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1.7k · Aug 2013
Kristy Aug 2013
Tired of being broken…
Tired of being weak…
Tired of letting myself down…
Tired of being afraid to speak…
Tired of going in this circle…
That I keep going in…
Tired of being tired…
Tired of trying to blend in…
Tired of hiding what I feel…
Tired of not being real…
Tired of going through the motions…
Tired of waiting to be healed…
Tired of seeing all my faults…
Tired of only "wanting" to do what's right…
Tired of failing, failing, failing…
Tired of losing in this fight.
1.0k · May 2015
The Dance
Kristy May 2015
Your words dance
Landing perfectly
Upon my heart
Like a slow motion glide
The ballet begins
Raising the rate
With each breath
Commanding the stage
Demanding an audience
From a simple Plie'
Stretching, pushing, pressing
To the long awaited
Yet under rated Pirouette
Your words land
Holding life in your hands
Capturing me
912 · Mar 2015
Kristy Mar 2015
Silence rages
Like the perfect storm
Ceasing breath, sound and substance
Yet, even the silence can't stop
The heart from beating
Nor the weight of hurt felt
Wish to God silence could cease
The sound of words wielded
As weapons,  piercing tips,
Tongues heavy anvils...drop
Sinew torn with intent,
Hopes even, to crush bone
Quiet sad the state of things when
Pleasure is derived from open mockery
Exposure of faults, failings and wrongs
I never was one for
Modern day entertainment
Arrogance paraded on a
Foundation built on self alone
Simply thought a semblance of comfort
Would be found in seeing her words
Her thoughts, a window to her world
Alas, again I'll put pen to paper
Baring my soul, setting free the burden
Eliminating the presence
That sparked it all...mine
Knowing some amends can't be made
I welcome the silence and pray to forget
Erasing it completely...delete
K. Turnage

908 · Jul 2013
To Just Be
Kristy Jul 2013
Deep within each of us
Is a desire to be
To Just know
To live and let live
To not be judged or labeled
Nor criticized or belittled
Nor to be made to feel as though
Somehow we just don't measure up
To a standard that is far out of reach
That the goal is absolutely unobtainable
Deep within each of us
Is a desire to be
To just be...ourselves
And for be enough.

Kristy Turnage
866 · Jul 2013
Kristy Jul 2013
In the innocence of who we are
We seek out the truth in those around us
Trusting and believing
That we will find in them
The very same truths that are evident in our lives
In doing that...we do them such a disservice
We have in fact set them up for immediate failure
Because we have set the bar by our own standards
And not taken into account...their life experiences
And how those very experiences
Have shaped them in the very person that they are
Moral of the story...
Always take the time to really get to know someone
Before you label them as odd...or different...or just not "up to par"
Truth be really have not idea at all
The life experiences that they have had to endure
We are each so many ways
And it is those very differences that make up our individuality
Special...unique...and yes...sometimes a little odd

Kristy Turnage
797 · Aug 2013
Slumber of Sleep
Kristy Aug 2013
In the sweet slumber of sleep...
I hear softly...
Softly you whisper...
I try to clear my mind....
I want to focus on every word that is being said...
I want to hear all that you have to say...
I have waited for this moment....
For what seems like a lifetime....
To hear you finally say those magic words...
The words that I long to hear....
I have waited patiently...wondering....
Is it just me...maybe it is...just me...
I clear my head and give you my attention...
So gently you touch my face...
Brushing the stray hair from my eyes...
You lean in to get close to my ear....
Making sure that you are being heard...
At last....this is it...
The whisper sounds like a song in my ear...
Sweet melody of words...
Sung only for me....
It's my song....
"You are the one"..."That girl"...
Completely lost in you and in your words....
The breath against my cheek...
At that moment everything else fades away...
Its only those words and the sound of my heart..
Pounding in my ears...taking my breath away..
Its in that moment that I realize...
I love you...
I awake to the sounds of the morning...
And the realization that it was only a dream...
In the sweet slumber of sleep...

Kristy Turnage
680 · Jul 2013
A New Day
Kristy Jul 2013
It's a new day
Full of possibilities
New chances
The slate has been wiped clean
A canvas ready to be painted
Ready to be filled with the bright, radiant colors of life
This day can be filled with laughter
The kind that is genuine and full of life
This day can be spent with the knowledge
That this ~ is a day of purpose
Orchestrated and destined
Long before this day ever drew near
This day holds hope in its hand
Hope for a better appreciation of time
Time that should never be taken for granted
Life lived with purpose is the goal
Love given and love received
Unconditionally woven throughout this day
No longer held back with yesterday's
Decisions or worries
Today is the day of new beginnings
Not to be spent with over analyzing
Or dissecting motives
But to just be lived
So live this day to the fullest
No regrets
Carpe diem
Seize it.
676 · Aug 2013
Teach Me
Kristy Aug 2013
Teach me
To number my days
To cherish each moment
To not take anything for granted
To see only the good in people
To see in me-what you see
To love whole heartedly
To forgive without hesitation
To give of myself
To put others first
To be humble in all things
To be thankful despite my circumstances
To trust you completely.
Kristy Turnage
671 · Aug 2013
Being Held
Kristy Aug 2013
On my hardest day
Feeling each hurt
Weighted down
By each struggle
Invaded on every side
Darkness threatening
To envelope me
And suddenly
The dawn breaks
Chasing away
The shadows
Its then, that I feel it
The strength of your hands
Holding me
In all my brokenness
You love me
Back to life
Its your grace
That carries me
Comforts me
Strengthens me
Stilling my mind
Comforting my heart
And carressing  my soul.
Kristy Turnage
585 · Jul 2013
Bring Me
Kristy Jul 2013
Bring me
The very thing
That others overlook
Bring me
What I can feel
Bring me
Your words

Kristy Turnage
482 · Mar 2015
Dawn's Light
Kristy Mar 2015
Chartreuse light bleeds through
Dated blinds from yester-years
Giving sight to evenings demise
While giving birth to a new beginning
Starting with a single touch
One hand sliding into another,  fingers intertwined
The simplest of acts, but in that moment
The earth moved and time,
It ceased to exist, revealing a love that began before words were formed or lines penned.
A start to something only she
Could sense the importance of, and even to her the understanding only came in part
Swept up in its forward motion of emotion
Left them basking in dawns light.

474 · Aug 2013
Have You Ever
Kristy Aug 2013
Have you ever taken the time...
To really search your soul?
Ever given much thought..
To the road that you're on?
Ever wanted something so bad...
With no chance to obtain it...
Ever given your heart….
Not known how to refrain it.
Ever lived in a fantasy….
A world of make believe?
To escape the reality…
Of the life you now lead?
But what do you do…
When the fantasies take form?
When the world of the could-be…
Becomes the natural or norm?
So then you begin…
To question it all..
What was real? What was true?
Or for the dream did I fall?
Ever find yourself so consumed…
That you think of nothing else?
Ever wanted just your fantasy.
Content to put reality on the shelf?
Was it just me? Was I in this alone?
Did I make it all up?
But my heart says “NO”
So the final questions…
The ones that I need to ask you…
If you were given the chance....
Would you take a "re-do"?
Or would you take it ALL back...
With the snap of a finger?
With a magical un-do?
Not even my memory can linger.
Was it all a mistake?
Was it just in my head?
Some random…thoughts...
Better left unsaid?
Or was it just what it seemed...
Some strange twist of fate?
A perfect dream....
Just a lifetime too late.

Kristy Turnage
368 · Aug 2013
Kristy Aug 2013
I once felt
My words
Weren’t enough
They fell short
Too simple
Then I realized
They were all I had
They had to be

Kristy Turnage
318 · Jul 2013
Kristy Jul 2013
She longed
For someone
To see her
Through eyes
That were searching
For her
Not just
To be seen
Through eyes
That saw past her.


— The End —