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Lauren Leal Sep 2017
"Waiting for the day, you stop hunting men like prey."
It was 1 a.m.
I was at a bar,
you were probably
at your house,
having people come over.
I texted you
and the first thing you
said to me was "come over"
but you and I
both know that wasn't
going to happen anymore.
I had to tell you I didn't
hate you.
Because the last time
I talked to you the words
poured out of my
mouth like lava
and I was sure you
would never talk to
me again.
But sure enough,
without even hesitating
the second my name popped
up on your screen
you told me to come see you.
And that's what drove
me crazy.
Despite everything
you still always wanted
to see me.
And that's what made me wonder,
despite us being so against
being together,
we can never leave each other
I could only think
you wanted me
as much as i want you,
but we both know
we will never
admit it.
Maybe two people
are meant to meet,
but can never be together.
Lauren Leal Sep 2017
I remember how this feels
All of myself simply kneels
To recover from lost time
That's why I write in rhyme
Such a cliche write
But I will do what is right
It's time to focus one me
Hmm what to be
Should I just party
Or go to college and be tardy
Hungover from a night of words
Not to sing, chose the birds
I'll pick myself up from the dirt
Or this will just continue to hurt
Lauren Leal Sep 2017
"I know why writers drink, to find peace to think"
Lauren Leal Sep 2017
Two bottles of wine
Disguised by dude I feel fine
No I don't because my love I left behind
Mistreated and accused
Physically and verbally abused
I know I'm to accuse
I'll never ask for more than you to understand
That sometimes I'm just a man
At a young age saw fear as manipulation
Which created such internal complication
My father's hand at my throat like a knife
Always and fearlessly threatening my life
If only people could see the path I've walked to do
They'd gain the understanding of what I've also been through
Lauren Leal Sep 2017
Boy do I just have a lot to say
Today isn't really a great day
One day since the third worst pain
Why do I feel I got nothing to gain
I simply have all the word
That someone already heard
I wish you'd have seen the choices you made
As I watched that glow fade
Into oblivion
You in pieces I could not catch
The chances one in a million
Lauren Leal Sep 2017
I will always know your skin
And who you are within
I'll always know that look
But I read you like a book
Caving to your desire
Inside you're just a flier
I'll toss you about
But you love self doubt
You always smiled in bed
But never in your head
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