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 Dec 2019 Lady Misfortune
I lit my cigarette with a candle
And I kept on smoking
Didn’t mean to
I was thinking to much
Just thinking
 Nov 2019 Lady Misfortune
tú con la camisa azul

aunque te extraño no te quiero ver

estoy triste
tengo que dejarte

cierro mis ojos
no te quiero ver

duele pensar en ti
 Nov 2019 Lady Misfortune
come and find me

you never look for me

why are you hiding

you make me heartless

these feelings bother me

come and see me

she's not looking

it's so right

feels wrong
 Nov 2019 Lady Misfortune
you stole something of mine
I want it back

I want it back
I want it back
I want it back
I want it back
I want it back
I want it back
I want it back
I want it back
I want it back
I want it back
I want it back
I want it back
I want it back
I want it back
I want it back
I want it back
I want it back
I want it back

can you give it back
do I have to take it

where did you hide it
I'll look around

I want it back
I want it back
I want it back
I want it back
I want it back
I want it back
I want it back
I want it back
I want it back

why do you take things
they're not yours
not yours

I want it back
I want it back
I want it back
I want it back
I want it back

it's not yours

I'm too nice for this
 Nov 2019 Lady Misfortune
todas las mujeres
somos flores


nos levantamos


todos me entierran

muy encantadora


las flores

se secan

y todos me dejan
I saw the moon tonight
She was so big
And oh so bright

She followed me
Until I followed her
Into the darkness
Where her glow is endless
written 12 November 2019.

by The Lenora.

All rights reserved.
 Nov 2019 Lady Misfortune
I kissed my ears to sleep
I can hear the faint fall of rain
somewhere in my head
It's that hateful nightmare again
      It won't leave me alone
        Chasing my happiness
It wants it pictured and framed

      Negatively captured for all
When everything is going well,
Life seems to have forgotten
That you still exist
Until it comes to grab your smile.
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