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 Oct 2014 Hui Zhen
"You're a very selfish human being."
The mirror
word or breath back.
 Oct 2014 Hui Zhen
still hear
but now
we all get along.
 Jun 2014 Hui Zhen
 Jun 2014 Hui Zhen
I'm a boat
and you're the sea
while my only use is for you
you're still beautiful
without me
She fascinates men
like a fused corolla whorl
attracts birds and bees
 Jun 2014 Hui Zhen
Mr X
Let our minds be not without fear.
Lets our hearts be not empty of hatred.
Let the evil in us not die forever.
Let our souls not always be the forgiver.

If the earth is without fear and without hatred,
If the earth is without evil and  without punishment,

There will be no courage
There will be no love.
There will be no goodness
Or any forgiver's heart.

They are two sides of the same coin.
If one is gone, the other is deprived of existence.

Just remember, they are all God's creation.
And His creations are as perfect as Himself.
These hands are not mine tonight
no they must belong to someone else

someone that I used to know
used to know all too well

I used to watch those hands grasping endless steaming mugs of tea
wash dishes slowly between 1 and 3 (am of course)
turn yellow pages one by one
how they could fend off sleep with every movement

I used to watch them slick with soap caressing every plate and spoon
folding sheets still warm from the dryer

anything to keep from halting, pausing
resting even for a moments time to think

as I now sit and think looking down at those hands
think how much they still can not be mine

for I am resting, sleeping
halting them from moving endlessly

so they, must not be mine
trailing thoughts of sleepless moments
 Apr 2014 Hui Zhen
October, you are made of dust and I am a gun.
I killed men once.
When I lifted her veil I felt all of their features melt into one.
I smiled, it was all your storm in me.

October, you are a briefcase. You are six months long.
Tonight, there are tigers reaching out over my head
and I am your god out dancing on his weekend, say,
would you look at all your glass, bursting at the seams?
Would you ask him if I ever got there? Would you tell me why I keep pulling your explosive from my chest like a name label? Would you explain how metal peels as easy as skin with the right amount of madness?

October, I am no more than your casualties.
I am every sadness they ever said you would be.
Silver hands. I can carry these men but I cannot hold them up.

Mother, I thought I saw you standing there but it was just a bullet trail in the darkness.
I am buried in all of your letters, imprinting the both of us on the backbones of these papers;
they tell me I've become all the keys you sent.

October, you are a ballroom with all that break break break and I am falling but I haven't even left the ground yet.
When I rain down on you remember me, like the first sunset you ever wrapped yourself up in, and when they say
that I was never a stronghold, show them all the letters I tried to write you but never sent,
tell them about how the flesh ripped from my bones and left me a relic,
ask them if they can hear me breathing over all that storm.

October, you are confetti leaves falling under tyres on your wedding day,
and I can't be the light that catches them, I can't tell you that this world will wait long enough for you.
So tonight I am burning my name like it's the last thing I'll ever have.
And when they bring us home in our body bags,
remember that the choices we made were the choices we wanted to make.

October, you are a dust storm, and all your colour's left in me
Grace Beadle 2014
 Mar 2014 Hui Zhen
Edward Coles
I have started walking again.
Questing for the Atlantis
that has claimed the truth
of ten thousand men.

It's a simple process really,
of one foot and then the other,
whilst talking to the ghosts
that whisper clearly.

Each faceless name and nameless street
is a straw-man companion
of endless attention,
but never shall we meet.

Old tales go by in monochrome,
I'm a writer turning tricks,
walking paths of others and
claiming it as home.

I have started walking once more.
I watch the branch twist in wind
and beacon shelter
from reciprocal war.
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