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Sep 2017 · 307
Sweet boys
Shreya Pokharel Sep 2017
Sweet girls have parched lips
Decent girls wear ***** hoses to secure
Goosebumps are not a thing
You are a factual kind
I'm not in love.
I'm not in love.
Sep 2017 · 293
Shreya Pokharel Sep 2017
Your walks
Toes that tiptoe
Of generations to bring
You are lost in crowd of thousands
You survive
You don't crash
Of laughs and ashes
Beds are cursed with sleep
I can't take my eyes off you, every time all time
You don't move me
You ***** me.
Dec 2016 · 382
Shreya Pokharel Dec 2016
There is a wind that flows south west
Far from the east I belong to
I wait at the very end of the road
to see places that are higher than my reach
He places his hands on his rested knee
The two slytherins holding a whiff ball of smoke

They do not get it.
They wouldn't. but wouldn't my point be refuted in the  very second I start to wonder about what they think?
I polish hard, I put effort for the very first time.
I do not go with instincts anymore. I seek more than I possibly ever have before

Your truth, your lies. All so same
I go in a hole so white that I bleed in bliss
two horns and one body
and a soul that craves for more, everytime

Your mess is accessible.
My mind is not
Do not. Do not. do.
Sep 2016 · 647
Shreya Pokharel Sep 2016
For had I all the tabs in the world

The only I would open a few are the ones for you

The ones that shall seek not to tell much about me

Or you

For all I have is my incognito tab,flooded by jets and beans and lasers and sights

and I still can't pass a single one without stumbling through

something that reminds me of you, always

In words that rhyme and sing in chaos

I unbelong

For I never belong to you when we talk

or when I stare up to the crevices of your smile

I belong with you in motion, in the dark

In bumps and halts

Between the breaks and rests

and between the abrupt goodbyes.

With your words splashed across my face,

I belong with you,

in my incognito tabs.
Aug 2016 · 339
haiku undone
Shreya Pokharel Aug 2016
Bodies touched
breaths exchanged
held my baby as he entered the world.
Aug 2016 · 510
left alignment
Shreya Pokharel Aug 2016
everybody was on the right
and left was left to fight
she gathered no hope to try
for right made up a big fat lie

she snuck up at night
and slowly turned down the light
chased some old papers of past
that left had wrote to pour out the vast

right was right when  colors flew
left was drained out in the blue
whispers were made in the day
that left had nothing left to say

she whimpered in pain as right stole her glory
for he fabricated a whole bit of the story
left was left, and no one cared
right was right, so no one dared

till today, right keeps winning all the fight
and left is on the place where there is no light
so I chose a right path for me to save
but left sighed and signaled me for brave

i left the right and went down the lane
thats when people told i lost my brain
i was no more right in a way that led
with no money, i heaved and read

read and read till my light was shown
left my witness to cry and moan
i chose the left and here i am
there is no right for me to cram

left's my pal and i did the leave
not the right thing instead, with a heave
my thing to do is more so now
till the world looks at left and does the bow
i left the left to do the right
Jun 2016 · 555
Shreya Pokharel Jun 2016
Of air that can come and not go,
since he took her by his side and told her he'd never let her go
the paparazzi more than happy to celebrate their joy
to avoid eye contact in the brim as a boy
so soft it takes for joys to break
.as a matter of fact, she eats the morning paper for her breakfast.
her face glued to the 3 of pages
of glitz that even had her in search of 'sages'
first few months, such a bright honeymoon
to enjoy the few, sad comes so soon
of glasses that creak like soft porcelain
her aged beauty that came to fade?
some suspected this, and some that
she had her sleeves out to see if she grew fat
the months were counted, 5 it was
the father denied for it was nonsense
and she kept counting the days to pass
she craved the attention from the mass'
a little unknown boy would gather the fame
the ever changing world so tall
some day its the damsel in distress,
some day its a new boy for all.
Of damsels in distress in fame.
Dec 2014 · 696
days like this
Shreya Pokharel Dec 2014
Sometimes I wish
I could put my ink,
to the ebb of smoke
and string words.
Words that travel,
Words through the infinity of space,
so that when it reaches you,
the ashes burnt in my tongue will go through you
Into you, in words.
and vanish away, in the sweetest whiff.
Nov 2014 · 560
an old bag
Shreya Pokharel Nov 2014
Sending shivers down my spine
Veins as numb and cold as the Ganges
We spoke of faith and love trudged along
When you whispered your thoughts into me

I have been a forlorn sinner
With sins of troubles that nudged me tight
The embrace of wind brought you back
To the time I called you for dinner

Our obscurity gives me away
We look but shun, bury the night deep down
Today, my light flickers  as I stand
For the molted facade is my new play
Long long back.
Nov 2014 · 638
faints and whiffs
Shreya Pokharel Nov 2014
One day, I'll.let you down
I'll cast a spell so profound
And you will decay in my gaze of time
With a futile hope to lay the dime

Was it so good to be my muse
Did it consolidate your desire for a bruise
I acquired you with a lust within
And you so easily gave in for my thin

I preached and prayed to hold you tight
You became a slave to soak my light
My affinity for you was barely masked
You never denied for all I asked

And now I lay here, tore in shadows
I had let me thought what comes never goes
You held it right, when your will was tested
But you let it pass, when your affliction rested

For how long did I tame you rough
I didn't let you see any exemplary or enough
The war was lost, my grant repealed
When I saw the ghost of the lips that were sealed.
Sometimes I feel my poems are direct outliers of what has been put upon. This one describes what should've been felt by someone who had so subtly, so elegantly, ripped pieces of us apart.
Nov 2014 · 597
Shreya Pokharel Nov 2014
She, who speaks the best for us,
She, who speaks to rein the truth,
I saw her drop the card last night
To the late emperor who shall sue her true.

She laid beneath his scars and dug,
She screamed , she pounded, she fought a war,
I saw her eat her cries away
To the only card she'd managed to lay.

She saw herself face the dark,
She dressed in white to mark it right,
I saw her hide her cards in brief
To the man she loved, the man you believed.

And still I sit and wonder out loud
Why the whiff was carried out so proud
I gazed so hard I blissed in peace
The emperor, who stuck behind the leash.
Late night joint.

— The End —