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 Jul 2020 kim
I was here for you
in your darkest times.

When you were blind,
I was your eyes.

When you were breathless,
I was your breath.

When you were falling,
I was your wings.

Now, I wonder,
where are you?

I'm down on my knees.
Bound hand.
Bound foot.

You aren't here anymore.
My friends abandoned me. What can I say?
 Aug 2018 kim
 Aug 2018 kim
Some are for a lifetime
Some last but a day
Some will leave for anger
Some will move away
And some will die and
Leave you only lonelier next day

Some are kind and gentle
While some are brash and bold
Each one irreplaceable:
A candle you may hold
Until it burns out
And leaves you cold

A rare few burn eternal,
And they’re magical as such,
But the search to try to find them
I have found hurts far too much.
So we live life lit by candles
That our frozen hands must clutch
Until they burn out
In a rush
 Jul 2017 kim
the shower
 Jul 2017 kim
the water
thoughts dripping along my face


what if i turned up the heat
turned it up until i feel numb
feel my skin burn

what if i put my head under water
and don't breathe until
i get a glimpse
of what it would feel like
to be gone

the bruises on my arms
they hurt
turned the temperature up
didn't even mind the pain
turned it up more
pain streaming through my body
but i don't move
and keep my head under water

what if i just stayed here
keep turning up the heat
because the pain
doesn't hurt as much
as my brain does
and maybe
going numb
would turn my mind off

turned it up more
went and sat down
not knowing whether it's tears
or just water
streaming down my face

my skin turning red
the bruises on my arms don't hurt anymore
now just minding the heat
and not the thoughts in my brain

what if i stayed here forever?
turning it up more
every minute
until i couldn't take it anymore.

then i turned off the water
and grabbed a towel

maybe another day.
Had a lovely shower this evening. :))
 May 2017 kim
False Hope
 May 2017 kim
When you left me
I left my phone on mute the whole time
just in case you called

One year later
I'm still sad when I look at my missed calls
and dont see your name

Two years later
I hope you haven't forgotten my number yet
I still wait

Three years later
I realise it's been a while since my phone was on mute
I finally moved on

My phone is no longer on mute, but
I still am.
 May 2017 kim
hazem al jaber
The mask ...

i'm not the mask ...
however we hide our real face ...
how ever we wear a masks ...
however we use all names...
but i only have a one real heart ...
real heart ..
with a real feelings ...
real heart ...
live within a real soul ...
real heart ...
only knew you ...
knew you and felt you ...
since i heard your voice ..
i got wondered and shame ...
because of you beauty face ..
and you real heart ...
yes sweetheart ...
i loved you as me ...

i'm not the mask ...

i'm not those all faces ...
not all those names ...
i don't wear any mask ...
i just wear a one real heart ...
this heart which you real know ...

i'm not that mask that you think ...
i'm  who loved you since so years ago ...
i'm  who still feel you with every thing ...
still see you always into me sky ...
as the stars all ...
even in the moon i see you ...
in every night ...

i'm not a mask ...
i'm who always read you ...
and feel within every beat of you heart ...
i'm the real lover with a real one face ...
who loved you and still do ...
i'm your poetic poet ...
who still writing poems ...
all poems about you ...

so, ...
sweetheart ...
do you know who i am ...
i'm Hazem ...
i'm not a mask ...

Hazem al ...

— The End —