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Jun 2022 · 937
A Cappella
Larry Potter Jun 2022
You accompany the eastern wayward winds,
With your morning greetings, warm like the sun;
Waking our household and all its mundane delights
Like the intro to an upbeat Bee Gees song.
You blend comical antics into the rough routines
Like The Beatles' chorus filled with seasoned humor;
Chasing away the boring notes and sad refrains
Over lunch table and afternoon coffee hours.
You double-check the locks before the lights go out
Like a Sinatran bridge looking for guarantees
You rest in a fulfilled outro, but always prepared
To sing every unknown tomorrow's melodies.
Happy Father's Day to my musician father! Happy Father's Day to all loved and loving fathers out there. :)
May 2022 · 489
Larry Potter May 2022
I could always go to a laundromat
Toss away the basket without a care
But your handwash is still the standard
And up to this day, it's beyond compare.

You can topple mountains of ***** clothing
Even before the sun gets to call it noon
Taking your skillful palms to a rhythm
More powerful than a wild monsoon.

With natural precision and technique
You'd feel each fabric and make them clean
A stream of colors that changes every week
You unfold them neatly for the humid winds.

From silly pants and hand-me-downs
You leveled wrinkles and washed the grimes
To buttoned shirts and graduation gowns
Your hands have stood the test of time.

Dried and folded, ironed and hanged
It's nothing short of a magical sight
A bundle of comfort, a pile of warmth
Just a peak of your motherly might.
Happy Mother's Day ma!
Apr 2022 · 188
Larry Potter Apr 2022
Our paperweight memories hang on
Like the calendar tearing its own pages
The edges unmade yet the cut runs deep     
Scarred by empty dates you left to bleed.
The inks melt back into pure redundance
Losing all sense of value and meaning
The texts and tiles start to loathe existence
Shedding their hues and desire for being.
The days fall down like parched petals
Plucked and branded by the cruel sun
Their ashes swallowed by halfway moons  
Waxed and waned by a loveless tune.
The weeks smothered by tempered nights
Slept soundly through the better months
Hoping to come awake in a freefall light
After the final sheet forsakes the dawn.
Larry Potter Mar 2022
The hooves graced the stage
And we artlessly digress
Like a bed of scorpions
Beneath turned stones
Unhinged and entranced
By the dance of flesh and bones.
Stings tremble with anticipation
Cowardly poised to poison  
Perfecting pretense for defense
All scrambling for impunity
Among misbegotten virtues
And self-serving fidelities.
The vassals to a bloodborne crown
Trade nations for silken sheets
Hoping that the toast of upheaval
Could fill the hungry beast
But the glass refills another round
For a charade of witless relief.
Dec 2021 · 207
Larry Potter Dec 2021
I pray for warmth;
One that soothes and lingers,
To burn despite the chill;
To kindle dampened hearts.
The ember of grace,
May it not die out,
From the biting cold and wet.
May the flame endure the spite,
Of untamed weathers;
That it blaze without ceasing,
Unyielding but kind.
Let it light a pyre of hope;
Amidst the windswept rubbles,
Of the tempest past.
May it resonate what signals lost,
And restore where wires are cut.
Let this beacon carry,
Words of homebound comfort;
And reach places where refuge,
Still has not been.
May scattered shards and rocks,
Find their rightful place;
For the mud and dust to bind,
The stones of a stronger hearth.
Let it mend lives,
Burdened from palm to sole.
May it help kindred faces,
Find lost and forgotten smiles;
Let them gather again brightly,
Like the stars of December skies.
To all the families and homes destroyed by typhoon Odette (Rai) - we're with you in thoughts and in prayers. Help will come, and a better tomorrow.
Dec 2021 · 206
Larry Potter Dec 2021
For what are lies but ugly words
Cruelly dressed in fancy clothes
Which came to grace the masquerade
Until their very meaning erodes.
The truth in every swearer's tongue
Hummed loudly like an untamed gong
And ears bled out from aching songs
Unbridled by unmuted wrongs.
The host is left without respite
From ghosts that haunt the drunken night
The table unset, the music died
Without recompense, without requite.
Nov 2021 · 278
Guilty OxyMorons
Larry Potter Nov 2021
Stuck in the limbo
Of your pretty face
Ever fallen from grace
Living dead by the gallows.

I stood trial in the court
Of your moonlit eyes
Every breath testified
To such sweet sorrow.

Your smile stripped the truth
Like a warm and cruel sentence
Your laugh was the small crowd
That broke the deafening silence.

The jury of your loud whispers
Set my crimes on a chase
Waiting for this heart to flicker
From a loosely sealed embrace.

This wise fool barely breathes
Despite your present absence
To the comfortable misery
Of a lovestruck conscience.
Jul 2021 · 135
Coffee Mug
Larry Potter Jul 2021
Let me be that brittle, fragile, earthenware
Hold me by the hand and bring me anywhere
Let's enjoy the view above the terrace or attic
You can call me "clay" but I'd prefer "ceramic".
I will keep you warm in your cold mornings
Complete your breakfast if you don't feel like eating
I might come in too hot, careful not to get burned
Press your lips on the lid but don't look too concerned.
Place me gently on the table before you read a book
Drink on me slowly between the gobbledygook
You can stir my soul while you stir your mind
I'll run out of heat and you'll run out of time.
You can color me silly with a shot of espresso
Or water me down barely to make americano
I can be anything inside your bag of beans
Take me as I am or enrich me with some cream.
I won't mind turning sweet or tasting bitter
You can pour one cup or the whole **** liter
Lather me with soap when you're done partaking
Put me down the shelf or just leave me hanging.
Jun 2021 · 164
Nocturnal Quarks
Larry Potter Jun 2021
Let me be snared by the tangles of unrefined evenings
To see the beauty of stark lightlessness in full bloom
Plunging half the world to an interlude of sleep
In the impermanence of her enigmatic abyss.
Let Chaos retreat to the comfort of his wayward nest
So I can enjoy a soliloquy of peace and quiet
Let the humdrum noises melt into the pitch black darkness
Until I find my clarity beneath hushed blankets.
Things tumble to their sealed fates like board pieces
Untethered by the vanities of this dog eat dog world.
The silence only broken by the chirping of crickets
Mended by the flutter of night birds as the stillness unfolds.
Jun 2021 · 118
Larry Potter Jun 2021
Life finds a way
Everything is a cliché
Brace for come what mays.
Tango with the wind
Rustle through your skin
Ripple from within.
Fall and bounce back
Cut some needed slack
Plan a counterattack.
Search for your truths
Celebrate the fruits
Remember your roots.
Jun 2021 · 278
Larry Potter Jun 2021
Snuggled for warmth,
Kindled the flame,
Bathed in the smoldering February rains.
Untamed desires,
Unkilled delights,
Fueled by the incandescent summer nights.
Did you feel the burn?
The radiance quickly flickering.
Did you feel it fade?
The fire slowly subsiding.
Drenched in goodbyes, we're watching the last cinder die.
Jun 2021 · 146
To Where The Cuckoos Nest
Larry Potter Jun 2021
Beware the stranger who leaves the bed
And mocks the daybreak on your doorstep
Who shouts your name above the parapet
Making promises they make sure to forget.
They will tell the story of a missing part
A lost piece of their fragmented heart
That they need to find all on their own
Inside a thick forest with paths unknown.
They will say your name for the last time
Before all their words fall out of rhyme
And they will be gone but will not return
To find another lonely bed to burn.
Larry Potter Jun 2021
But the dusk took all the pretty edges
The daylight sighed its final breath
And my thoughts scattered with the dying sunset.
The bleak horizon fell from grace
Draped in the nakedness of lines and shapes
The homebound pigeons got lost in flight
Above the concrete forest of cascading stripes
The heaven got drunk in bourbon hue
Befuddled in all imperfect views
I became the silhouette I once knew
When I told the skyline about you.
Jun 2021 · 223
Larry Potter Jun 2021
Eternally looking for a cure
Stuck in an obscure prognosis
This placebo is a double detour
To a self misdiagnosis.
Half of my heart is a bare bone grave
Whatever's left is in paralysis
A quarter of my mind cannot be saved
From your creeping psychosis.
You overdosed me in epinephrine
But you caused this anaphylaxis
You left me low in serotonin
Induced in a shotgun hypnosis.
You walked into my life like a virus
Spreading your love like a disease
Now I rot in this one-man circus
Forever chasing my catharsis.
Jun 2021 · 123
Larry Potter Jun 2021
It was the inevitability of rain
And its unbridled beads of pearls
Kissing my parched window sill
That percolated inside the crevices
Of my temperamental mind.
The sunless sky unlit my listless eyes
Pouring heavily from the looming clouds
The morning coffee looked just as dismal
As the free-flowing muddy waters
Receding toward an abyss of false finality.
Each sip echoes the pitter-patter
But the drink unstripped better in memory
The aftertaste left much to be desired
Like the bitterness of unwelcomed hellos
That came after our sun-kissed goodbyes.
Jun 2021 · 838
Misery Everlasting
Larry Potter Jun 2021
We all need some poison to feel alive,
A dose of familiar pain to survive.
Everyone is a little sick in the head,
Just a bit too awake to play dead.

Get addicted to a distilled brew,
Drink until it spits back at you.
Intoxicate your troubled mind,
Give your soul some peace to find.

Swipe like it's your last night on Tinder,
Make your bed and invite the stranger.
Burn your lips and ignite your heels,
Then take your morning after pill.

Smoke a joint and call it even,
Sniff a pile to enter Eden.
Embrace the needle just to feel,
Dance with Death to find the thrill.
Jun 2021 · 359
Larry Potter Jun 2021
Promises don't break
From shallow stumbles,
Downward spirals,
Or bargained mistakes;
But people do.
We always have been
Fragile little things,
Brittle sculptures
Of fragmented kings;
Forever in need
Of constant fixing.
May 2021 · 131
The Elephant in the Room
Larry Potter May 2021
A gargantuan force
Sat in idle unrest
On a worn-out chair
Hellbent in disrepair
The grotesque unbecoming
Midst the evening antics.
The soiree didn't mind
The overburdened seat
It chose to anchor motion
Too indulged in the notion
Of exchanging pleasantries
Across the gold linoleum floor.
Too late to close the door
Pity the masquerade
Trampled by the serenade
Of an invisible weight
The uninvited guest
Now a guest nonetheless.
Apr 2021 · 133
Stained Glass
Larry Potter Apr 2021
I'm not making mosaics
from these shattered parts
of my fragmented heart
hopelessly holding on to the past
because unlike stained glass
which can be mended anew
and pieced together with glue
this will heal down with scars
that will ache like the stars
how they flicker in the dark
'til they lose all their spark
   leaving only a trace
of a broken embrace
I'm not making mosaics.
Apr 2021 · 232
Larry Potter Apr 2021
Tinker with fire,
you of cold heart.
Burn your neck and thighs,
while your frozen wings break apart.
Feel the heat of the moment,
Until your bones grow numb to the chill.
Guilt is but a frostbitten payment,
You'd pay a thousand times still.
Apr 2021 · 115
Tongue Tied
Larry Potter Apr 2021
thoughts in shambles
plucked from the tangles
beneath brambles of rambles
of feelings scrambled
to compose
these prose and expose
a thorn of throes
juxtaposed a paper rose
poise to propose
free from the fetters
suffer the splutters
stutter between mutters
utter the letters
let the butterflies flutter.
Mar 2021 · 122
The Joker (Senryū)
Larry Potter Mar 2021
Time, these cards cascade;
Deck crumbles, a shallow grave
Dug by its own spades.
Jul 2020 · 154
Right Where You Left
Larry Potter Jul 2020
A husk
Of a love that once was
Where it bloomed but no more
Abandoned by monsoons
Longing for perennial rain
Waiting for November moons.

A train
Of thoughts lost in tracks
Tip-toeing on fleeting memories
Trapped in open-ended verses
Looking for a period
When this heart came to senses.

A chapter
We wrote but left incomplete
A paper town of tangent streets
Where there's no solace to find
In these desolate pages
Of stanzas that rhyme.
Larry Potter Jul 2020
You negate and overcomplicate,
Obsessed with trivial intricacies;
At the risk of contradicting yourself,
You foolproofed your own idiocy.
You oppose in totality just for the sake of it,
And obviate the need to deliberate;
Instead of making bridges from paragraphs,
You built garrisons out of sentences.
Convinced in waging petty wars,
You run your mouth without poise;
But for all intents and purposes,
A bark is nothing but recycled noise.
Jun 2020 · 125
Agamemnon's Banquet
Larry Potter Jun 2020
Dressed in his own wool,
Not much to be shed;
The drums syncopate,
For his royal court in red.

Guards flanked the wolves,
While he addressed the menagerie;
Feasted on the cornucopia,
Fattened for the tragedy.

The wife kissed him with a smile,
Then offered him to the altar;
It was the shepherd all the while,
Who took the lamb to the slaughter.
Jan 2020 · 122
Kangaroo Court
Larry Potter Jan 2020
Thespians and thieves
Dressed in robes of deceit
Drunk in their monologues
An agenda up their sleeves.
With nations for playthings
They pull invisible strings
At the pounding of the gavel
All the acts shall begin.
Waging wars at their podium
Both judge and executioner
For the improper decorum
They conspire to pull the trigger.
For the horde of reporters
To fiddle the media screens
A game of smoke and mirror
To stage the perfect scene.
They dance with politics
While half the world burns
Amused in the devil's antics
As plundered cities mourn.
A soiree will soon follow
The deliberate verdict
The jury can rejoice in the gallow
But their heads will hang upon it.
Dec 2019 · 214
This Ember
Larry Potter Dec 2019
Blazing thru November moons,
The twelfth month frolicked down;
Devouring vespers of the Halloween monsoons,
And rained fire to dim-lit towns.
We brewed gunpowder haze and caught thrill fever,
While we stripped our calendars bare;
We saw houses and streets collect the cinders,
To make verdant trees with flickering hairs.
There was an ember glowing beneath our beds,
That burned brighter with the days that came;
We hummed the tunes now etched in our heads,
And amused our kins now we only know by name.
We stuffed excitement in our pillows,
As we're dying to open our holiday loots;
Our happiness was still too shallow,
But our smiles lit up the kitchen soot.
The cold winds kept fanning the flames,
The one which fueled our childhood sun;
Until we stopped playing our parlor games,
And our feet grew too cold to run.
Holiday season is never the same when we get older.
Sep 2019 · 576
The Aesthete
Larry Potter Sep 2019
You fiddle with colors and make them bloom
Like cherry blossoms in a dismal room
You stitch the tatters and make it work
Into a masterpiece of various quirks.

You see the world as styles and hues
An artist mixing her reds and blues
To create a lilac sky with a sun that sets
Into a supernova skyline where flamingos nest.

You must keep that passion and hold it dear
As it burns away many doubts and fears
If Midas' touch turns all things to gold
You make lifeless objects into stories told.
Sep 2019 · 222
Rain or Shine
Larry Potter Sep 2019
Let the morning breeze
Carry my warm embrace
Between cities and streams
Beneath blue skies and sunbeams
And find its way to our veranda
Filled with succulent aloe veras
Let it wrap around your arms
Just like how you'd keep us from harm.

Let my gentle kiss
Flutter like the busy pigeons
Homeward-bound like the schoolkids
Eagerly skipping by noontime
It'll descend through the sunshine
And greet your tender cheeks
While you prepare the table
For some very important people.

Let my prayers ascend
Adrift with the monsoon clouds
May it be touched by God's hands
And rain upon our home
It will pour upon your head
While you hurry to the hanging clothes
You're our daily grace and I know
You'll be blessed a thousandfold.
Dedicated to my loving mother. Happy birthday ma! :)
Jun 2019 · 264
Larry Potter Jun 2019
Ma's other half,
Our chief of staff,
The house custodian,
His grandkids' guardian,
Always the humorist,
Seasoned saxophonist,
Spiritually rooted,
Retired but lauded,
Champion of good reason,
Father for all seasons.
Happy Father's Day!
May 2019 · 348
Mom's Tinola
Larry Potter May 2019
Served warm,
Like your love for us;
On a deep bowl,
As bottomless as your trust.
A bit spicy but healthy,
Like your lectures on things;
Seasoned with care,
With your sharp instincts.
Calm like a river,
Of your boundless patience;
In waves of flavor,
Like your ocean of common sense.
It's a dish I'd long,
Surely from time to time;
Because there's more to it,
Than these verses that rhyme.
Happy Mother's Day!
Mar 2019 · 253
I Swear to Picasso
Larry Potter Mar 2019
I keep hanging by these tangents
Of your dashes and curves
Trying to figure out how every
Version of your twists and turns
Unravels into a canvas
Of visual perfection.
It's perplexing, really
How you mend your schisms
Into waltzing polygons
Every time I break you down
Into fractures of your selves
I end up lingering in your angles
Of oblique abstraction
Turning vertices into suns
And edges into horizons.
Then I reconstruct you
From your purest form
This brush provoking
Both palette and palate
For every stroke and spatter.
Your beauty didn't mind
What madness to this method
The monochrome requires
To finally become free
And shackled at the same time.
Mar 2019 · 210
21st Century Crybaby
Larry Potter Mar 2019
I cried when my
Favorite character died
In the latest episode
Good thing he's still alive
In the book that I followed.

I watched unboxing videos
And got disappointed
With the newest phones
That I couldn't afford
Even after paying my loans.

I should hate this place
That's got awful ten
Bad reviews on Yelp
Forget the ninety approvals
Guess it can't be helped.

Sad I wasn't able to greet
My friends on their birthdays
But I guess it's their fault
For not keeping that Facebook
Data public by default.

I always keep track
Of chart-topping songs
And play them on repeat
But it'll just take a year or two
To mindlessly forget the beat.

There are too many
Motivational posts
On social media
Now it's hard to fill my daily dose
Of other people's drama.
Feb 2019 · 209
Larry Potter Feb 2019
Inject me with the truth
Let your words sting
Like foolproof needles
Piercing me through
Straight to the chest
I'd still feel the pain
Before this heart goes numb
From pumping out the lies
That invaded its veins.
Dec 2018 · 300
Tabula Rasa
Larry Potter Dec 2018
Drown me in white
Peel these colors off the wall
Untaint all the dirtied halls
From this room of memories
I'd bid farewall so soon
While I go looking for the silver moon.

Unpaint my muddled past
Erase the black and blue
Wipe off these cluttered hues
I'd view my new world
In an empty kaleidoscope
Crooked mirrors of bended hopes.

I'm starting anew
Beginning from the endings
Of last year's unravelings
Always looking forward
Left so certainly unsure
Chasing an open-ended future.
Happy New Year!
Nov 2018 · 397
Larry Potter Nov 2018
My heart is a labyrinth,
A cage of my own making;
Den of demons tamed,
Empire of uncrowned kings.
Built over a precipice
Of dead infatuations,
Forsaken nostalgia,
And ruined vanities.
To trap a beast yet again,
I visited its familiar walls;
Gladly I lost my self
And paid a high toll;
Only to save my soul.
Not long did I linger
Within the hollow chambers;
Echoing broken lullabies,
Sung in refrains of lies.
I stormed the champion's gate,
And marched toward east,
Where the sun does not rest,
At the cry of a thousand dawns;
But rather from the silence,
Of my war-torn chest.
Oct 2018 · 364
Larry Potter Oct 2018
I cursed my summer storms
And it poured down the whole sky
On me, heavily.
I keep dragging these horses
Down the raging river but they wouldn't
Drown quietly.
I watched the tides kiss the shore
Washing her tears away only to say  
Goodbye, repeatedly.
I tried deserting this sinking island
Trapped in midnight sunsets
But it wouldn't let me.

I started digging my own grave
But the sands keep receding towards
My inner gravity.
I went deeper until I found a well
Brimming with cold truths and bitter
I began staring at my own reflection
Until I saw my soul skin and
Bones, hungry.
In this lonely oasis I brought myself
Back from the dead into this
Barren reality.

I stopped looking for water
And let my heart bleed a fountain of
Pure clarity.
I embraced the restless winds
To change the course of my own
Fate, tirelessly.
I scattered my broken pieces
And they flourished in the land with
Rare beauty.
I once dreamed of sailing the seas
But now I'm swimming in the ocean
Of endless possibilities.
Oct 2018 · 288
Peanut Butter Sandwich
Larry Potter Oct 2018
Yesterday's bread, tough as leather
Pressed and scorched in the broken toaster
A trip to hell, just a little bit quicker
As the molds are killed to make it taste better
At the cost of turning brittle and bitter.

Open the lid so greasy and loose
Of the peanut butter jar too old and reduced
Hiding in the shelf, alone and overused
Screaming for jelly but doesn't come in two's
About two-thirds empty and a complete recluse.

Pull the drawer and grab the butter knife
Pointless and jagged, it gave up on life
Poke the insides and dig with a gripe
Spread the loot so scarcely in stripes
Place the other half in one crooked swipe.
Sep 2018 · 906
Purple Litmus
Larry Potter Sep 2018
You were singing the blues when I met you,
Singking your heart of misrule,
Into an ocean of second thoughts.
The saddest note on your table;
A pen unwilling to write,
Its ink afraid to swirl.

I took the seat in front of you,
As I opened my soul like a blank page.
Your hand began scribbling again,
Writing our next days with better hues.
Until you decided that my page was full,
That there's not enough space for your stories.

Now I'm stuck with these scripts of red,
With your handwriting all over it.
These traces of broken promises and misgivings,
I'll try to erase it all or rip it out.
As I open a new sheet to another stranger
You play your songs of blues again.
Jul 2018 · 363
Larry Potter Jul 2018
Fears, they creep
Like vines of thorns
They entangle
And reticulate
What was once a fertile core
Now a bed of insipid desires
Languishing in the intricate labyrinth
Of this dreaded thicket
Full of inner demons  
And self-made monsters.

There's beauty in the horrors
Of its growing corruption
A tapestry of dark emotions
Writhing like hungry worms
Eating this barren soil from inside out
These braids of nightmares
And violent delights
And unraveling
The most sinister miscreations.

I'd clutch the noxious brambles
And let these torments nurture
The toxic vegetation
As it flourishes into
A garden of hysteria
Echoing woes and
Weeping regrets
Until it sees
The light of day
That never came.
Jul 2018 · 996
The Goofball's Protocol
Larry Potter Jul 2018
Keep your friends close
But your enemies closer,
So you can punch them whenever you want to.

Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice, shame on me,
If you can still fool me thrice, you're really clever.

Success is 1% inspiration
And 99% perspiration
Plus a thousand prayers, just for good measure.

There's a rainbow
Always after the rain
Just make sure you don't look at the clouds at night.

It's always darkest
Before the dawn
So set your alarm to six or seven in the morning.

There's always light
At the end of a tunnel
A claustrophobe has two things to worry about.
Jul 2018 · 1.2k
Idioms for Idiots
Larry Potter Jul 2018
Don't fish between two rivers
Unless you're a good swimmer
And the two streams don't meet at the center.

If the old dog can't learn new tricks
You don't have to buy it a bag of treats
But don't argue with it on politics.

Don't play with fire
But if you really want the ointment
Then get burned to your heart's desire.

Patience is not always a virtue
The mousetrap always looks pretty harmless
Until it breaks the rodent in two.

If you came and saw but didn't conquer
Perhaps there really was no war to wage
And you have just gone bonkers.
Jul 2018 · 368
Larry Potter Jul 2018
I strayed too close
To the midnight sun.
I loved the heat as it embraced
Everything that I am.
Hellfire rained down from heaven,
And bathed me like a child,
Longing for its holy light.
My paraffin wings melt slowly;
These golden feathers are in embers,
As the flames consume me.
Above this lightless world.
And its Stygian towns;
In the alabaster ocean,
I eternally drown.
Larry Potter Jun 2018
Your music delights Apollo
Even on the rainy days,
When the Nine Muses won't dance.
You strum your guitar
Like you tickle the wind,
Healing our weary souls.
You play your saxophone,
Lifting our spirits
As you breathe life to it.
You sing to the tunes
That our hearts want to hear
All through the years.
You have a hundred stories
In your book called "Fatherhood"
Waiting to be told.
We'll add more pages to it
While we make new stories with you
As the years unfold.
Happy Father's Day to my musically gifted father! :) Greetings extend to all great fathers out there.
May 2018 · 243
Brother's Gambit (Haiku)
Larry Potter May 2018
Years, a deck of cards,
Cascade jokers and aces;
More tricks up his sleeve.
Happy Birthday, Bro!
May 2018 · 1.6k
Mom's Adobo
Larry Potter May 2018
The culmination of the battle,
Between salty and sour,
Peppered to perfection.
The sweetness of caramelized onions,
The tickling aroma of browned garlic,
In a beautiful confetti of scallions.
Warm and tender meat,
Drenched in an otherworldy sauce,
Bursting with umami and flavor.
A product of love and spices,
Filling both our bellies and hearts,
It never fails to remind me of home.
But mom, you see,
In all these years, I've come to know,
Of all your versions of Adobo,
The best ones are made,
When you share it with me.
May 2018 · 428
Ennui's Roulette
Larry Potter May 2018
.38 caliber to his head
He's not dying today
Because he's been long dead.

Lead bullet in the cylinder
Only one but good enough
To **** all his damning failures.

Cold finger on the trigger
Mustering his last courage
To curse the world forever.

Empty shell on the floor
A shattering noise echoed
And one more desolate soul.
Apr 2018 · 378
The Biggest Spoiler
Larry Potter Apr 2018
If the reaper showed the moment of your death
Would you watch it with great excitement
Or would you rather not?
Would you tell the world how you'd meet your doom
Or would you keep it a secret
Until you meet it soon?
Would you accept your end with open arms
Or would you try to avoid it
Like breaking a curse with charms?
Would you live each day like it was your last
Or would you use the present
To bend your future without rewriting the past?
Would you start saying your last goodbyes
Or would you try finding a way out
Of your inevitable demise?
Would it be a question of when or how?
Or would it be a premise of here and now?
Apr 2018 · 827
Collateral Heart
Larry Potter Apr 2018
Pay me
All the space
You occupied
Inside my mind;
You rented
And ravaged
A thousand times.
Took me years
To drive you out
But I should be fine.

Refund me
For the pretense
And all your lies
I bought;
Believing in a
Plundered love
Of a lost cause.
My heart was invested
But pain is all
I'll reap the most.
Apr 2018 · 461
Fooling April (Haiku)
Larry Potter Apr 2018
February Marched east
Skipped the blue moon in between
So he May see June.
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