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 Oct 2014 Lamashtu92
Is this what it means to love?
The pain that goes through my chest when I can't see you.
The tears I choke back when you hurt me,
Cause somehow it hurts more when you watch
The pounding of my heart when you say my name.
The mixed feelings and confusion.
How come I can't smile without you?
And yet I cry night after night,
Cause you didn't love me the way i feel I deserve.
Somehow there is more pain with you than without.
And yet I can't see myself being here without you.
You complete me.
Jagged pieces of your imperfect character fit right where I need them to.
This must be love.
Bruises and scars are two different things.
Bruises show up on your skin cause you a little bit of pain. But after a day, a week, a month. It slowly goes away. The pain is gone. And your’e fine again.
But scars are different. They don’t go away. They may fade, they may lighten, but they don’t ever leave. They stay on your skin to remind you of the pain you went through. To remind you of what happened. They stay with you forever.

You my love,
Are the deepest scar I have ever encountered.
 Oct 2014 Lamashtu92
Bellis Tart
I've given up
it's kind of freeing
I no longer try
cause I'm tired of not breathing
I swallowed my feelings
down so low I can't feel them
I've buried the pain
so it can't hurt me again
I'm walking away
cause it's too hard to hang on
I can't stay around
because I'll be ****** in by your con
I won't exist
so you can't get in my head
You won't see me again
because you chose her instead
(c)  11/11/2010
 Oct 2014 Lamashtu92
Moza Mahmoud
Can you hear me crying?
no cause they are silent tears.
Can you see me crying?
no cause they are invisible tears.
Can you feel my pain?
no cause you can't feel my heart.

You can't see me crying
if you don't look me in the eyes.
You can't hear me crying
if you don't listen to me.
You can't feel my pain
if you don't feel my happiness.

Why am i crying?
Are you worth my tears?
All my dreams have withered and died.
For this is the truth I can no longer hide.
I was left with nothing but the thoughts in my head.
And the painful memories, of sorrow and dread.

I hear all the voices form the mistakes that I’ve made.
All these regrets that I have long age paid.
Pain dwells where the eye cannot see.
A broken heart, a broken love.
 Oct 2014 Lamashtu92
I'm sorry
 Oct 2014 Lamashtu92
I shut down today,
I hide away from you...
I'm sorry,
but sometimes the pain hurts to much...
You deserve more then me.
You deserve more then I can give you...
And Maybe I can't be fixed...
thank you for loving me anyway,
despite my scattered and sharp edges...
 Oct 2014 Lamashtu92
For the sake of you and I,
I will forget and forgive.

For the sake of your health and mine,
I will hide my knives and my cancer sticks.

For the sake of our pain,
I’ll move to the sideline while you’re free like a bird.

For the sake of your happiness,
I’ll be six feet beneath the ground.
 Oct 2014 Lamashtu92
Taking the pain
To release my pain
The pain I'm feeling deep inside
My heart
My brain
Emotional pain
Which I'm trying so desperately to hide.

Taking the pain
To release my pain
The pain I'm feeling deep inside
Mental pain
No one for me in which to confide.

Taking the pain
To release my pain
The pain I'm feeling deep inside
On the edge
Physical pain
Turning over to the dark side.

Taking the pain
To release my pain
The pain I'm feeling deep inside
My heart
My brain
Emotional pain
Which I'm trying so desperately to hide.
12:50pm 12/2/14
© Maniba Kiani
Wrote this whilst I was in school
I do my best to hide the pain
Drowning in laughter and a painted smile
Hoping my cries go unheard
By those dearest to me

Weak I do my best
At playing the unwanted part
No hand offered
Or prayers said on my behalf
Will the halt the decline
Dying is my heart

So each day I rise
Though I am now dead within
For with loves fickleness I lie
To my audience I  bow
A talented actor
My life the stage
I do my best to hide the pain

This poem is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws
Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright
Act, 17 U.S.C. S512(c)(3), Tammy M. Darby
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