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490 · May 2016
ln May 2016
your hair was gold, shades of sand and spring
you loved the way the sun bounced right off it & made it shine
but the only sun i have ever known is the kind of sun that needed to burn so bright my organs set themselves on fire and it burns, it burns but my mind does not know how to stop, it is a pleasure to feel something

your eyes were blue, the shade of blue of a bright blue sky and an ocean
you never realized how dark they turned when you were deep in thought
but the more i looked, the more they turned into a storm, and my body screamed drown me, please drown me i promise i will forget how to swim

your name was Bran, spelt with a capital B, capitalized, bold, underlined for Break my heart
please break my heart, i need to know it is still in me,
please shatter me over and over again i need to know what it is like to not feel numb, please break me, please just break me,
Altered details, mostly imaginative.
487 · Oct 2014
I only have one question
ln Oct 2014
why do bad things happen to good people ?
470 · Sep 2014
ln Sep 2014
That night changed my life
Forever, I presume
Because today, now
I can't even think of what it'll be like
If I were to wake up tomorrow
And deal with the absence of you

Within the short period of time of getting to know you,
The mini arguments
The constant " I'm sorry "
The usual " I don't know what I'd do without you "
The sarcastic and witty comments
The " I'm only mean to you because I love you" 's

I find myself feeling on top of the world

I don't know how you did it
Or why you make me feel all these things
All I know is that

You grew a universe inside of me


I don't ever want to lose you.
I said it, I don't ever want to lose you.
406 · Nov 2015
ln Nov 2015
Do you know what it's like to look at everyday things

Only to think of ways that those things could help you **** yourself?

— The End —