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462 · Feb 2015
3:29 AM
LittleFreeBird Feb 2015
It’s Thursday night and I’m
Three sheets to the wind
And screaming for you
But my voice falls flat into the toilet
And the way you look at me
Makes me feel like you wish I’d disappear
Down the drain too
Along with all my other mistakes
459 · Mar 2015
A Peaceful Kind Of Chaos
LittleFreeBird Mar 2015
Those days when the sky is an impossible shade
that is stuck somewhere between "Oh god, anywhere
but here" and "It's too late, just let me be",
when the air itself is grey and every
breath you take only darkens it
until you walk around curtained in black,
and the mist clings to you like a
second skin and freezes your bones
and you must move slowly as not to
break them, but you can't let go of the fear
of being left behind so you ignore
the SNAP!-SNAP! of your extremities
buckling under a speed they
cannot handle.

Those are the days
when I walk softly and speak quietly
terrified one whisper will
shatter the world I have so precariously
built around myself.

I don't want to wake the dead.
453 · Sep 2014
LittleFreeBird Sep 2014
The details
                                                  ­              Leave me
As my time elapsed    

                                                    Know that                  
                                                                ­                 There is no choice in your
         ­                                                            That my creation
Is better than
                                                                ­  Reality

                                                      ­                                    And I can't promise
All the pieces


                                              You'­ll enjoy
                                               The noise
This is the unfinished "Black Out" poem I wrote for my class. It uses song lyrics from Slipknot and Jason Mraz. Let me know what you think about the positioning of the words. Too hard to read?
453 · Mar 2015
My Arms Are Always Open
LittleFreeBird Mar 2015
It's not so important to hold someone together
As it is to put them back again.
452 · Dec 2015
Like I Was Nothing
LittleFreeBird Dec 2015
They packed my existence away
in ***** card board boxes.
449 · Jul 2014
Little Things
LittleFreeBird Jul 2014
As we lay
Breathing each other’s oxygen
And wearing each other’s skin
You search my eyes
Asking the one question
That I can never answer you
"Why me?"
How do I tell you
That I do not know
I cannot say
What exactly
Causes my heart to race
My blood to boil
And my arms to ache for you
I cannot say what it is
That so enraptured me
In the first place
My love for you
Did not come violently
It was as gentle
As subtle
As calm
As the stroke of a butterfly's wing
Quietly it captured me
Folding me inside it's self
And I was consumed
But not destroyed
I chose to jump
But had no choice in falling
I cannot say why I love you
I like to think it is the little things
The rich sound of your laugh
A deep rumble in your chest
The way your fingers dance across the keys
And the melody they sing
Maybe it is
The way the sun catches your lashes
And swims in your eyes
The intensity with which you feel everything
And the open honesty
That comes so naturally
Or is it
The child like curiosity
To know everything
To understand what is beyond you
The stubborn
Willful side
That refuses to stop trying
The humor and good nature
That eases any burdens on my heart
It is all these little things
It is simply because
You are you
And that
Is more than enough.
443 · Nov 2014
LittleFreeBird Nov 2014

                                                            ­         A cacophony,
               ­                          Soundless
                                                                ­            Echoes
                     Of what

                                                      Used to be
425 · Mar 2015
What You Can't See
LittleFreeBird Mar 2015
It is going from living in a constant state of light to surviving in sudden darkness. Something has been blacked out your vision. You didn’t put it there, you didn’t want it there, you didn’t ask for it to come consume your sight and everything in it. You want to take off the blindfold, wipe the tar from your eyes, get rid of the blackness seeping into your retinas. Your hands are bound, and everyone keeps telling you “Just uncover your eyes, no one can help you but yourself” because they can’t see that your hands are tied. What they don’t realize is that theirs are too, and they will remain ignorant to their ******* until they are just like you, struggling to escape what has ensnared them. You would love nothing more than to rip the obstruction from your eyes, but you cannot. It colors everything in a lack of color, the darkness so infinitely black that nothing else can come through. You are detached, unhinged, and worst of all- no one can tell that you’ve gone blind.
425 · Mar 2015
LittleFreeBird Mar 2015
The grayness of everyday has become a comfort
Such that when the sun rises
It hurts to look
421 · Aug 2014
Bring Me Home
LittleFreeBird Aug 2014
Most days I barley eat
And most nights I hardly sleep
Without you
I'm so lost
Can you please find me
And bring me home?
420 · Apr 2017
Tissue Paper
LittleFreeBird Apr 2017
The most painful thing I've ever done
Is have strength

Trying to be steel
Only to feel like glass
To be so sure you'll

Just waiting for the first line to
I am left waiting

414 · Nov 2014
LittleFreeBird Nov 2014
We are all
But  our bones
And our mistakes
410 · Sep 2015
Now I'm Left Sinking
LittleFreeBird Sep 2015
I loved you
like crashing waves love the shoreline...

but then the ocean swallowed me up.
389 · Sep 2014
Through Her Eyes
LittleFreeBird Sep 2014
Fingertips brushing

Scars make regrets
And mistakes are in the past

But dream on
Little dreamer
Keep your hands held out
And eyes open

   ~   ~    ~   ~  

Open eyes
And out held hands
Dreaming little dreams

But the past is in mistakes
And regret makes scars


         ­            s
                           . . .
385 · Jul 2014
LittleFreeBird Jul 2014
Slowly I unravel/The thorns of this life
Picking at the threads/Of my soul
Who will sow me back together/In the end?
382 · Oct 2014
Thank You, Depression
LittleFreeBird Oct 2014
I never thought
the day would come
when words failed me
or my verses lay blank
unwritten on the page
but you have stolen
even that from me
my words are
the only thing sacred
I have
the only way
to free myself
my words
are the only things
that are mine
my hands refuse to pick up a pen
and I am left
to drown
371 · Jul 2020
LittleFreeBird Jul 2020



this gaping

place my heart

I am

and resonance has
deserted me

this is a lonely
place to be

inside myself

352 · Jul 2014
LittleFreeBird Jul 2014
Lightning strikes, burning
Stone remains- immovable
I am turned to dust
341 · Jul 2014
Prove It
LittleFreeBird Jul 2014
I wish
My love
That I could cut myself apart
And let you examine each piece
So that you would finally believe me
When I tell you
That every part of me
Is yours
And that every cell in my body
Loves you
336 · Aug 2014
The End
LittleFreeBird Aug 2014
And I believe the world will end in fire
For all of those who've tasted desire
Will burn the world to cinders
And dance among the ashes
Inspired by Fire and Ice by Robert Frost
336 · Apr 2016
LittleFreeBird Apr 2016
When his teeth
Sink in
I've never felt anything so gentle

No part of me is
Mine anymore
I am
No one
With out
His hands pushed deep
In my cavities
333 · Aug 2014
Internal Winter
LittleFreeBird Aug 2014
Breezily does the wind blow
But birds sing and hum softly
Despite warmth it snows
325 · Aug 2014
Ten Words, A Question
LittleFreeBird Aug 2014
With you gone
Who will stop me
From bleeding
LittleFreeBird Apr 2017
I don't remember who I am
With out you

That's the problem
LittleFreeBird Mar 2017
What we are has grown beyond words

We have blossomed into something extraordinary

With you I can touch the stars because

You are my piece of forever

And we created our own happily ever after

The nights when I am restless
Is when I think of you most

I keep you beneath my eye lids
Hoping I can touch you in sleep

The most selfless thing I'll ever do
Is love you

I'd gladly give you everything I have
And be left desolate
Still smiling
276 · Jul 2014
LittleFreeBird Jul 2014
I am restless
Yearning to stretch my shackled wings
To feel the wind streaming through my feathers
I long to be free
To be released into the blue above me
I watch you
With envious eyes
As you soar
Wings kissing the sun
And clouds clinging to your body
My spine quivers with desire
To chase
Glide alongside you
The bars close in
I am running out of room
I have long out grown my captivity
You watch me
With a wistful gaze
As you circle me
Waiting for the
Hour glass lock
To run out
That counts down the years
Until I may join you
LittleFreeBird Apr 2017
What if god is a
place where you go?
Not a
But a

— The End —