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3.4k · Oct 2015
kelvin mungai Oct 2015
M:Million lives were lost
A:And families were torn apart but
S:Still our courageous forefather pressed on,their
H:Hearts set on a goal freedom at all cost
U:Undaunted they fought to regain independence or die attempting
J:Justice evaded them and they were subjected to inhuman
A:Atrocities,captured fighters were tortured and women *****
A:A sacrifice was made so we could enjoy fruits of liberty

selflessly they watered this tree with their blood
some we never knew made sure we have Kenya today
patriotism was their heartbeat as they endured all
to ensure that our generation live in peace in this land
their dream we never hide our faces behind mask
of slavery again
today is the day we celebrate our heroes
the patriots who gave up alot to ensure
their offsprings have independence and
brought an end to colonialisation mashujaa means heroes
2.8k · Sep 2015
stripped innocence
kelvin mungai Sep 2015
[[ ****]]
blood pooling around her
there she lay sprawled
eyes glazed,motionless with no stir
she is another victim to succumb
to this heinous inhuman act
the mission is accomplished
the criminal thinks
freely he walks
head and shoulder held high
among mortals he laugh
life goes on ,another life gone
my sister,mum and aunt
the daughters of eve are endangered
my brother,dad and i
the all sons of adam
are the perpetrators
fear exists among our female species
they fear to be stripped off their
they live in a nightmare of being
stripped off their dignity
unwillingly be disrobed and be
they fear being deflowered and
out of her will she was forced
naked and spreadeagled
vitruvian man style she lay
her case was a repetition of a biblical
dinah and the sons of shechem
blood freely trickled between her
open pelvic
life seeped out of her misused shell
did she really deserve this???
who will end this atrocity?
who will fight for the girl child?
toddlers and grannies
shamelessly chauvinist male defiles
its against the word
its against the unwritten codes
it's unafrican
it's evil
my anger is frothing
like a volcano the lava is heating up
my pen is crying for the female child
i will shout this from rooftops
on the skyline i will write it
this battle is ours and we have to
protection we've to offer
[[the chronicles of the dumb speaker]]
1.9k · Feb 2016
kelvin mungai Feb 2016

   Dear mother
My guardian angel and protector
Am afraid to tell you
He was staring at me
When i went to the loo
His cold gaze pierced my back
And his unblinking eyes sent jitters down my spine
A creeping feeling enwrapped my whole being
When i turned his charming stare held me prisoner and he smiled at me

Mother i could feel his look perusing me like an art book
From head to toe i was studied
I felt naked as his hungry stare undressed me
To him i was a piece of an apple pie
I could make out gurgling sounds as he swallowed dry saliva and licked his death black lips
Lust was painted all over his mane covered face
Mom i was really scared
I regretted stepping in that club

When i returned to my seat he bought me beer
My liqour thirst was hard to bear
I betrayed my masculinity
And accepted drink from a **** sapien of male fraternity
My mind was having a cold war with my soul
Wierd thoughts tormented my intoxicated body
Where did i stand???

He welcomed himself in my table
With a gecko like grin etched on his face
"You are handsome"those were the ugliest words i had ever heard from a man
My owl like eyes bore onto him with blazing anger dancing on my eyelids
I was shaking not because i was cold but murdering instincts were elecrocuting my adrenaline
He mistook my silence and commited a cardinal sin by placing his manicured hand on my thighs
He winked as his blinking broke the speed record
I cleared my throat and i knew it was time to recorn

He thought his tactics had worked
I withdrew my hand from my pocket raised beer bottle as if to toast
He hastefully followed suit
"Chee....he never finished as i bathed him with my beer
"Hey ****** am straight"i yelped as i crushed the beer bottle on his thick skull
I heard a deafening yell
The rest i remember is being frog matched into a police car
So dear mom its not my fault am in jail
Am here because i fought
Mom am not a law breaker
Am here because i am homophobic
1.3k · Nov 2015
murdered trust
kelvin mungai Nov 2015
the word sorry has pierced my heart
and left me bleeding
you  have hurt me more times
than sorry can redeem
from the depth of my sorrow
i wallow with regrets of trusting you

i have tried loving you but
ended being tied by you
your deceitful charm have poisoned
my heart black
i have patiently waited for you to change
but you have changed me to your patient
the betrayal has just made me so sick

with ***** hands you have crushed
my pure heart
and made me  poor
i can't even afford a heartbeat
eternal ache is what is beating in the hollow
of my empty chest
you have murdered trust
and made me orphan and a beggar
begging for love to die
1.1k · Jan 2016
Pigmentation disguise
kelvin mungai Jan 2016

By the gates of condemnation she stood
Shielding her eyes behind sunglasses
And her face was hidden by a hood
She was not my neighbour nor from my hood
Her mood was foul
As she was full of fear

   I didn't see the lies people spread about her
All i saw was a unique human being
I may have been three shades darker
But us being different wasn't a sin
Nor could i pass judgement because o
The colour of her face

They called her albino
I called her daughter of Adam
Behind the pigmentation disguise
She had a beautiful heart
I took her hand and applied something
I learnt
To stand up for fellow human
1.1k · Jul 2016
Let's pretend
kelvin mungai Jul 2016
Let my mind take a hike
Unhook mysteries then i hide
Make a wish i was blind
And i start to pretend
Okay now lets pretend i  never existed
In which form would i have my life listed
Lets pretend i was born a girl
How many boys would i make their blood boil??
Now lets pretend i was never born black
Is there anything i would
Lets pretend i was never born in kenya or Africa
Could my young borns be freezing in Antarntica?
Okay now lets pretend i was neither a poet nor a writer
Would i be a potter or peoples right figher?
Lets pretend  i never got the pen what would have made my mind sharp?
Now lets pretend i never met her and  my heart never loved her
To who would i be writing these poems for?would i be a loner?
Now lets pretend you never saw this poem
Lets pretend you never gave my poem like
Would it mean its me or poetry you dislike?
What else would you be doing in internet except watching ****??
1.0k · Oct 2015
kelvin mungai Oct 2015
so here he was stripped naked in his bedroom
aloof lost in ****** imagination
his mind swimming with thoughts of *******
curvy hips and long legs
how they looked without impediment of clothing
he pictured his engorged member between a lass
his wet tongue swirling around her ******
leaving a trail of warm saliva on the areola
occasionally his head would swivel scanning the
**** magazine he held on his left hand
a cross scrutiny drawn all over the teenage face
as if he was admiring Da Vinci's art
the right hand lubricated with lotion stroked up and down
in a rhythmic motion
he was breathing hard as the hand performed self loving
there was something about the ****** expression
pleasure  painted all over the contours of his flame:
it was ecstasy but not in religious sense
his eyelids would droop from time to time and the lustful
smile would camouflage inner conflict
the tempo of jacking increased and the magma started rising
eyes still glued on the mag
his body started to spasm
it wasn't just a little twitchy ****** it was a volcano
of pleasure that shook every inch of his skin
the magazine fell he clutched the blanket and clenched his mouth shut
he looked at his sloppy handful junk and thought guiltily
what have i done......
1.0k · Mar 2016
The man called judas
kelvin mungai Mar 2016
In a juncture of three years he traipsed ***** nilly close to christ
He was the treasurer and all the finances he kept safe in a pouch hanging on his chest
He was a chosen in the midst of the chosen twelve he existed
All the miracles the son of man performed he witnessed
In his gospel all he recorded
Yet deep within he charred with bitterness he was dissapointed with the long awaited messiah
Tears of hatred soaked his soul
Ironically he felt betrayed this is not the saviour he had longed for
His iron heart had yearned for revolution
All his selfish heart wanted was the surrender of the roman
His heart pumped blood saturated with patriotism and christ with his spiritual
Kingdom was a foe of the jews whose throat were parched with the thirst of a political king
He had been preordained and he had to fulfill the divine decree
It was a calling he couldn't overcome
Thats when the ministry of christ was done and together they sat to eat the last meal the lord dropped a hint about him
He sopped a bread in wine and urged him to hastily fulfill his mission as the other disciples sat there clueless
This was a golden chance for he knew by assuming the role of a traitor he will precipitate the action of messiah and induce him to manifest his miraculous powers
For he longed for this savior to perfom the miracle he had pergorme throughout judea
For thirty pieces of silver he betrayed his master Because of his greed he condemned an innocent man to be banished from the land of living to abyss
And when the son of man was condemned his sense of guilt stirred from a deep slumber
He became despondent at his repulse by the  chief priest and elders he cast down the accursed payment into the santuary
The gnawing guilt took him to a tree and with a thread rope he terminated his life
He burst asunder and for hundred year the smell of his bowels lingered in the potters field of which the betrayal money bought

On the hill of skull the man on the cross breathed last and into hell he descended not only to settle scores with the lord of underwords lucifer but to free the soul of his follower from abyss
For it was written he had to die for salvation of humankind and his betrayer was the first to b redempted

The man called judas triggered a series of pretold happening
The man called judas fulfilled old centuries prophecy
The man called judas ensured redemption knocked in every sinners door
The man called judas jumpsttsarted the birth of christianity
The man called judas need a better slot in our history
863 · Apr 2016
kelvin mungai Apr 2016

I'm quitting poetry
(Part one)

I don't belong here
Nor do i belong there
Am not an author
Nor am i a writer
Am not a poet
I can't even write a sonnet
I don't write out of will
B'coz am not in a mission to heal
My pieces are not pure
So don't for cure
My poetry doesn't have a theme
Nor does it rhyme
I have done wrongs i can't undo
I need to apologize to my pen too
The paper need to take a revenge
'Cos i got no leverage
I have confused folks with my metaphor
But i can promise you this is now over
I tried to find solace behind my pen
It was futile it has just made my sorrow to deepen
I have lived a life of lie
Telling the truth i didn't even try
I have pretended i can write
Whereas i can't differentiate wrong from right
Someone called me tomorrow's wole soyinka
But now i realized it was an ironical moniker
I have been a shame to poetry
I should have tried the art of pottery
This are my confession
As i quit this proffesion

kelvin mungai Jan 2016
Instead of wishing myself a
Happy birthday
I wished i didn't have a birthday
I sat there near the door
One ear lying in intimate touch
With the cold steel door
Fantasizing of a knock
At times i would mistake my
Pounding heart for it
Open the door in haste and welcome
Mosquitoes and wind instead of friends

Every passing second i would steal a glance
At the chiming clock
And wait for midnight the only thing i could look forward to
It was the worst day
The loneliest thursday
No friends,no cake,no candle
Not even a girlfriend
Still i waited for fate to take toll

The parrafin lamp glowed  weakly
Swaying erotically
Celebrating the fact that i would be
Older than i was
Mosquitoes danced around my ear
Reminding me they had a present (malaria) for my birthday
At last the clock struck midnight
The wind blew off the lamp wick
All  was dark
I groped in the darkness as i came to into terms with reality
It was another birthday with no present,visitors nor celebration
The howling wind and buzzing mosquitoes
Feasted on my body wishing my birthday was everyday
Yesterday was already history
And today this my story
755 · Sep 2015
cresents of sin
kelvin mungai Sep 2015
full and half empty bottles of beer;
scattered broken glasses,
deranges the cracked brown hued floor
music gales from an old c.d changer
inebriated guzzler mumbles in incoherent murmur
denuded nubile cavorts merrily
their sleek oiled frame shimmering in the fuzzy light
ghoulish **** silhouette walks in fluid and sinuous manner
fog like smoke chokes the room
marijuana and cigarette smoke amalgamates
swirling up merged into an eternal marriage
heels clad trollops clatters in the room
swaying their assets provocatively
boozers gapes intently with hazy eyes
raising their neck in unison
they ogle at the lure with entranced lust
two vague humanoid shapes lurks in a corner
moans escaping in raspy staccato
musk,*****,drugs defines this room
besotted species lie on filthy squalid floor
vocalizing dirge melodies
lost in muddled blur
dancers prances up and down
crushing cans and glasses in spirited tempo
yelling their lungs out
as the music drown their voices and worries
deep in the gist of the city
irrational rants emanates from every angle
sundry light floods the clear night
as merry goers sip cheap and expensive liquor
sloven hookers milks cash from patrons
the night conceal this cresent of sins
everyone is on a business
the party continues
the music get more stentorian
[{chronicles of the dumb speaker}]
748 · Sep 2015
carnal worship
kelvin mungai Sep 2015
curled and cuddled together
we lay on the dewy grass
with only the forbidden fruit to share
birds and insects chirps spiced the moonlit night
as the aroma of the forest drifted and swirled
around our entangled flame
the curls of your African hair sent electric impulse
across my sinewy muscles
and a soft moan escaped my clenched mouth
your crystal clear eyes was a reflecting pool
of thirst and your face glowed with lust
your ice cold tongue grazed over my lips
depriving sanity from me
i parted my twitching mouth and
your juicy lips ****** my breath away
your mesmerizing gaze hypnotized me
as sensual hunger overwhelmed me
i responded back by biting passionately,
our hands roved over each other
and we were lost in a reverie of epic disrobing
the jealous moon glared fiercely at our
magnificent anatomy as
we flicked and licked to a thrilling and fulfilling feeling
your guttural and purr noise turned me on and your caress
and whispers caused ****** shocks that made my body tense
i massaged your full eyesome  chest twins making your leg part
i knelt between your knees and i knew it was the time
the time to commit sin of worshiping between your thighs
i slipped in your soppy bush and in i slid
making bodies mold as one
tearing my back with your long nails i ****** in you
your heavy breathing and the boring gaze spelled all
"go fast and don't stop"
i implored your honeypot with bliss making your
hips to dance at the rhythm of my successive ******
a building symphony was cresting so high
nostrils flared and your legs locked behind my back
our musical moaning reached crescendo
euphoric sensation made us spasm
pure deepening whirlpool of ecstasy made you
writhe beneath me and contortions of ******
etched your innocent face
i lay on you breathless as my sweat glands busted
panting in afterglow of love making
679 · Jan 2017
kelvin mungai Jan 2017
Dante Alighieri 1308:midway upon the journey of our life i found myself within a forest
Dark,for the straight forward path had been lost
Dante: 3rd canto
Gate of hell:abandon faith ye all who enters
Once revered as angels
Now feared as demons
Once bowed upon
Now scorned and looked down upon
A paradise of lost souls
Heathen,heretics and pagans
Frozen screams amid fiery fire
Searing heat upon all cold hearts
Who defied heavens defends their
Breath in hades
Who never heeds repay their wrong deeds
For the escape from hell is sealed
For whom sealed their fate
The underworld awaits with hate
Saturated in sins
Evil ever since
Time immemorial dwells
In their deepest recess
A special place awaits
Baring its fangs ready to
Devour their soulless flesh
For the darkness in their heart
Can only be lit by hell fire
Those dead inside will be woken
By pain
No escape from hell
Abandon all hope
For eternal misery you will *****
Seeking redemption
That you avoided as plague
When alive
No laughter but cries,groan and screams
Dry patched faces where no tears streams
Hell is like undisturbed dream
Full of fear and grimm
So ye all who enters the gates of hell
Abandon any hope of stirring from
This nightmare
649 · Nov 2015
kelvin mungai Nov 2015
dear my dead......
am in a frozen trance trying to
jot down all that's in my head
donned in forced air of solemnity
and my life time couple: sorrow
i need to borrow a single slice
of our past
and recall our last time together
as memories stream in thick and fast

first i have been spending my sleepless
nights shirtless
struttling aimlessly  the cold kissing
my pale skin
as i uphold one hand on my beardless chin
ogling at the naked night i search your face
among million stars
wishing i could freeze time space
and race to that place your soul rests
even if it means going to mars

at times i stirs from my seize
when i sneeze because of the cold breeze
i toast a beer to your imaginary image
my mind get vintage glimpse of our times
back then in the village
from the land of silent i know you can
hear my thoughts
maybe you hover near enough to see how
my grieve is tied into agonizing knots
i try to concentrate on the serenity of darkness
maybe the distraction will make time move faster
and save me from torture of thinking about you
i take another sip and convince myself every
swallow will drown my sorrow and allow me to sleep
i don't know who i am without you ..
you may be away physically but my heart is still with you
in that four by six bed
my time stands still until i see you again
kelvin mungai Aug 2016
I will be gone but with this world i will not be done

If i lie and never wake
Don't let your tears overflow like a lake
Just let my corpse lie in open
And let nature be the oven
For thy my body i want it to burn
And when another day turn
Take the urn of my ashes
To the four corners lets my trace fly
Dont weep for me but whisper my poetry to the wind
For far off my soul will sing along with your dirge
Lest you forget me write my name on your wall
Let my ghosts inside your brain let me and you dream death
Remember me when am gone
But just know in this world am not yet done
Death and my soul will have won
But the victor will be only one
Remember me world your son
Let not my lifeless body rot
But let it be a relic
Shall i die let everyone with me fly to paradise
Remember i will be gone bt with this world i will not be done
597 · Aug 2016
kelvin mungai Aug 2016
Grandma may you continue resting in peace
Don't wish to wake up coz you will find this world in pieces
Dads are sleeping with their daughters
And mothers are twerking on their sons amid laughters
The grave is comfortable
Since our world has become unsuitable
Men falling in love with males
And their reunion chronicled like tales
The world you left has gone to hell
Their nothing positive in this rotten world to tell
Young girls aborting
High school kids burning and rioting
Mass killing all over the globe
Assasinations without probe
If you resurrect you would wish to die again
This world is run by a slogan of no pain no gain
Immorarity is on rise
And the mortal are doomed to pay the price
Just stay in the grave
This world is no longer for the brave
Technology has taken over
Governents have been thrown over
Blood is flowing in gallons
Convicts are waiting in gallows
Humanity has been compromised
The poor have atrocised
Don't get tired of lying there lifeless
The living are also dead they are life less
Selfish and proud
So hold your horses and stop wishing you were around
588 · Feb 2016
kelvin mungai Feb 2016
Pieces of clothing spewed the room
The chirping of night insects  faded from her ear
As she tensely counted the rhythmic beating of her heart
Silent wishes painted her hungry face
As her eyes roamed every curve and bump of her endowed friend
The skin fragrance  and female smell was mind intoxicating
She bit her lower lip on time
And swallowed all she wanted to tell her
Her **** was throbbing  as she gathered her courage and blankly muttered "am *****"
A moment of silence almost made her faint
Her friend didn't answer but inched closer and brushed her luscious  lips on her neck
The two hungry mouths crushed over each other as they competed to **** breath away
The two female bodies molded in to one
As the last shred of sanity
Drowned in lustful caress

Her soft hands explored the chest twins and massaged them interchangeably while ******* her friends tounge deep
She could feel the sensual touch of female fingers roving near her honey *** searching for the gory hole
The touch on her **** made her spread her legs wide open and writhe in pleasure as a finger penetrated her already wet *****
She rubbed and bit the ******* in return
She couldn't  hold back back but moan audibly and ask for more
Her friend rubbed her juices all over her plump ***** as her tongue drew a line of saliva from her belly button to her bushy mould
She screamed in ecstasy as the ******* and lips serviced her birth canal
She pinched and bit her *******
As her body convulsed and she cummed uncontrollably
At last her friend finger and tongue found the *****
And an alien feeling enveloped her whole flame she felt  like peeing as her eyelashes twitched successively  
Her heartbeat accelerated as she gushed
She looked at her pecked her passionately and heaved a sign as sleep robbed her senses and together they drifted into sleep with pleausure etched in their beautiful faces
540 · Feb 2016
kelvin mungai Feb 2016
Am not writing to whom it may concern
But to the poets whose silence i want to discern
You are the prophets of the
And if you mute you earn our world no profit
Am worried you have gone hiding
And abandoned your call of writing
You have denied your pens the justice
And you have played mute in many instances
Where is your voice?
Your fingers have slept
And you haven't poured your heavy soul unto the paper
Why are you not talking about the evil that has cast a blanket over earth dwellers?
Don't you feel this tangible darkness that has enveloped our planet?

Where has your voice been when fathers have been sleeping with daughters
Or it no longer matters
For mothers to lie with their sons?
Why have you spared your ink
And just watch as kids stop taking milk and water and fight over beer
None of you has been bold enough to write about that man who betrayed his nation for a piece of gold
Have you forsaken your mission?

Your silence is too loud
Are you dumb of the warning sirens
And like the ostrich,you have buried your head to the soil with pride
I wanna know why you have played dumb:why thee borrowed your ears to the waters and non of this you hear
And our women throw their foetuses away like a man doing open excreta
Arise oh writers arise and wipe away this coming darkness with the light from your papers for when the good are silence its evil done enough
I wonder why writing pads are clean
Yet men have stop desiring man and are siring thoughts  to woo men  
Why have you not quoted the scripture to condemn this abomination?
"Behold woe unto to man who lies with another man"
Are there no writers to pull of this dark shirt of evil we have donned?

Am not playing saint by asking these questions
But my conscious is burdened
I need to offload this nagging from my shoulders
Only you poets who can set my mind free
So arise African writers
Let your pens bleed the truth
Two wrong never make a right
But what you write can rectify all wrongs
For prosperity will never forgive a man who goes to sleep during the day while goats eat his barn of yams
537 · Sep 2018
art of love
kelvin mungai Sep 2018
though a stranger in my eye
i bowed to her demands without why
a young blood she was
entwined between my blankets
i was trapped in her love nests
my name she moaned softly slowly and slowly
killing me with ecstasy
she was here for me to nail
she was my night ****
my bare back she tore with her nail
as she arched her body up against her will
the moan turned to wail
as she urged me to go deeper
faster i gave her my stroke.

my whole body swan in euphoric sensation
as the bed rocked with our love rhythm
she whispered 'don't finish' b'cos i was doing
it just right
her hips worked on my body
like i was made just for her
i breathed heavily under her coitus spell
boring through me with her eyes
just made me nod in unison with inaudible ayes
her nail;s raked my back deeper
drawing sweat and blood
i cringed with  pain
yet she kept going she was on the gain
ecstasy masked my pain
turning my life upside down
away we faded
died and rose
bated breath
spelled our
sinful night
work of fiction drawing inspiration from the art of love making
525 · Sep 2015
single moms
kelvin mungai Sep 2015
i sing for all mama but
give it up for single momma
i applaud to her names which is
uttered in murmur
in a society inebriated with ignorance
her name is whispered
in stammers
behind stunners you are looked down
you are regarded with scorn and
with abuse and insults your names
they stain
politically incorrect
you are a plural;parents
you play the role of a mother and a
yet the society try to push you further
forget you've been there during joy
and strife
calming down all the storms in life
you are that rifle that combats rivals
your bullets saves during upheavals
life with you is always a win owing all
to you
a blue letter a baloon to blew later
raising kids in absence of a man who
sired them
then grew tired and treated you like
a hired maid
left you with no aids
sorry he only donated AIDs positive
you deserve more than negative
a woman who has been in the receiving
of blows is entitled to a bow
it hurt more than a thorn to see a
woman heart
torn,her soul burdened by tons of
it really ****** to see her shredded
into pieces
then treated like faeces in the faces
of chauvinist
till when shall they impel single moms
to hide behind sunglasses
as their son glances?
you deserve more than back biting
hypocrisy blinds them from seeing
your hard fighting
this society is hand biting
you are strong beings mentor you've
in physical and mental
though some view you like a zero
hell no
to me you are a hero
who can heal all
514 · Feb 2016
Valentine letter
kelvin mungai Feb 2016
Dear my valentine
As my pen pours out pain
Bursting from deepest recess of my brain
My broken heart is bleeding tears
As my eyes are shedding blood
I now understand you don't love me
You really love hating me
I asked you "will you be my valentine?"
And your response made a part of crypt
Be deciphered
I now understand why you(U) and i (I)
Are not near each other in the alphabetical order
But NO N & O follow each other
Sticking with you i thought was so cool
But now i realize to you i was just a fool
You always wanted roses
I never knew you would use their thorns
To ***** my heart
To you i was not good looking
But you were good in looking how
Deep my pockets were
I was always faithful
But my efforts were unfruitful
You made me realize just how much poor
I was
A beggar of love
I dread seeing the red color
It doesn't represent lovers day
But broken hearts day
I have to put a full stop there because
The sheet is soaking red
Intensifying  my dull aching
Looking forward for your
Break up message
Because once again i have
Celebrated loneliness alone

         Crushed heart of
A love saturated poet
510 · Nov 2016
love must die tonight
kelvin mungai Nov 2016
It was all about the angels till the demons broke free from hell
all was well until you decided to make me cry a well
of tears awhile back you made me dance on shards of broken glasses
your evil glances hidden behind sunglasses
your deafening silences indicated incoming sirens
for surely love must die tonight
with my blood i will smear the love song we danced in the paradise swelling between your legs
and replace it with a dirge we shall compose in dante's inferno
i have fought battles for this love but my scars reminds me of the defeats
and all i hear is love must die tonight
i have slashed my veins trying to rid your charms out of the system
as i lay there dying your hums soothed me back to life promising me eternity of pain
unless i killed love its you i loved its you i would die for but hate has immortalised my soul
am everliving here in hell of love gone sour praying for death or someone to **** love tonight?
474 · Jul 2016
kelvin mungai Jul 2016
I have worn this face for so long
And won in convincing my soul in this world i don't belong
A look i have spiced with a smile
With a glow that beckons from a mile
This is a camouflage of demons inside me
Poetry and lines with dirge theme
Deceiving mask of hapiness
Yet my heart echoes with emptiness
Behind this veil am spent and shattered
My sanity all over scattered

  My face is just a book cover
You need to peruse my chapters over and over
At the end of my story
You will choose to worry or be sorry
The truth will be full blown
Reality will dawn
My face is just a prison with no walls
Which confines my secrets and all ills
Behind every beauty there is a beast
Ready to devour and feast
On our true identity
#poetryrebirth #kenyaismybeat
470 · Mar 2017
dear lord
kelvin mungai Mar 2017
Dear lord
Hear me God
My shoulder is burdened by a load
Of which i need to offload
Nights are cold
I have nothing to hold
Please don't put me on hold
Am not asking for gold
Lemme just be bold
All i need is to be heard
Before i go bald
And get old
My fate love to hate
Ghosts asked me for a date
Though am not their mate
It may be late
But open open for me your gate
My thirst i need to sate
My hunger i need to bate
Am here tumbling
Hade is there rumbling
Demons are near struttling
My heart they are fondling
My redemption am hustling
And grave is just there ogling
The life has become puzzling
And am tired of struggling
465 · Sep 2015
sipper's mourn
kelvin mungai Sep 2015
wading in mushy mucky mad
i can't pull myself out
my inner strength draining out of me
i try to set myself free
but this filthy swamp ***** me deeper
the banks are far off sight
how i wish to start this all over again
old habits are hard to ****
i have been swimming in this mess
each lapsing day without a miss
alcoholism seem to be the only -ism
am subscribed to because it raises my
sipping the accursed drink has become
a leisure
sauntering and wobbling and at times
seizes my ****** body
each time i open my mouth to shout
for help
i ends up with a full gulp
then i would let a string of expletives
as the drink slice me like thousand
i live in a nightmare
as i dread a new day to appear
horrified by last night deeds
i always cower in a corner as my pulse
as i wait for doom to be spelled
disgraceful,outrageous and antisocial
i need to veiled
when the sun-day comes
in abject terror i call out to gods
with despair i cry to unseen powers
maybe my prayer can open heaven
and clean my dirtied shell
and be saved from this hell
am clinging to this thread of hope
i reflects my pathetic life
since i don't wish to die a slave
in this alcohol logged swamp
but here still i am with steel clamps
holding me;alcohol drowning me
i have to fight tooth and nail to be
((poetry from the heart))
[[the dumb speaker]]
<<kayvoh the poet>>
465 · Mar 2017
death hurry
kelvin mungai Mar 2017
Its a game of eternity
Puzzle of immortality
Sewn in fabrics of morality
insatiable cravings
Insanity drivings
Calling for death
Ready to part with my breath
Looking through the devils hole
Wishing to be taken whole
Deep in pits of hell
Inside the fiery hell
With frozen scream
Death is the only thing i dream
Ghosts that kiss
Their caress is what i miss
It's ****** touch
The ecstasy is much
Bony fingers fondling my heart
Eyeless socket searing me with heat
To lie in a grave is what i yearn
Death is a price i have to earn
I want to lie
With no remorse n no more whys
Deaf of this world lies
Death is so sweet
Can't wait to rot
When i decay and smell
Then i will know all is well
Please death hurry
Am tired of the burden i carry
463 · May 2016
I lay there dying
kelvin mungai May 2016
I lay there dying
With my mind wrapped in agonizing knots
Endeavouring to unravel the ardous mysteries of life
Resounding bangs wrecked my temple
With soul confined in fabric mesh of guilt wallowing in a limbo painted with slimes of  failures
   my third eye could glimpse spewed papers spilled ink and broken pens all baying for a piece of my inner being
   The mission i had forsaken was baring it fangs ready to devour me
   As i lay there dying it dawned to me the  the race was over i was hanging in a ravine with judgement at the finish line awaiting my selfish soul
rivulet of ink soaked my **** skin sizzling and corroding my flesh the pain was unwritable  misty wraith  shrouded my eyes snatching away my last moment sight of the beautiful sun
   I lay there with no sense of time laboured breath managed to escape my nasal cavity heartbeat drummed skimply giving me a last chance to make peace with my fate
Inside my restless heart my soul was dying
A cold heat was drying my old *****
My final dying wish tried to escape through my clenched
I lay there trying to push the smell of death through my cracked throat
As i chocked with foul air of all the wrongs i had commited
My mask and guise that had obscured my face peeled away seething away my melalin baring my true identity to world masses
Numbed thoughts clogged my mind soaking the reality and waterlogging my six sense
I lay there with needles of truth jabbing every inch of my flesh
In hell demons remixed a dirge with my name reminding me i belonged in abyss
As i lay there dying a wraith of mist shrouded my whole being reminding me of all the darkness inside me weighing me down remindind me i had to die n e ever rise again
I lay there dying
Wondering how many will be left crying
447 · Jan 2017
kelvin mungai Jan 2017
Whats my name?
and where do i belong?
What  lame
I asked my mirror image
Tuft of hair sprouting from my head
my thoughts spinning like a windmill
I was a different creature from yester years
i was a different shade in this hell
Around me i could hear whispers
Murmurs and even stammers
spilling hum around nature
As they tried to decrypt my identity
As a davinci's code
trying to fit me like a jigsaw
Who am i??
The face i saw in a bowl of spring water
Made me wonder
the shadow i saw on a sunny day
left me perplexed
In how many realms do my souls exist
in how many forms do i breathe
With hazy and tired eyes
I can nolonger see my future
nor can my brain fathom what i am
Around me all is dark and hidden
far from reach
do i have an alter ego?
Am yet to comprehend
Who is the other me?
438 · Oct 2015
Anonymity of loneliness
kelvin mungai Oct 2015
lying his back on the cold tombstone
he reflects on the unfairness of this world
night has come with loneliness instead of sleep
he came here to grief his miserable life
this was the only place he feels accepted
he is the cutest boy endowed with charming smile
yet his looks never impresses even the village girls
his voice is melodious and legendary but
only the wind seems to notice and tries to **** it away
his blue gorgeous eyes can melt the winter snow
but only beggar looks him directly in the eyes
he is abandoned by all
and nature also don't want to be associated with him
he is a reject just because of his looks
he is the most handsome guy in the village
yet he is the most unpopular
he is unfairly judged and treated
he can't take no more
why hate him just because he is beautiful?

he stares at the  Cresent moon with jealous
surrounded by lover
the stars shines around her adorning her with twinkles
the majestic view of the starry heavens adds salt on the wound
intensifying the pain in his heart
silent screams rages deep in him
he longs for tenderness,touch and adoration
but he is all alone in this universe
his mind tries to fight the darkness in life
so as to shed light for a brighter tomorrow
but he is afraid of light that will reveal to the whole world
he is
429 · Sep 2015
beneath my skin
kelvin mungai Sep 2015
my eidetic memory skims through my
reminiscent old thoughts amassed in
my wikipedia
pops up like a champagne top
i vividly recollect being born black
if you referred to me as dark skin no
tear would drop
racism was not within the range of my
egoism and rage were the only thing
that pushed me to edge
the only race i was aware of was
and the other i uttered was lace in
throughout my childhood i never
realized the realism
of its catechism
the only -ism subscribed in my recess
was alcoholism
rhythm was the closest i
mispronounced racism
black and white to me was a great wall
and human being was great of all
i neither thought being colored would
lead to isolation
nor the hue of my skin was a ticket of
it was tardy when i got revelation
about the race thing
my ripe mind expeditiously
incorporated the race theme
which flowed across nations like a
mighty stream
the sensation so extreme no longer was
it a dream
my color ceased being my joy and
became pain
my skin grandeur is now a paint of
as i quest to replace the slogan of
ignore many
a systematic annihilation that will
bear liberation
the ultimate solution is my fascination
of love for each and every human
being that will
carry no disdain
i seek to liberate my thoughts that
brings me
to my mantra that knows
am black and there is nothing i lack
i cherish the red color in my blood
it's my beauty and my strength
lying beneath my skin
422 · Nov 2015
kelvin mungai Nov 2015
it's the beauty that made me realize
i wanted you
and it is the first kiss that made me
let you in
i had been swimming in an ocean of darkness
and i realized your brightness is the light
i had missed all along
it's your love that swept me like a typhoon
and in an island of commitments
i landed
it's your trust that made me realize nothing
could break us apart

forever felt like a very long time
but we lost count of time along the way
the ember of our love  became
an eternal flame and
our fingers  entangled like vines
a story was rewritten
love was reborn
421 · Mar 2016
Tongue's magic
kelvin mungai Mar 2016
I sat at the edge of the metallic seat  my bare buttock sizzling electric shock as she knelt there her head buried between the V of my leg as she embarked on a mission to make my snake weep
My wet eyelids twitched playfully i shivered though my naked body was saturated in my own sweat
Her workmanship was undeniably a talent
How her sleek cold tongue and her soft palm worked in mutual partnership was a cryptic mystery
She swirled the tongue round my sugarcane and her hand stroked up and down in calculated steps
The feeling was magical ripples and goosebumps decorated my African skin
My warm blood coursed all over my body as the body pistons pumped with herculean energy
Her warm saliva covered my hard snaked as she worked with painters concentration
A real proffesor she was in her trade
At time she would lift her eyes and wink at me she understood too well i was possessed by her tongue's magic
For the next half hour her tongue studied my maleness morphology
She ****** pinched and cuddled my ***** and the pentacle of love
She neither lost the momentum nor slowed the pace
Deeper n deeper she let my snake explore her mouth cavity
At times she would gagged as the eyeless ***** probed in her throat
Her smile gave thumbs up she enjoyed every moment of this job
My nose was flared as i breathed like a charging irritated buffalo
The pleasure rode me to the realm of gods
From a dead slumber she awakened my glands
Whirlpool of sensation swirled on my sensitive glan
And euphoric spasm swept me till i was one concentric feeling of fluids
Warm milky tears gushed and hit the back of her throat she paused and breathed deep then resumed her unfinished business
She hungrily lapped  the oozing cream and once more winked as my snake went limp.....she bit her luscious lips with lust
419 · Jun 2016
kelvin mungai Jun 2016
Let cheat the night
And Strip under the moonlight
Make the glowing stars jealous
As my palm spanks your ***
Plant your luscious lips upon mine
And taste the product of my gold mine
Let the universe sing at our awe
While you ****** my breath away
Let me labor as i beg for more
As your sensation takes me to ecstasy  door
Trace my mophology
With concentration like you are studying biology
Read My contours,
As my hands take a tour on yours
Let lust burst our love glands
And Wait for momento to land

Lets cross the line
With our whines
As we spice up the night with moans
Gasps and frozen groans
Let our bodies mould
As my pecker roves in your mold
One we become
As the armosphere calm
Deeper let me explore
Motivate me let me not slow
With lust lets as glow
As the night bow
Iet us paint the midnight with slimes of sin
Before the sun rises and naked be seen
Let us sing
As our ****** start raining
394 · Apr 2016
Simple love poem
kelvin mungai Apr 2016
I have been racking my mind out driving myself nuts trying to solve this jigsaw puzzle until i found you and realized u were the missing piece all along
After i met you all the broken pieces of my heart fitted back together
       I used to think i had a hole in my heart after it was broken
loved oozed out n all remained was a desolate pumping *****
But that  day we met you touched my heart with clean hands
you put your key inside my dark hole and once again my heart opened up for love
           Since then i have been swimming in an ocean of commitments
Every night i hear whispers of your voice soothing me to dreamland
The fragments of my dreams revolves around you
And when the sun rises you are the reason am tempted to breathe again
    Distance has made our love stronger
At times i fantasize of your arms tracing my morphology ua lips snatching i love yous and i miss yous from my mouth
  At twilight i stare at the stars searching your beautiful image among the mystical beauty
    Sometimes i wonder could the stars be a map to escape this world to a paradise of love
     Am certain i can love you in a million way in million different worlds anytime i would always choose you
   For you are my reality
376 · Oct 2015
kelvin mungai Oct 2015
suspended few feet a noose hang
thy feet on ground nose tilted up
pangs of anger fueled by hunger
mind reckoning the rope beckoning
i lost this war
unbearable suffering in daily hustling
battling life challenges in dazzling
grey light
despite trying the knot is tightening
spellbound doom ready to boom
shy future full of unraveled feature
a picture worthless of any word
left,right the light dim
darkening my life world no longer
guilt and conscious conflict
insanity terrorize my sanity
condemning me to vanity
the answer is still there
swaying hovering provocatively
seducing for action
the shadows of yester dreams
plastering gloom casting a doubtful
net on who i am
during a stormy no silver lining on the
grey cloud
only terrorizing zeus' thunderbolt
the end of the road the final
i realized the light at the end of
tunnel no longer glowed
without denying i was dying
do it!!!
unrecognizable voices howls
deafening defeating the weak
wrecking havoc in wasted brain recess
can't suppress the urge to take the
closing my gap heading to river styx
a coin in my mouth i breathe deeply
i head to hades world in underworld
and be a wanderer in tarturus
soaring near the vulture sirens a
kelvin mungai May 2016
Its time to run
I have failed to learn
My mistakes are hot on pursuit
Am donned in nothing but my birthday suit
The hunter has become the hunted
My dark future is now haunted
Their love is gone
In place fury has been born
My pen has become my enemy
The wrong i have made him commit are many
Its time to hide
Time to tuck my creativity back into my mind
Writing i have to bade goodbye
My fake hope no one has to buy
For my poetry has to die
This will be my last piece
And hope my hunters will make peace
To all the ink i have spilled am sorry
The tormentor has fleed no more worry
I apologize for staining the paper
But from your world i will disappear like vapor
To all poetry fan its no time to cry
I woun't be there your tears to dry
Am getting tired of flight
But i have run off arsenals to fight
For those i have misled
Read this final piece and assume me dead
If you don't hear from me sooner
Know my mistakes made me a goner
Pen down
361 · Sep 2015
wise words
kelvin mungai Sep 2015
in melancholic countenance
i gaze at the icon with impatience
me staring back at me in the mirror
wishing i had been sincerer
terse adage philosophy ring in my
am caught between two stools stay or
guilt gnaws my conscience
nibbling away my mask of innocence
having made my bed i now had to lay
on it
tardy it was when i comprehended
having stature didn't requisitely
my age was more propounded than my
but here i am today yowling over
spilled milk
growing up beneath my parent's
familiarity had sired contempt
and the spirit of adventure had me
the grass is invariably greener on the
other side of knoll
precipitately i plunged into the mucks
of this world
ceasing to recall the wise had
you can't fabricate bricks in omission
of straw
all i reflected was that fortunes
favors the bold
dauntlessly i ventured and swayed
away from morals
the world bountifully vouchsafed into
my disposal
bird who had corresponding feather
and together we flocked
as the hungry earth swallowed us in
it's pleasures
a fool i was to test the depth of water
with both feet
after the foolish ordeals remorse
i had the will to change and a way
could be found
i decided not to look at where i fell
but where i slipped
since i never wished to be that
who gained ascertainment when
players dispersed
i couldn't dawdle no more or else
i would miss the water long after the
well dried
i became the squeaky wheel and sure
enough i was greased
though i plundered my life penitence
is not a solution
because you cant make an omellete
without breaking
a few eggs
sometimes going gets tough but tough
gets going
i learnt that
between the devil and the deep sea
is the best part of valor...
i live with the knowledge of the wise
illuminating my ways and checking on
my morals
360 · Sep 2015
fantasy dreams
kelvin mungai Sep 2015
i saw an angel in my castle of imagination
i had the temptations to have a conversation
but she was floating far in a strange world
full of fascination
i had this determination to get her
after she caused love in my heart to stir
she is what poetically i would refer to
as a morning star

i had nothing just my pen and a sheet of paper
because word scribbling is my nature
a misty cloud of vapor barred my hand
from touching her pepper hued hair
how i dreamed having sweet ecstasy
if only my reality eclipsed to fantasy

stripped off my intoxicated sanity
so i could confine my poetry in the fabrics
of the society
or else i will be labelled explicitely
because of the profanity
falling in love with my mentality
was an exercise of vanity
my humanity was convinced
writing creativity was the key of tearing apart
the thin wall of insanity and love
358 · Sep 2015
intoxicated words
kelvin mungai Sep 2015
the break of dawn found me on the
morning rays seeped in my room
my eyes squinted from the blinding
streaming through the oculus on the
through my hazy focus i could view
majestic morning universe in full
my dizzy eyelids blinked in
trying to accustom to the brilliance
as i tried to turn this battered frame
sharp pain halted my mission
besides the noise from flora
i could correctly count the rhythmic
pulse of my heart
my head throbbed like gong
i breathed deeply trying to clear the
from my wasted minds
stale smell of puke wisped into my
nasal cavity
the smell of fermentation was
i tried to rewind my mind
backtracking was herculean test
memory was gone i couldn't
remember nothing
the cold carpet was biting
my hungry stomach was grumbling
i was gnawed in every part of my
misused shell
there alone i lay promising my body
this is a story about yesterday
the tale of my sipping life
alcoholism as my next to kin
clubbing as the order of the day
i should search the lords face
so as he can remove this cup of
from thy face and the will of the
bartender not be done
am adamant of divorcing the beer
{{this another one from the dumb
i started drinking when i was at a tender age ....i always woke up to this
354 · Mar 2016
kelvin mungai Mar 2016

They have lived in a time capsules
Cocooned in a foundation of lie
History and windmills of times has hastily passed their sluggish body
The cold desert wind and the ****** splatter of raindrops has swept and washed their age to saint nowhere
High in the realms of heaven sad sun has risen million times casting a halo of fiery fire round their territories
Angels gods and demons have raged eternal war for the very soul of these immortal mortals
Clock has circumnavigated its face million times and yet their hearts have been adamant
Hardened like the frozen Antarctica not even the hades fire can defrost them
Upon this wicked world they have nested forever awaiting no judgement
Cobwebs of wickedness have wove round their blackened heart
Their heartbeat resounds like Poseidon's trident as they pump their filthy blood
With wax stack ears they haven't perceived the drums of the forthcoming war that have been echoing over the peaks of snow capped mountains
Tattoos and ceremonial colours paints their bodies not in readiness for the war but defiance
When the moon awakes it ferociously beg for the night to die to escape the nightmare of shining to this lost race......
347 · Apr 2016
kelvin mungai Apr 2016
Shunned liked a hermit
Recluse heart
Wallowing in alienation
Afflicted with vex
Persistent feeling glued to his thoughts

     Tardy when the revelation dawned
Irresistible and irreversible feelings
Lustful eyes in a fine frenzy rolling
Doth cursory look at a he
Sets off unanticipated  secretion of testosterone
And tingling sensation between the legs
He is trapped inside this ****

    Sitting is a herculean  task
Unendurable pain
Yet it feels contentful Hence from the commencement
Inclination engulfed his life
Leading to a point of no return

Face obscured behind shroud of his palm
Face wet with overflow of tear
Pain saturated query
In this world why forth was he brought
The pain don't drown the dejection away

  Dark corner
Alone afraid howling out
Emotions colonizing his brains
Slowly he strips down to his birthday suit
The ghoul in the mirror is nothing like he used to be
Wasted maimed by sadism
An emblem
A permanent tatoo of the wicked life he chose
347 · Nov 2015
kelvin mungai Nov 2015
that night we met you smiled at me
right under the glare of a full moon miles away
the swells on your chest and the sweet smell
of your skin scent  sent jolts through my spine
i wanted to bolt but your crystal clear eyes hypnotized me
you swayed your hips provocatively as you made your way down
the stairs  i couldn't tear my eyes from your stare

     i was ready to share my world with you
when your knitted words  convinced me i was
your knight in shining armor
under the light of the moon you vowed
i was gonna be your last king  
and that our relationship would be everlasting
that is all i wanted to hear i moved near you
lust made your face glow with wants  to be satisfied
i kissed you and my hand roved below your waist

i didn't like how you talked in suspense
behind the veil of your language i could sense
you painted my heart with pain
it was plain that hurting me was your plan
"i have died every day waiting for you to change"
i couldn't spare you a fight today only to die tomorrow
337 · Feb 2016
kelvin mungai Feb 2016

All the less privileged around us
The urchins with no house
To lay their tired young bones
The hungry kids sprawled on our streets
With sunken eyes and protruding bellies
Grease painted flames and life long companion
The glue bottle
   We didn't bribe the most high
Now that our life are normal and we always soar high
These pitiful human beings could be us
The homeless with tattered clothes
And hopelessness in abundance
Upon whom the merciless sun beat down
And the rain wash their years away
These could be any of us
The twilight girls who share their sinful life with the sad moon
And whose blood sustains the very existence of the mosquitoes
Girls who don't understand the sweetness of night sleep
They are no better than the witches

    These could be us the beggar
With their outstretched hands
Waiting for for a plane of hope to land
With only the coins to break the silence
And at times the ambulance's sirens
Its only by grace we are not in hospitals
Fighting for our lives in machines
We can walk,see hear and even smile to the cruel sun
Since we are not them
But every time you hit your pillow
Always remember to give thanks because
328 · Oct 2015
kelvin mungai Oct 2015
P:Probably my pen could have won this battle if,
O:only ideas flowed in me like a stream frequently
E:Evolutionally it could have mutated  human thinking through
T:The true and magical word that dreams and demands to
R:Revolutionize  this globe as we know it
Y:young and old need a drop of my pen's ink to be saved from
W:Worldwide ignorance that has nested in their mind,the
O:Ostensible truth is they are burning from inside and
R:Reels with the heavy burden of injustices on their sleeves
K:Killing and condemning them to eternal misery bur i have realized
S:Solely i surely can't win this word war alone i need
326 · Oct 2015
*share my voice*
kelvin mungai Oct 2015
am done being weak
it is time to wake up and speak
the shame has been consuming me
keeping this secret has been confusing me
am tired of people using me
that's why i would like to share my voice

i smelled your foul mouth
as you pinned me against the cold floor
your rough hands roved over my petite chest
i couldn't imagine what was there that aroused
your appetite
i was only eight years old
way too young to be your mate
but still you decided to choose my fate

i tried to cry for help
but your merciless pinch just made me yelp
you covered my mouth and unbuckled your belt
i closed my eyes and i heard the rip of cloth
i tried to fight but your grip drained my strength
you forced yourself into my innocence
the pin was so intense and i sobbed wondering
what did i do to deserve this.

with each ******
you shredded into pieces my trust
tears gracefully crawled my face
i prayed i could race to far place to hide from
this disgrace
excruciating pain took residence in me
as my virginity blood stained my purity
because of you i hate all men
because of you i walk alone donned in a suit of shame
of all crimes commited  against against a person ****
is one that leaves a person feeling the most violated
i write this poem in a female persona trying to bring about
what females go through i hope you will all share my voice
and stop **** and fight for the girl child
317 · Feb 2016
Beauty of sleep
kelvin mungai Feb 2016
My mind is very slipperly
And when i slip
I always fall to sleep
My legs are flexible
Always walking
At nights
I always walk into dreamland
306 · Feb 2017
kelvin mungai Feb 2017
She labeled me a gay
Something that was not okay
Just because i pushed her away
And told her to get of my way
She labeled me gay though single
I refused to mingle
Nor let her wiggle
Her **** on my lap
She labelled me gay
Just because i wore short shorts
Yet i despised girls in short skirts
I preferred girls with long skirts
She labelled me gay
Because my voice had not broken
Yet her heart i had broken
From this untrue dream i had woken
She labelled me gay
Because my voice was smooth
Yet i refused to sooth
Her on a cellphone
I preffered a booth
She labelled me gay
Because i never called her bae
I called may
Afterall she was not mine
She labelled me gay
Every passing day
From monday to sunday
Even on my birthday
305 · Jan 2016
Shadows of twilight
kelvin mungai Jan 2016
My mind still ring bells
Of that day i was hurled in this dungeon
In the dark corners i was holed
My freedom was mauled away

Lying my bare back in this cell
I couldn't even pull my body from this shell
My sanity was drowning in this well
Though i flared my nose to smell
What wafted into my nostrils was scent of living hell
Which sent shivers i couldn't even spell

I rarely saw light
The days were the same as the nights
Worry crisscrossed me left and right
Ideas overflowed out of my head but i couldn't write
Beyond the shadows of twilight
I dreamt of my freedom in bright
Sooner or later
302 · Apr 2016
kelvin mungai Apr 2016
Cluelessly i blankly glared at the snow white writing pad
  As my hand scribbled furiously
Back and forth my fingers moved the pen as it mercilessly tainted the paper
Ideas somersaulted in my skull
My time was limitless
As my pen tried to define my destiny
The scribbling noise was enough evidence that the two were glued in a mutual conversation
Ohhh what do i say
The pen spoke as it continued to *** the blue fluid
You are more than a mystery
The now colored paper replied
Neither could i explain nor understand
As ideas frothed from my recess deep in the core of my brain
Where creativity nested waiting for right moment to erupt like an active volcano
It takes more than thinking it needs focusing the climaxing pen breathed out
Am making a poet am creating a voice of reason
By jumbling alphabets and sometimes drawing blanks
I make words play on top of you
I smiled as it dawned to me i had an arsenal to fight this word war
Pen as my spear and the book my shield
With both i am a knight
A literature warrior
Who can unite intellectuals
And create a kingdom of creativity
Poetry is born
297 · May 2016
As in lay dying
kelvin mungai May 2016
I lay dying  [ edit ]

As i lay there dying
My blood drying
My sanity bleeding
Havoc raining
Strength fast draining
Flashbacks recalling
Hell beckoning
My soul reckoning
Judgement awaiting
Regrets tormenting
I haven't lived to my calling
My sanity was crumbling
My world tumbling
My afterlife troubling
Pen and paper condemning
Mourners frowning
Birds of prey flying
Death approaching
Eyes blinking
Life escaping
Pain excruciating
Heartbeat receding
Clock ticking
Reality dawning
Am dying
Without changing
Nor healing
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