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 Nov 2012 Lover Kaitlynn
when left adrift
lose a grounding
essential to health..
how might these
far flung meanderings
be grasped
and tempered within..?

when we Associate..
delightful similarities found
those differences also..
unities spring forth
somehow easing
anxieties of living..
stress retreats
and released health
trickles in...
I crave one moment
bright and astonishing
filled with revelations
liberating my mind
A moment that could
change everything
leaving this stagnation
Tangled limbs copulating
is the only

I'll ever need.
Park swings and polished slides
roundabouts and see-saw rides
country walks and babbling stream
honey pots and tins of cream
Kitchen sink or comfy seat
rain drops on an urban street
poetry and old love songs
wooden spoon and salad tongues
pinny or a pencil skirt
the way you look in my old shirt
the way I nag the way you chide
the nights we've spent sat side by side
beef stew and cake and sweet courgettes
high heeled shoes and sheer fish nets
silence in kisses laughter in eyes
and longing in those long goodbyes
There's a fresh breeze blowing
lightly speckled with a fine rain
as I stand face tilted up receiving it's kisses
smiling thinking of you
your soft breath upon my skin
the moistness of your lips against my cheek
my head tilted back
receiving once more your kisses

whilst smiling.
Her Handcuffs
like sleigh bells
as Christmas comes early.
It's a toss up
coffee or kisses
to awaken me

have both...  you say
sharing with me
caffiene painted lips
The traditional Christmas Windows of Wonder
Were set to be unveiled at five
This meant to the children and parents
That Santa was set to arrive

Each year on the eve of the annual parade
All the stores in downtown did display
their annual Windows of Wonder
And the town was abuzz all the day

Children staring, windows frosting
Their mouths open wide like their eyes
Christmas was captured in an 8 by 10 box
With gifts piled up to the skies

Christmas presents of every sort
Trees and tinsel, lights and *****
Children staring, frozen stiff
Christmas wishes behind plate glass walls

Parents and children watched the parade
Waiting for Santa to come
In between all the floats, there were still the displays
As the children who all stood there numb

Toys and mechanics, robots and dolls
Trains and race cars on tracks
The children all stared and they dreamed of just how
Santa would get all these gifts in his sack

In the midst of the crowd was a blonde, little girl
A good breeze could just blow her away
She'd been hovering there, looking at one small doll
And she'd been there for most of the day

The parade, it passed by, but she never did look
she knew Santa was not here for her
There was only one thing that had captured her heart
And that was the doll, that's for sure

The other kids looked, made their lists in their heads
Ready to tell Santa their list
but, this little girl stood alone from the crowd
She was cold and her cheeks were ice kissed

The parade ended late, and Santa went in
took his chair and he met with the throng
But, this girl stood aside, never moving on up
And the Santa, knew something was wrong

He called her by name, which gave her quite a start
She was scared, but she moved at his call
She sat on his lap, and he reached down behind
And he gave the small girl the small doll

Her face lit the room, more than any display
She said "Santa, just how did you know?"
He said, "Sarah, my dear, it's as plain as can be"
"It's as easy as making it snow"

He put her back down, clutching her doll to her chest
And she walked to the front of the store
but, before she went out, she turned back to say thanks
And where he was, there was Santa no more

Is it magic to think that this Santa was real?
Or did this man know just what he should do?
He made Sarah's Christmas, by giving that doll
And I'm sure he made many more too

The Children of Christmas stare wide eyed all day
Dreaming hard of when Santa will call
But,, off in the corner of the chlly, young crowd
Stands a girl, with her new Christmas doll
I could live off tea.
Black, Chai, Green, Herbal, and Mint.
Best stuff in the world!
This is my first Haiku I've written. Thought I'd give it a try.
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