucas K
Pearls of White
A word is just a word
if it's just one word

A word is just a word
be it seen or heard

A phrase, just a phase
a few minutes, hours, days

A phrase, when misplaced
leaves a man disgraced

A verse won't make a song
with no melody playing along

A will, however strong
cannot prevent all wrong

A way, when it is found
makes strength of will abound

A rhyme without reason
is like giving order to chaos

A sea is nothing more than
an infinite number of drops

A life is so much more than
a speck in an infinite cosmos

But a word may just be a word
silly, pointless and absurd
 Jul 2014 Lucas K
Marge Redelicia
you make me

no warm greeting and bright smile
can thaw your heart
enfolded in ice.
i thought
maybe there's a blizzard blazing in your mind,
burying your hopes in depths of snow
and you've grown
too cold and too numb
to notice.

at the short second you met my gaze,
i saw that your once bright brown eyes
now had a deep shade of blue:
painted with fear and anxiety.
and as you flicked your head away
i felt a chilly gale,
so frigid
it's enough to make any hot blood crystallize

who knew that your silence to me
can sound like a ravaging avalanche, crashing

i don't
want to touch you
for i'm afraid that i would
unable to move
on and swallow the cold hard fact that
you really do
not care
for me
at all.

so i'll just huddle to myself,
stay frozen,
and shiver
as i think of the catastrophe
that has happened
to you
and of you.
 Jun 2014 Lucas K
Rayna Quaresma
A soft sheer of cold air shivers thy soul,
An obligation to conflate, in bareness, i'm told.
To feel the sorrow, of the ones i borrow,
To feel the shame, needing someone to blame.
As i bedight myself, alone, by myself,
The feelings i felt, weren't mine to be felt.
Strangling my empathy, as rain drips sympathy,
Fearing oblivion, as oblivion fears me.

A soft sheer of warm air shivers thy mind,
An infatuation to affection, unless out of sight-out of mind.
To feel the love, of ones who love.
To feel a swain, who is never ashamed.
As i comfort myself, around much of else,
The feelings i felt, were meant to be felt.
Grasping my empathy, as sunshine blares carefully,
Loving inevitable, as inevitable loves me.

A soft sheer of hot air shivers thy body,
An inspiration to hatred, is thee state of my body.
To feel the pain, of fire sustained.
To feel the hate, of but one's mistake.
As i defend myself, around everyone else,
The feelings i felt, should never be felt.
Fearing my empathy, as thunder strikes terribly,
Hating hate, as hate hates me.
 Jun 2014 Lucas K
Leonard Cohen
The birds they sang
at the break of day
Start again
I heard them say
Don't dwell on what
has passed away
or what is yet to be.
Ah the wars they will
be fought again
The holy dove
She will be caught again
bought and sold
and bought again
the dove is never free.
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.
We asked for signs
the signs were sent:
the birth betrayed
the marriage spent
Yeah the widowhood
of every government --
signs for all to see.
I can't run no more
with that lawless crowd
while the killers in high places
say their prayers out loud.
But they've summoned, they've summoned up
a thundercloud
and they're going to hear from me.
Ring the bells that still can ring ...
You can add up the parts
but you won't have the sum
You can strike up the march,
there is no drum
Every heart, every heart
to love will come
but like a refugee.
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.
That's how the light gets in.
That's how the light gets in.
 Jun 2014 Lucas K
Ashley Browne
As autumn trees all shed their leaves,
I’d like to place them back
One by one, and watch the sun
Who fears the moon’s attack.

He’s chased all day and finds a way
To hide his light at dusk.
‘Til farmers wake he takes a break,
Then flee again, he must.

Time goes fast and seasons pass,
My friends, I wish you luck.
I watch the sky, the moon goes by;
I think she’s catching up.
The places I have gone,
Into the gutter onto the street,
Every fiber,
Of my uneven being,
A little yin,
A lot of yang,
And the realization,
Of the cost of "freedom",
Is security,
And the lies swept under the rug,

Where do I go?
In this world I do not fit within,
It suits me not,
Too corporeal, too moralistic,
Too judging, and a little bit too thin.

Always finding reasons,
To opress other human beings,
Even in democracy,
The masses lurk,
Judging, what is good men.
The young are chained,
Binded by systems and laws,
Signed to social contracts,
They didnt ask for,
and most will never understand.

All in the great,
revolutionary idea!
Oh, yes, as they will tell you with a smile,
You can be anything you want to be!
(If you get a 4.0)
You can love freely!
(Except gays and underaged)
And women let me tell you,
Yes how to get an abortion,
And when!

Always distinguishing,
Classifying people,
Alpha and beta,
And whatever else in bygone alphabets,
We are social animals,
Civilized only in lies.
And all men are not created equal!
Some are born to die.
We laugh in the face of this evil,
Because we cannot control our own existence,
And the only other option is to cry,
And self annihilate.
Of course, to the world,
This is so very wrong.
Such a crazy guy.

There is no freedom I say.
Only the mirror image,
The perception of such,
We make our own choices,
Pre ordained by our genetics,
Our expereinces, our cultures,
The boxes of our very thoughts,
Ergo the very essence of who we are,
For if we were different,
We would go left,
And not right,
into the very clutches of Satan,
The demons men swear by.

I've got nothing nice to say,
Or contribute to society,
So I oft think,
I'd best stay silent,
And censure myself away,
I hurt my friends,
My family my loved ones,
And add onto the suffering list,
Still knowing the worst I got,
is better than a lot of men.

So, alas,
Mi amore,
I have a lie to say,
If you but love me,
Oh just one night,
I will love you,
 Jan 2014 Lucas K
Regina Derieva
All my life
I sought
an angel.
And he appeared
in order to say:
"I am no angel !"
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