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 Aug 2017 karma
Penelope Winter
For if I told you that I love you
Anywhere but my poetry
It would give you the power
To walk away.
So for now I will write
'Til the pen falls from my hand.
Never not loving you
And never not denying it.

- p. winter
 Aug 2017 karma
At dusk I hang up
a worn blue work
shirt that smells
strongly of love
of dirt of the earth
melancholy, sweat
yesterday's brews
the blues, regret
twenty cigarettes
black breath
of the bone moth
old blood, moon dust
spring pollen, summer
grass, Autumnal ****
winter's cold blast
sea salt and pine needles
mountain laurel, desert air
my dog's hair, I swear
I can't bear the thought
of washing or throwing away
all the stains, the growing pains
the laughter, the sorrows
these history lessons I need
to get me through tomorrow.
 Aug 2017 karma
Neha Srivastava
I am a woman , I should be timid - They say
I am a human , I know no limit  - I say,

My existence is not meant for your judgment
Crushing me is not a sign of your triumphant,

My love for you has always been abundant
Why am I the one to make all the adjustments,

Look into my eyes , you'll see a twinkle
Savaging it , is so sinful,

My demand for freedom makes you reluctant
Clothed in societal norms , I have to bear its repercussion,

How are the governing laws so different for Both
What makes you so nervous of my growth,

Why do I have to fight for what is my right
Why do you enjoy my plight,

Being submissive is declared my attire
No one hears what my heart desires,

I am not the one to dance on your note
I am a volcano that erupts on my own,

I don't demand anything extraordinary
All I seek is equality,

Equality to Breathe without fear
Equality to be safe my dear!!!!!
A tribute to Equality of a woman
 Aug 2017 karma
Vanessa Gonzalez
There are days where I allow myself to miss you.
I let my heart open up to the days that our love was the strongest,
And I allow myself to miss it.
I have to.
When it all gets too much it's like I'm a wooden wall holding back a tsunami.
I let myself cry, just enough for it to be okay.

Sometimes I miss you.
Sometimes I wish I could see you,
Or hear from you.
But it's only sometimes.
Because in the midst of the few happy memories,
There are still those that haunt me.
Those memories are what keep me strong enough.

Once upon a time I loved you.
Now that love is only a lesson.
A lesson about what love should not feel like.
So when I feel like I want to miss you,
I remember what it's like to be happy now that I'm alone.
I remember what it's like to be free.
To breathe.
 Aug 2017 karma
 Aug 2017 karma
And this is it
this is how you lose me.

Wake up my ghosts,
they will hand you what
you need
to end this

and then **** me
when you're angry enough

and do it slowly.

Leave bullets in my body
so i can taste the warm metal
the soft decay
long after
the resurrection

Let me dismantle myself
when you aren't looking,
you don't know
what suffering is

So when you look for me
the next morning and wonder,
why i didn't help you rise from ash,
why i was always so depressed,
why i left,

it was because
i thought i could trust you
to love
everything i was

i remember every single time
i forgave you when
everything screamed in me
to hate

i realize now
i am afraid of you
the same way
i was before

and you lack the ability to understand that,
or realize what damage
you dealt

This is how you lose
this war


i knew,
ever since i let myself
allow you in

that you
would be
the death of
it was my fault

"wolf in sheep's clothing"
© Copywrite Skaidrum
 Aug 2017 karma
Summer Nights
 Aug 2017 karma
And lo, with evening shadows comes the twinkle of the stars.
Yonder is the rising moon and further west is Mars.

How wondrous is The Milky Way, away from city lights.
The silence seems to deafen me on sultry rural nights.

Oh, I could sit upon the porch and listen here for hours.
Indeed, the night reflects the subtle magic of nature's powers.

Play on, oh evening symphony and with this starry scene,
Delight my senses off to slumber with a summer dream.
I so enjoyed the beautiful glow of the moon tonight.
Sweet sultry dreams tonight!
 Aug 2017 karma
Malak S
 Aug 2017 karma
Malak S
What a fool am I to think,
That I could possibly find love in a decade where,
Being heartless is praised,
And loving with your entire being,
Is bashed into oblivion.

— The End —