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The day ran its course
I of course walked
but we both got to the end
at the same time.

how is that even possible?
 Feb 2020 Little Bear
M Vogel

******- all to hell,  yet still believing
(it really don't make sense, it dont it dont it dont)

But try us, and see-- we run on a different fuel
and rely on different  tools,
to keep the love  in us, afloat.

Don't rock the boat,   we say
but no one fully   realizes  
just how very strong
that rocked, or unrocked boat is

Yet, float along the sea of emptiness,  long enough
and even the strongest of boats  will self-scuttle

--and an empty world,  in a split-second moment
becomes suddenly,  tenfold emptier.

years the locusts have eaten
... yet still alive.
 Feb 2020 Little Bear
If I sat
In my room
Dreaming nothing
But you
I'd be
Happier than
Any man on the

If I walked
Down the riverbed
Holding your hand
I'd be walking on
Cloud's tears
That cried for
Our love

And were I alone
On a mountaintop
As high as
A man can get
You would be
In my heart
As I reached out
And grasped

So wherever
My life takes me
Into lightness
Or dark
Your vision will
Calm me
And give me
But hope

If I sat
In my room
I would dream
Generosity is not in giving what you have aplenty
But in sharing what you lack
Altruism is in balancing the scales of suffering
Even if you have only half a sandwich
Then two people
Are only half hungry
It’s happening

It’s happening
We can not deny
It IS happening

The country has left the EU
The drawbridge is coming up
Politics is racing to the right
Way too far
To the

Priti Patel
Donning the armour of 'home secretary'
Is laying down her rules

"People will not be able to come here
Unless they score sufficient points
We only want people with the right skills
We only want people who speak English
We only want people
Who will contribute to our economy"

70 points and you qualify
Less than 70, no thanks


These people...
This 'Government' is deciding
Who is to be deemed worthy
And who is not
And it stinks
It is inhumane
And rotten

Let us not dress this up as some important policy
This simply stinks

Great countries appreciate the inherent value of all people
They welcome each individual
Not just those
Who can make them money

Society needs
Carers, lovers, families, mothers, grandparents, uncles, aunties, diversity, difference, colour, movement, growth

We are not to be judged
By a number
Or an assessment of our economic output
By a pointless bureaucrat

Look at where this unregulated economic race has got us!
To the brink of environmental disaster
To a point in which the top ten percent
Own half of the country’s wealth
And the 90 per cent
Make do with the scraps

We must stop labelling people
As units of production

People are people
They are precious
Beyond all measures of currency

What score would you give yourself today?
What 'value' are you bringing to the country
Through this demeaning system?

What if you were to become ill tomorrow?
Or need to stop working to care for a loved one?
Will we then assess you on your usefulness to our economy?
How would you like that?
How would that you?

This country is becoming a place
Where the word welcome
Has no real meaning

It is being shaped
As a place for the 'me first' attitude
The 'greed first' country
The take what you can get attitude
The place of judgement
Where the economy is
The golden shrine
And the rich observe the poor from their ivory towers
With contempt

I fight this mess with my words
I will spread my belief
Without fear
For the beliefs of this right wing Government
Bring shame upon our country
19th Feb 2020
Lonely little
Melting in my hand
A moment
So sate
So sweet
You remember
Of dying
To simply be

How I envy thee

Flaming birth of day

Flamingo colours

Boiling sky

And newly minted dawn

To pierce the night

With crimson rain

Of burning stars and heaven flame
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