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They say that over time, it dissipates -
it will drain from you, evaporate like smoke.
It will descend upon you, destroy you;
but will soon release you, and fade.

But with time it instead grows stronger,
demanding to be felt.
It knocks on the doors of my soul,
its urgency to be let inside unrelenting and ruthless.

Like an unpredictable storm, it lands and ravages,
leaving just fragments of a heart already rebuilt.
What is gone is the will;
the resiliency dulled, the courage spent.

It's a deep-rooted ****, an unrivaled opponent;
It's a malevolent fire that refuses to be smothered.
The Hurt:
a wound that permeates, and remains.
 Oct 2014 Lamashtu92
Zanele Tlali
A single word.
Short and sweet like the events that proceed the emotion
An emotion.
Invisible to all eyes
Except the one it is home to
Eyes that are as blue as the ocean
And yet as captivating.
They have to be mysterious, dark, deep and
Eyes the window into one's heart.
Not mine though.
My eyes lie
Deep enough to drown
To drown the emotion in
Dark enough to hide the tears that rain down
To wash away the pain
They are too blind to see the tears hidden in my dark brown eyes.
These are tears caused by pain.
You destroyed me
just a little bit, but it's okay;
a bit of Self destruction
never hurt anyone..

You must be empty
before you can become whole:

Once part of you is destroyed
you can begin to rebuild;
to become something greater.
Subject to interpritation.
As is all Language.
 Oct 2014 Lamashtu92
Fenix Flight
Her voice is thick
with unshed tears
she tries to survive
barely clinging to
life's grasp

A soft white light
bathes her in it's healing glow
breathing life into
her shattered soul

Piece by piece
she starts to rebuild
but no matter how fixed
there will always be cracks

Loose threads
waiting to unravel
her fragile sanity
once more
 Oct 2014 Lamashtu92
Please I'm begging you;
don't be another hole in my heart.
Don't be another tear, another scar.
**Be the stitches that rebuild me
 Oct 2014 Lamashtu92
 Oct 2014 Lamashtu92
Stop scarring your own skin
Tearing your thoughts apart
You are a masterpiece of wonders
Rebuild yourself and be whole again
Write out your demons
And tear the paper instead
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