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Kelly Reagan Aug 2014
Where is god. He isn't near.
If there were god, he wasn't here
I wasted time when I would pray
What kind of god lets us live this way
Evil minds, which have no souls
Pitch black hearts, full of holes
Where was this god, to stop the pain
If there ever is who was humane
I lost faith, a bit each day
When seeing humans act this way
Where was God to restore the order
No walls, no hate, no death, no border
God does not hear me,
he does not hear you
we must believe
It's what we were taught to do
if there is a god, he must be mad
But there isn't a god, so don't be sad
There is no God
Kelly Reagan Aug 2014
It's funny how the day is long
Too late the night, is always wrong
In between the hollow space
Looking up, face to face
Just because the sky looks blue
Doesn't mean the stars are too
What goes up, must fly away
All stands still are here to stay
My feet are planted on the ground
Silence is the only sound
Kelly Reagan Jul 2014
Being a victim is in the past
The damage done will always last
I must forgive but cant forget
I will live while you barely exist
Point your finger and start to blame
Play the victim to hide your shame.
A stare so cold, hollow blue eyes
No one believe any of your lies

You are hate, not an ounce of good
Wrong or right - wrong you would
Why do you envy and hate so strong
Heartless and evil for so **** long
Cheating, lying - the easy way
Judgement comes - time to pay

When looking back, what will they say
She's a liar, she had to have her way
There is no more bridges left to burn
No one left to twist and turn

Everyone sees what you are
A monster, a snake, we all run far
I am smarter & wiser than before
You evil is deep and to your core
This is the path that you have taken
I now am free and awakened

All the fake words, lies and tears
I see thru you, despite your years
Nice is not a word you use
People are yours to hurt and abuse
As long as you are alive and here
I will stand up and have no fear

You cannot  hurt me anymore
I don't care like I did before
No one responds, reacts or cares
You are unloved, forgotten, despaired
You lost the most important battle of all
Your soul, your life, your existence. You fall

— The End —