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I always saw it coming
Can't say that I'm surprised
You're just like everybody
And I believed your lies

Truth be told I wish
I had the strength to do it
Rip you away from inside
Forget you, mean it and prove it

Life's been harsh in this town
It's a struggle in every front I lead
Selfishness is all around
Your picture makes it harder to breathe

You don't care, you don't know
And all I know is I'll be cured someday
A time will come when all my being
Won't care enough to ask you to stay

I heard you all those times and believed
I saw us in my longing for that "one day"
Millions of times and tears fell out of place
Always for you,

Just not today
Why can't you be horrible and full of unforgivable flaws?
Why does it gets worse and not better inside my stupid, devoted heart?
Why do you still feel the same to me?
Your skin hasn't lost that scent I knew
The scent I still know and can remember by simply closing my eyes
The scent I still desire and find familiar
Even if it really never was
 Apr 2014 Liz Stevens
Doy A
 Apr 2014 Liz Stevens
Doy A
He fell in love with me, but only temporarily.
He fell in love with me, but it was too late.

I fell in love with him, and it was too quick.
*I fell in love with him, and he’ll never know.
 Apr 2014 Liz Stevens
Eddie Starr
The Savior is coming soon , we need to quit focusing on the blood moon.
For we need to start to  focus on saving souls for the Kingdom to come again.
We need to focus less on who is saved and who is not saved in this world.
For we need to start to focus on the Kingdom to come once again people.
Our Mission and our Purpose is to reach out to the lost in this world.
For we need to start to focus on the Kingdom to come again instead of other things.
For we leave the lost and the save in Christ hands, for he is the judge of everything.
 Apr 2014 Liz Stevens
Eddie Starr
Everyone has a story to tell.
A role and a purpose to fulfill.
Everyone needs someone to care.
Everyone needs Christ in their life.
Even the ones whom believes otherwise.
Everyone needs to be rescue, even from themselves.
 Apr 2014 Liz Stevens
Eddie Starr
My chains are not from addictions, but suffering for Christ.
The worship God and you shall become rich is a lie from ****.
For a lot of men and women whom are poor or middle-class.
Know God more intimately then most of the wealthy.
Yes I seen some that gave away a lot to help out others.
They truly know Christ, but most shall never be rich here.
But rather their riches await them in heaven, after they leave here.
For Christ says himself,store your riches where moths can not eat nor can thieves steal.
 Apr 2014 Liz Stevens
Eddie Starr
My heart needs touch by the Living God, to become completely healed.
From all the hurts, rejections, from all of the deaths that have occurred.
For only he can see the extent of all of these, only he can wipe my heart clean.
No human can perceive, the hurt, anger, and rejection that a person can feel.
For only Christ can see all and know the issues that we have gain from life.
For to be perfect with no problems is fraud, for everyone has some issues.
For we all have some hurts, pains, and sufferings that we have gone through.
We all need Christ to come into our hearts, to wipes them completely clean.
This way we will be just as emotional clean as Heart Love Clean.
For you can love with this pain and suffering, for love is a verb a action.
Its not a feel noun for that love does not come from God above.
I once loved a woman with this overwhelming love, it does not come from God.
For the love was so powerful that she became my God , but Christ saved me from this addicted love.
 Apr 2014 Liz Stevens
Eddie Starr
Lets be real, a humble man gets raise up while the prideful fall.
Inner strength is pushing those things that would drive most to suicide.
Inner strength, is living even though your world is falling down around you.
Even though you are losing everything that you love deeply in life.
You just never give in to giving up in life, this is true inner strength.
For why let go when the next miracle in your life could be around the corner.
Only by giving your life to Christ can he find peace in your wearily life.
 Apr 2014 Liz Stevens
Eddie Starr
When you feel like all your strength is gone and you are lost without strength.
When you feel like everything that gave your life meaning is gone.
When you feel all alone and like no one cares about you at all.
When you feel like your life is empty with no purpose in it at all.
There is only one that could rescue you now, he lives above in heaven.
Cry out to him to reveal himself for he is all ears, he will show you.
For he loves you with unconditional love, real true agape love.
For he is here for you, he shall never ever let you down.
 Apr 2014 Liz Stevens
W. H. Auden
Encased in talent like a uniform,
The rank of every poet is well known;
They can amaze us like a thunderstorm,
Or die so young, or live for years alone.
They can dash forward like hussars: but he
Must struggle out of his boyish gift and learn
How to be plain and awkward, how to be
One after whom none think it worth to turn.

For, to achieve his lightest wish, he must
Become the whole of boredom, subject to
****** complaints like love, among the Just

Be just, among the Filthy filthy too,
And in his own weak person, if he can,
Must suffer dully all the wrongs of Man.
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