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I used to think men
should be more like books
Both you cannot
judge by looks...

If I didn't want to finish reading
I put it down... no heart was bleeding

A book will never fuss or fight
It will stay with you
through the night...

It doesn't smoke. It doesn't drink.
It won't leave toothpaste
in the sink!

It doesn't binge... it don't eat...
It won't leave up the toilet seat!

It don't forget. It doesn't mope.
It won't hog the TV remote!

It doesn't have to have
The last say...
It doesn't have legs

to walk away.

But it's not soft. It isn't warm.
It doesn't keep you
safe from harm.

Even though it makes no fuss
It can't think. It can't discuss.

Even though it has its charms
it can't hold you in its arms.

It doesn't pine. It doesn't miss.
It can't hug and it can't kiss.

So now I think on it again...
... I think BOOKS should be
             more like MEN!!!

 Feb 2015 Kiana Lynn
you are such a misery,
like a deep blue sea,
you are slowly killing me,
like the sting of a bee.

there's a reason why,
when i look at you in the eye,
all that i can do is sigh,
because you left me high.

with the brightest sunshine,
i will make the words rhyme,
i want you to be mine,
even if i run out of time.
I don't know why but I feel so overwhelmed when I wrote this poetry of mine. Hope you guys will feel the same way! :)
A day, several years ago, when I first saw your face
And right inside that moment, my heart began to race
I knew right at that time that I was yours to be
And soon enough, I knew you would belong to me

Days had passed, and we did fine, in fact we were so great
We smiled and laughed all the time, it truly felt like fate
But nothing lasts forever, eternity is far too long
And we had to fall apart because nothing is that strong

Years went by around us, and we always made it work
We had some awful fights on nights when I would be a ****
But never once did I think that you weren't worth my time
I'd go through every fight again if it meant you'd still be mine

A ring went on my finger, and future plans were in view
I never wanted anything in this wretched world, but you
But confusion took its toll on us, and it tore us apart
And now we're both left wandering, looking for our lost hearts

When that ring had left my finger, and I had set it free
It made my sadness linger, and it just suffocates me
That perfect day that I had planned for us to become one
It disappeared before my eyes, and I'm not sure what I've done

But now I just sit lonely, looking at your empty chair
You wanted me to keep it, but I can't ever sit there
I smile at the thought of that first day that we met
But I cry and break down in a pool of cold regret
Just please, promise me... you won't ever forget...
I miss him so much.

— The End —