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4.4k · May 2014
Sun Soaked
lexiberi May 2014
It’s a sun soaked feeling
Being raveled in love
Cloaked in speals of affection
Being held in my murmurous hands
Being in love or in lust?
The fervor for the feel of your skin
From affection to desire
In a heartbeat
You make me OCD
I try to kiss you once
But have to do it twice to make it even
1.5k · May 2014
A modern love story
lexiberi May 2014
Loving you is like wrestling with the horns of a bull
A modern Hercules and Achelous love story
Sneaking up behind me and grabbing my neck
Bruises scattered across my body by your rough hands
All apologies, no action
A chain reaction of mistreatment
Always coming back to me, begging for more
Then hostility
Without showing responsibility
943 · Jun 2014
the last time i saw you
lexiberi Jun 2014
The last time I saw you,
you were living off the moon
and over ripe peaches
The last time I saw you,
the mountains echoed
and the northern lights spelled out our names
The last time I saw you,
our hands were full
of each other
The last time I saw you,
I watered your dying flowers
The last time I saw you,
I knew it would be
our last
610 · May 2014
lexiberi May 2014
You are not an animal carcass
You are more than your bones
Flesh shall not rot of your being
You are soil
Bountiful and nutrient
Meant to sustain life
Grow violets in your belly making you full
swell and fill
like a tide you expand and then shrink
but you are a garden
582 · Aug 2014
Fall in love with a writer
lexiberi Aug 2014
Fall in love with a writer
You’ll live forever
Scrawls of all consuming love
Scattered around the house
The way your eyebrows furrow when you think
The way your hands always seem to find mine
Written in ink and pen,
Ink and pen
Desire inscribed in stone for all of time
Pour toujours
531 · Aug 2014
A 3 piece harmony line
lexiberi Aug 2014
A 3 piece harmony line
I don’t feel so harmonious
To love two
Is a delicate obsession
One always getting left behind
Unequal distribution of affection
A high and a lower note robust with perfection
Them me, a c sharp
Rings out, alone and stark
457 · May 2014
At home at last
lexiberi May 2014
I pour myself another absinthe
And I can’t help but think
Your ashes are not the fine dust I imagined
My first love, my last love
My longest
My shortest
I will not bury you in the earth where your mother most desires you
You will become part of the heavy wood
Buried beside my roses
Red as the blood that sang through your veins will be those petals that fell to the ground
Strong stems growing up like the bones you so much relied on
A classic flora, a heady scent
I take you home for your roots to take flight
But first, in the dawns early light
I pour myself another drink and wait
406 · Sep 2014
lexiberi Sep 2014
blue eyes
Brown eyes said, " I want you, and I want you dead"
while blue eyes looked at the sky, and didn't say a word
399 · Jul 2014
lexiberi Jul 2014
Just the way I like it
The bitter taste of your mouth keeps me from going sour
A negative comment every hour
Keeps me grounded
Stops my idle mind from making mistakes
My eyes open and I see you’re already awake
Eyes calculating, worried but sane
Unlike mine, only thinking with my left brain
You thinking with your right
Made up perfectly to balance each other out

— The End —