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Professor Marylyn-Dolly
Lagos, Nigeria    A Professor at a West African University EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND~~ PhD. An advocate for the girl child
A Cup Of Sunbeams
Hello :) Thank you a lot for checking out my page, but really, you should check out my friends page! Her name is Skaidrum, and …
Dark Delusion
19/F/Denmark    Check out my sister's work: SilverFlame.
Autumn Rose
F/Where the roses wilt    ,,Do not watch the petals fall from the rose with sadness, know that, like life, things sometimes must fade, before they can bloom again,,
Malaysia    I write whatever that I feel or see, so sometimes, it'll be ridiculous - don't mind that. There's a blank space there, and I might …
TN    Simple but complicated. Intelligent but easily fooled. Complex but easily solved. Sane in an insane world. Driven but walking. Lost but found.Posessed but free. #Moon#Not …
nope    I'm nothing....
New Delhi, India    The state of perpetual longing keeps me writing
Pagan Paul
Bristol, England    I am Unique + I am a Capricorn = I am a Unicorn. . .© Pagan Paul 2016 - 2023 . .
Micahel De Tomasso
Lewisville, Texas    To begin. I'm the one with the white shirt, and my sunglasses hanging on my chest..I was born in Brooklyn, NY. Moved to California at …
Stephen Sean Chambers
If nothing else, believe in poetry.
Sonja Benskin Mesher
I write, I draw, I paint and make things. am quite patient, hold my tongue, but can't say multi disciplinary. easily
United Kingdom    I just love poetry.
21/M/Long Island    time will tell
Palm Springs    Desert dweller, urban refugee, Prufrocknroll daring to be on the fringe of society. I’m an educated poet who paints most of the time. Ambivalent, quixotic, …
Zoe Sue
Come back, Sylvia, dear
Jewel Burton
18/F/Christ Church, Barbados    I love writing and expressing my feelings. Writing has become a large component in my life and it's the best way to get everything out …
F/Planet Krypton    “To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else.” Emily Dickinson
Amanda Michelle Sanders
30/F/Bullhead City, Arizona    My name is Amanda. I am 30 years old. I hope you like my work.
Dacy Maly
Samm Marie
22/F/Somewhere Between    I love each and every loose end I possess "Perhaps I am stronger than I think" -Thomas Merton
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