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Evil Levi - The main character in the story.
Evil Levi was born into a cult named Sinister.  His parents gave him to the cult so he could be the vessel for a spirit named Evil.

Sinister - The name of the cult that Evil Levi was born into.  The goal of Sinister is to prepare a vessel for the spirit Evil so that it can create a living hell on the planet.

Spectrum - The name of the planet where the story takes place.

Harriet - The mother of Evil Levi.

Liberty - The name of the city where the story takes place.

Iniquity - The name of the compound where the members of Sinister live.

Priest - The father of Evil Levi.  Priest is the
high priest of the cult Sinister.

The Book of Evil - The holy book for the cult Sinister.

Evil - The spirit that the cult Sinister worships.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum
  May 2016 Keith Edward Baucum
It's a girl,
As beautiful as black sparkling pearl,
No one can take you away from me,
It's destiny can't you see,
To have a baby girl to live the life that was meant to be,
Be here be free,
Chase your dreams let's be happy..
#5months #pregnant #girl
All of my stories that I write are fiction.
The gangster story, the serial killer story, and the child molestation stories are fiction.  Don't think they are true because they are fiction.
Greed and Lust stands with Pride the priest in the center of a circle of sins waiting to be joined in matrimony
Pride takes the left hand of Lust and puts it
in the right hand of Greed then takes the left hand of Greed and puts it in the right hand of Lust and began the ceremony
The words that flowed from the mouth of Pride the priest cut through the air like swords cutting through flesh
"Disgustingly wicked we have come together in the presences of demonic forces to behold the joining of this devil and this **** in unholy matrimony
This band and covenant of marriage was established by evil in darkness
Lust will you have Greed to be your husband to live together in the covenant of marriage?  Will you obey him, lay with him, and fulfill his ****** desires as long as you both shall live?"
Covered in darkness wearing a veil of evil and with the flames of hell burning in her eyes Lust answers "I will."
Pride looked over at Greed and said
"Greed will you have Lust to be your wife; to live together in the covenant of marriage? Will you supply and adorn her with riches as long as you both shall live?  
With a twinkle in his eyes that sparkles like gold, Greed answers "I will."
"By the powers invested in evil the groom and bride may kiss" said Pride.
As Greed and Lust's lips touched their wedding guests were as silent as a corpse.  The heat and hate that filled the air was so thick that they all choked on it.  Lust turned her back to the wedding guests and threw a bouquet of Poison Ivy over her head.  Envy stepped in front of Sloth and snatched the bouquet out of the air.  "Nice catch Envy" said Sloth with slow, slurred, speech.
"Thank you Sloth and I do believe green is more my color" said Envy.
Lust turned around to see who caught the bouquet.  She wasn't a bit surprise to see Envy holding the Poison Ivy.
I'm not finished posting I'll finish later time ran out

Written by Keith Edward Bucum
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