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 May 2017 Lola Roe
Olivia Kent
 May 2017 Lola Roe
Olivia Kent
Syria, the land of sin,
Struggling breath.
Peeling skin.
Born to die upon sad day.
The cruellest beast.
The devil's way.
Sons and daughters caught in blast.
That day they woke, became their last.
Let this ****** madness end.
A world that man may still depend on.
Save us all before it's gone.
 Feb 2015 Lola Roe
Suzy Hazelwood
Grey skies
hanging heavy
winter calls
as the wind howls
through secret gaps
in the window frames

The day has become
like our passing years
not bright enough
a little harsh
and willing to leave us cold

Life has not been kind
we deserve so much more
but still
we hang in there
wounded soldiers
learning to lay our weapons low
time teaching us
there is more to life
than waging war

This day
this beautiful moment
is all that matters
to be sitting here with you
a glowing fire
warm soup
loving food
while we talk and laugh
of the days gone
days to come
grand illusions of the world
and all those things
we now understand

is all that matters
serving each other
with simplicity
our souls nourished
by the healing soup of life
This was written some time ago  for my blog about a warm cosy moment with a cousin of mine.  The soup, I discovered completely healed by skin from a chronic dry skin condition.  If you have any serious dry skin problems or know anyone who does, you might find what I had to say after the poem of some help.  And the recipe is included! -->  Even if it just helps one person it will be worth a mention.
 Feb 2014 Lola Roe
Olivia Kent
Crispy morning, a chill of ears.
Grass crunches under foot.
Stairs to the train with it's lacking effect, non-slip grip.
A hurry, a stumble, nearly a tumble.
In a scramble, to hurry to work.

Naked branches scurrying, next to the track.
All loaded with nests of frozen birds, clinging on to their clutch.
After the pain of the wind and the rain,  expectantly waiting for springtime to visit again.
This morning delight, world slightly white, sunshine's radiance purely reflective.
Averting the eyes of those on the train, where sunlight, so bright caused visual pain, but no-one complained, and the sunshine remained.
 Jan 2014 Lola Roe
Happy Birthday
I sing with noone in front of me
noone beside me and
noone behind me

A stupid cake with silly candles that represent 20
and happy birthday with no name scribbled in blue icing
sit on the table before me, along with my favorite ice cream
Your favorite ice cream.

I remember because we used to play 21 questions
asking each other nothing of importance
assuming we'd be friends forever
as if somehow our friendship would be preserved forever and ever

I smile as I remember each fond moment with you
as I blow out each candle one by one, in remembering you
the stupid things we said and would do
and the stupid way life tore me apart from you

As I get to the last candle I can only imagine where life would take you
and I hope it takes you farther than what I dreamed you would do
I am happy for you, dont you see?
so please ignore the tissues in the floor beneath me

I do not know why I decided to be such a girl this time
when I do this sortof thing every year to remind me of a time
where me and you could've been an item
but now we are lost and out of time.
this is only a small story.. from a disturbed,lonely character named Jordan... she is too not be confused with being real. lol

ohh and this is her diary entry before she tried to **** herself. (dont worry her other friend ,Alexa, stops her)
 Jan 2014 Lola Roe
 Jan 2014 Lola Roe
Sometimes ***** tastes like you.
Like having *** on the bathroom counter.
Like pizza movie nights.
Like getting high on the roof while reading poetry.
Like eating you out in the back of that church.
Like crashing that car in the field behind your house.
Like playing the guitar on your back porch.
Like the sound your horrid contagious laughter.
Like drawing hearts on each other's backs with crayola markers.
Like your tongue after the first cigarette.
Like you and me.
Like you.
Like us.
Like you.
Like you before those pills and those blades took you away.
Now like me.
I always taste like *****.
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