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Specious speculative salacious spectral season
Transmogrify trapezium traverse torsion treason
Erotica errantry erectile endogenic emblazon
Ghastly gnashy grotesque gristly garrison
Larcenous lecherous lascivious latent lesson
Entelechy ethology exsistentialize extant epsilons

Spurious spry squabble subtle specialization
Transient transitive tour de force teleportation
Encephala enunciate endeavor executant emulation
Garish gaudy gambit glitch granulation
Lurid livid liaison limpid laceration
Extravaganza expletives expeditious equilibration emendation

Sly stodgy surreptitious spatiotemporal solicitor
Taciturn tactile transcendent tertiary torpor
Euphoria eminent equivocal exserted emancipator
Garrulous gustatory gung ** gestational gesticulator
Lyricism lilt liberation lambaste levitator
Escutcheon exergonic epaulet exodus extrapolator

Starkness staunch spectacle stolid stultification
Telepathy tantamount tractive tellurian transmutation
Exonerate euthenics exegesis entourage eradication
Groaty gnarly gruesome gristly gastrulation
Licentious lewd lacunar laconic limitation
Extemporaneous exigency embark embargo extradition

Slinky slick sultry stoical snout
Transubstantiate torturous temerarious tumultuous tout
Eucharist extortion enmity epithet eke out
Gross grit groin grove grout
Lentic leister lotic lothario levity lout
Execrating eventuation evocative evitable excerpt bout
Gambits of alluvium aloof impunity, even though I know immunity is Epicurean absurdity.
 Mar 2020 Little Bear
Plugged In

She had plugged in!!!! It was in 2013 when I was belly twenty three. While I was in my broken pieces and she puzzled me. Now a bunch of years in, and  every time I see her she causes changes to the way I breath giving me feels, as I  want to be in whatever location she's in looking into those eyes and  diving into her soul. With her knowing she's been the love of my life all along plugged in. -Swoo

( in memory of my mother Ita Dempsey )

My mother’s hands

washing potatoes
washing kids
washing pans.

My mother’s hands
on bitterly cold days

******* yet more washing
on a pregnant line

the line growing nothing but

her hands blind
with the cold.

My mother’s hands

ironing clothes
ironing clothes
ironing countless knickers
for my seven sisters.

My mother’s hands

taking my hands
in hers

such love...such laughter!

My mother’s hands
patting talcum powder

on another baby's ***.

Mum being Mum.

Me, kissing

my mother’s hands

for all...they’ve done.
i went to the kennels to find some company
someone to rely on always there for me
a friend that i could rescue who need someone to
to find a proper home that he never knew

i saw a german shepard he looked straight at me
i fell in love with him almost instantly
now i had friend that i was looking for
someone i could love worship and adore

now we both had friends that we were looking for
with a lasting friendship for now and evermore
everywhere i go he is there with me
guess the visit to the kennels it was meant to be
 Feb 2020 Little Bear
Going down
 Feb 2020 Little Bear
                          a pit
                                  of anxiety.

                     When suddenly



    ­                      r


           ­               e


                  ­        a


                         ­ l

            ­        burst.

                          And then

P     r     o     c     r   a    s    tination
spilled         un   e   ve       nly

           on a tiled bathroom floor.
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