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Hey everyone I have a question.
Do you post your poems on other poetry sites or just this one?
I post my poems on multiple sites.
I really like this site and the other sites I post my poems on.
Some sites are
Well you know about
Here are some more.
There's this site for dark poetry but I can't remember the name of it.  That site was hard to work and post on.  Oh what about Facebook do any of you post your poems on Facebook?  There's a lot of hacking on Facebook but not just FaceBook these sites also have hackers.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum
"Linda this is your victim so you have to inflict the first wound" said Rusty.  Responding to Rusty's words Linda picked up the nail gun.  "Linda you don't have to do this" pleaded the man.  "I have kids that I provide for.  My name is Timothy Yates.  I have a wife" said Timothy.
Linda silenced Timothy with a swift kick to
his testicles.  "Look Rusty it actually think we care about it's pathetic little life" said Linda.  Placing the muzzle of the nail gun on Timothy's foot Linda pulled the trigger.  Firing a hard sharp nail into Timothy's foot blood squirted into the air.
"AAAARRRGGGHHH LINDA PLEASE STOP!" screamed Timothy.  Timothy's screams and begging for his life only made Linda even more hornier and excited.   Linda walked over to Rusty and kissed him on the mouth and slipped her tongue in his mouth.
"Its your turn baby" said Linda.  Linda gave the nail gun to Rusty then stepped back and shoved her hands in her pants.  Walking over to Timothy, Rusty began to beat Timothy in the face with the nail gun.
The more Rusty beat Timothy in the face with the nail gun the harder Linda masturbated.
Placing the nail gun back on the push cart Rusty grabbed the jar filled with acid.
"Timothy you're in a world of hurt" said Rusty.  Pouring some acid slowly on Timothy's other foot Rusty smiled as the smell of burning flesh crept into his nostrils.
"AAAARRGGHHH MR. LOCKLEAR PLEASE DON'T **** ME SIR. I BEG YOU PLEASE DON'T **** ME" screamed Timothy.  Looking back at Linda, Rusty was thrilled to see Linda getting off on her victim's agony.
High on the smell of burning flesh Rusty floated over to Linda.  Pulling Linda's hand out of her pants Rusty ****** and licked her juices off her fingers.  "How do I taste?" asked Linda.  "As sweet as honey.  It's your turn again" said Rusty.
Grabbing the scalpel off the push cart Linda slashed Timothy's left thigh.  Like water from a water hose blood sprayed through the air.  "W,W,WWhy are the two of you doing this to me?" asked Timothy.  "Because it's fun Timothy and people like you make me sick" said Linda.
Walking over to Linda, Rusty took the scalpel out of Linda's hand and cut Timothy' s throat.  Seeing Rusty take another man's life made Linda ***** all over again.  "You have to find the next victim" said Linda as she turned toward her husband.  
"I already got one picked out.  She's a pill popping ****** *****" said Rusty.  Getting down on her knees Linda unfasten Rusty's pants.  She pulled out out his ***** ***** and placed it in her mouth.  She ****** and ****** for what felt like an hour.  Filling her mouth with ***** Linda happily swallowed the huge load.
"C'mon it's time to get rid of the body" said Rusty.  Rusty could hardly get the words out of his mouth cause he just finished an ******.  "Linda baby go get the chainsaw.  We have to get rid the body" said Rusty.  
Rusty began to unshackle Timothy's lifeless body.  Walking back into the darkness Linda brought back the chainsaw.  Timothy's body hit the floor making a loud thud.
Rusty cranked up the chainsaw and dismantled Timothy's body.  Linda ran back up stairs and brought large black trash bags back down to Rusty.  "I'll get rid of these body parts.  You stay here and clean up" said Rusty.  
"Ok" replied Linda.  Rusty went and put the trash bags with Timothy's remains onto the back of his black Ram truck.  Rusty drove throughout the city of Green Haven and dumped Timothy's body parts in dumpsters on the north side, east side, west side, and south side, of Green Haven.
When Rusty returned home the smell of bleach, Pine Sol, and other cleaning products greeted him at the door.  "Linda I'm back" yelled Rusty as he walked through the front door.  "Come down to the basement Rusty.  Well this was the best Sunday I ever had" yelled Linda from the basement.
The next morning the rays of the sun came peeking in through the bedroom window of Rusty and Linda Locklear.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum
Chapter Two of The Locklears a horror story.
Anger the ******* child of Hatred despised and rejected stands before his father and ask
"What do me and my mother mean to you?"
With glowing red eyes Hatred answers
"I care nothing for you or your mother Lust.  Lust your mother is nothing more than a **** who I had *** with."
Looking Hatred in his fiery red eyes Anger says
"For someone who lurk in the shadows you hurl a lot of insults."
Stepping closer to Anger, Hatred responds with another insult
"Your mother is a **** plain and simple.  How can you not know and who are you to question me?"
With a bold voice Anger says
"My mother is not a **** and I am your son."
With an evil smile Hatred says
"Her name tells you what she is.  Don't blame me for the life you was dealt.  If you're looking for Love you'll find her with the rest of the virtues in Tranquility.  Why can't you be more like your sister Cruelty?  Truly you are a waste of *****."
Turning his back to Hatred, Anger responds by saying
"These are my last words to you.  You're a pillar of salt.  No one wants to be around you."
As Anger walked into the night he heard Hatred say
"Like father like son."

Written by Keith Edward Baucum
This story takes place within us.  A story about Hate, Anger, Lust, about relationships
"Wakey, wakey, sleepy head" the woman's voice was cheerful and playful as she threw a glass of cold water in the unconscious man's face.  "Wha, wha, what happened?  Did I fall asleep?" asked the man.  As the man opened his eyes he tried to move but couldn't.  
Looking around he realized he was in an upright position eagle spread.  Each wrist and ankle was shackled, locked, and chained.  "I'm not into locks and chains. I'm the one paying for ***.  You have to do what I want" said the man with slurred speech.
"Poor, poor, little man I'm not a *******.  I just pose as one on the internet and in the streets.  That's how I get pigs like you" said the woman with an evil grin.  "I know you didn't think a woman as beautiful as my wife would be interested in someone like you" said a tall figure as he emerged out of the darkness behind the shackled man.  With fear in his eyes the shackled man asked who they were.
"My name is Linda Locklear and this is my husband Rusty Locklear" said Linda.  "Enough with the small talk.  Linda go get the work tools" said Rusty.  "As you command daddy" said Linda.
Walking past their victim into the darkness Linda grabbed the cold steel push cart and brought it to Rusty.  "Will you just look at all these toys" said Rusty with his eyes lit up like a child at Christmas.  "What do we have here? " said Linda.  
Reaching her arm out over the items on the push cart in the motion of a snake Linda became sexually aroused.   "We have a hammer, scalpel, acid, nail gun, and an ice pick" said Linda with her voice filled with excitement.   ******* himself their victim began to cry.
"Linda this is your victim so you have to inflict the first wound" said Rusty.  Responding to Rusty's words Linda picked up the nail gun.  "Linda you don't have to do this" pleaded the man.  "I have kids that I provide for.  My name is Timothy Yates.  I have a wife said" Timothy.
Linda silenced Timothy with a swift kick to the testicles.  "Look Rusty it actually think we care about its pathetic little life" said Linda.  Placing the muzzle of the nail gun on Timothy's foot Linda pulled the trigger.  Firing a hard sharp nail into Timothy's foot blood squirted into the air.

Written Keith Edward Baucum
A horror story
To all my poetry friends thank you for following  me and giving my poems hearts.
My cellphone was off so I wasn't able to post my poems on
I love reading all of your poems.
I spent time waiting
No one seems to see me grow
You are not prepared
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