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Dec 2020 · 129
Like the clouds that colour the sky
You painted on me all colours of happiness, and you are my clouds!!

Like the tides that finds solace
In the warm caress of the shores
I find in you....soothing console
To the troubled tidal thoughts of mine ......and you are my shore !!!

Like the trees that dances to the gentle heart rejoices in having you.....and you are my world around!

Who ever may you be...
What ever may I be...
We are bound to be...
For each other....always to be !!
Dec 2020 · 77
Innumerable wishes
That I threw off my mind
Lay scattered on the sky
Shining and smiling at me
As twinkling stars. .. ..!!
Dec 2020 · 80 !
Burdens I carry
As thoughts , worries
and sadness..
All belong to me, solely
With least desire to share it
With anyone....
either near or dear!!
Lessons they are
That make me realise
Colors true of all
Understand realities
And priorities...
And where I stand
In one's view !!
Hope gives colours
To dreams ...
Yet  often feel broken . .
Though I gather
to be me again!!
The simple me!!
Dec 2020 · 81
Just like that...
I tried to read
Lines on me
In the book of your mind..
Turned the pages
Back and forth
Innocently curious
To see it in bold letters..
But alas...
Where are those words on me??
That my eyes searched for..
My mind yearned to read..
And my heart eager to rejoice !!
Am I not in your world?
Or did I miss read you?
Who am I to you?
Just a someone  .. ???
Nov 2020 · 142
Silent words
Infinite emotions
Innumerable feelings
Inexpressible in words
Interestingly surfaces as silence
Interacting to thousand minds
In ten thousand words !!
Nov 2020 · 67
She is an angel
sans wings and feathers
Yet flies by seconds..
Never to cover the distance again..
With moves heals wounds of minds
Erasing memories not too good
And gives hope to get along with her..

She is an angel
Some feel she's good to them
While for others she's bad
As for her..she's impartial..
As she moves on Earth changes inhabitants too with seasons
On her every movement....

She is an angel...
Visibly invisible yet always
On move forward...
Without a halt whatsoever..
With a challenge to universe
"Catch me if you can"
And she's on the move..
She's an angel. ...
Nov 2020 · 58
words of silence
Love with unlimited affection
Anger sensibly understood
Happy sadness as perfect partners holding hands...
Infinite emotions  heart holds
with eagerness to rest ...
And talk never ending words of silence
Of  feelings deep down in my heart..
Heard to the only heart
That can only love me....
So unconditionally!!
Nov 2020 · 82
Clouds on the sky
Cast spell on mind
Bright joyous mood
Turned blurred

Tears rolling down
Like downpour from sky
Bold voice of mine
Seem heard loud
only in silence…

cloud moves..
heart rejoices..
Nov 2020 · 67
Fingers ...
My tiny lonely fingers
Finds their perfect partners
In the hold of your hands..
Like my heart finds its beat
In your's....!!
Nov 2020 · 66
sky ....heart
Like the Innumerable  stars  twinkling  on  the sky
Infinite emotions keep glittering  in my heart...
Is my heart like a sky.....
Or Sky is like my heart ??
Nov 2020 · 251
My angel
Heaps of love
Stored midst my heart
Keenly awaits you my angel
To shower upon you
All the love and care
I had been yearning to give…

You are God’s Gift for me
For the tears I have shed…


I bow before God
With all humbleness
Holding in my hands the invaluable treasure
He has given me, in your form..
To be blessed with eternal love and peace..

Love You my Angel
Love You my Princess
Love You my Ally!!
Oct 2020 · 57
Missing heart
A part of me is you
Other part again is you
Feel lost myself in you
My heart seen missing from me
Seems beating for you !!
Oct 2020 · 51
Left corner of  my left eye
Lets down little drops of lovely tears
Leaving  dried salt on my dull face
Landing on the earth..
Loudly conveying to mind
Love it holds .....
Like, the pain of mind
Like the tears from eyes!!
Oct 2020 · 81
Life goes on...
Fluttering sound of raindrops
Flickering lamp light at backdrop
Opened the shutters of my mind
To incessant flow of utterly
ambivalent feelings…..

Glittering memories rolling over past
Wilting  happenings of present
And flattering bright hopes of future!!

And at the far end ...
Lies dried up leaves withered down
Greeny grown up leaves on trees drenching in rain
With tiny leaves sprouting out... flows on !!
Oct 2020 · 49
Torn flesh
Flesh torn open
In the centre of heart
Makes me run around
Like a drunken mad ox
Out of pain....

Why have you inflicted on
Me so harsh a pierced drill
In the midheart...
Don’t you understand
It's feebleness.. ??
where you stayed safe so long !!

Will I survive ?
Oct 2020 · 62
Twinkling stars winked at me
Making me blink in surprise
Of the meaning conveyed…
Shouldn’t I be shining like stars
In the world I live ?!
Where am I? Why am I?
Still reeling  behind the clouds !!

Realizations, though realized late
With belief, Time again not gone
I’m on the move…
To make it happen…
And  twinkle like a star
On The Earth!!
Oct 2020 · 62
You came as a gentle breeze
Touched upon my inner heart
Making me realise who I'm
And took away the tears
That I stored of pain....!!
When again can I feel the squeeze
Of you...oh gentle breeze
To make me off pain so complete??!!
Oct 2020 · 66
An ordinary soul
Neither was  nor I'm
With my own  imperfections
Mine alone perfections...
Emotions sometimes freeze me
And at times anger fumes  too
No bodies I love
But the souls in them I  care
Crying and laughing not unknown to me
Though keeping a smile ever seem toughest..
As gentle a mind of flowery petals
Ocassionally becoming a rocky brick...
I'm ...what my
In  and out  no different...!!
Ordinary....Extra ..... ordinary!!
Oct 2020 · 51
Little happiness for me..
Roots of my dreams
Dried up
And my wings been chopped
Why did I allow it be done?

Shouldn't I have  stood up
Watered, nurtured my dreams to grow
And let it fly in the unlimited Sky!!

Trying to make loved ones happy
Has cost me , my happiness
For the sacrifices I did on my own
Made them happy....
But where's my happiness??

Time is up...I realise
To make me happy
And live my life
And here you have come
As messenger
From father in heaven....
To show me that heaven on Earth!!

I its my time
My life...I need to live!!
Oct 2020 · 58
Setting sun at west end
Splashed on me the colours
Of orange and red...
Did the sun know
I was blushing  without colours ?
In the thought of my midnight moon!!
Oct 2020 · 81
faded ...
Through  paths i walked
fragrant flowers of love
That coloured my dreams
Had always surprised me!

But  now i walk
on the lonely way
With dried up leaves
And flowers  of love
bringing in me
The pain deep hiden...
Of memories of past walk !

Colours and Scents of love
And the scenes on my path
Has faded......
Where am I heading to
All alone.....with silence
Alive everywhere!
My hair dances
To tunes of your breath
My body moves
To the feel of your touch
And it makes me look beautiful
While at the most
Beautiful place  for me
on the earth -  your arms!!
Sep 2020 · 46
Ways of love
In the twisted interprets I make
In the tiny fights I create
In the romantic look I give
In the emotional words I speak
In the angry faces I pretend...
There's only my love for you
That flows from the deepest of my heart....
In different forms!!
Sep 2020 · 54
Work pressure
Disturbed mind of
Mounting work pressure
Seeking solace in the arms of
words to flow in the rhythm
of emotions !
Sep 2020 · 50
Silence blossomed in me
In the darkest colours of my nature
Of Un withering petals adamant enough
To withstand the hurricane of  thoughts
And remain guileless in the chilling memories
Undrenched in the profound rain  of tears
And linger plumped up in the scorching heat of  piercing worries
My silence. ......eternal !!
Sep 2020 · 64
Weeping mind
With tiny groans mind weeps
With hot tears shedding down
As steams of evaporated water
That boils in the pain of ceased
Love and concern from the one
For whom the soul lives
Heart beats!!
Sep 2020 · 44
My destination
my acts
all my thoughts
all my walks
To reach!!
Sep 2020 · 61
World of words
I write only on you
For my world of words
Revolves around you..
Creating shades of dark and light
Poems on you!!
Sep 2020 · 78
Sharing ...
Rain drenched trees
In  green groove
Stood boastfully holding
drops of happiness!!

A walk up for handshake
With a smile broad of care
To  Gleefully residing trees...
Drenched me with showers
Of heavenly little drops of water
They held in them to offer!!

Lesson taught with warmth
In chilling rain...
From nature rain and trees
Happiness be shared
With ones you are cared!!!
Sep 2020 · 50
Fake smiles
Coloured smiles
Mind blowing at look
With all undeniably realistic
Attracting hearts to fall in it
Innocent hearts so sensitive
Yearning for compassion
Just skid in !!
The truth of colours realized
Once you are juiced
And straws thrown!!
Sep 2020 · 54
Sky sheds its tears
So too my eyes….
Both destined
To fall on the earth !!
Sep 2020 · 50
Yearning souls
Two souls at distances apart
As destiny distanced as part
Like souls of different bodies
still connected with string of love
That grows with glow, visible
solely to the souls that lay afar
known alone to hearts, so sensitive
beating for each other
breathing for one another….
Yearning to be together !!
Aug 2020 · 79
When not needed
I don't like to fit in
Where I'm not needed
Be it the world or your heart
Though both mean the same to me.
Withered hopes and dried up ambitions
Of tired soul so yearning for peace
Walk destined to six yards  unknown land piece
For eternal rest in peace ...
With prayers not to see...
Anyone anymore...
Not to hear any repents
For the inflicted hurts
And never to receive the love
Denied when sought...
Just to rest .....
With no hopes and no expectations  .. .
And nothing more beyond
than never ever felt peace !!
Aug 2020 · 51
Eternal truth
The withering petals
Of the roses
Reminds me of eternal truth
Nothing is eternal
Including my youth...
Aug 2020 · 47
Words of pain
Deep hurts finds it's words
Understandable only
To paining souls!!
Aug 2020 · 54
Your words
My burning heart
In the flames of your words
And acts
Plaints in pain
Loud and visible
As the silence in me you see!!
Aug 2020 · 70
Far away across the seas ...
Oceans and mountains...
Crossing all walls and barriers .
Where the dates dance in bunch
To the tunes of the Arabian breeze
Goes my heart...
To meet the beat of my heart...
And celebrate togetherness !!
Aug 2020 · 51
Confused mind
Of  infused thoughts
Leaving pain undefeatable!!

Mind or body...??

Too confused!!
Aug 2020 · 47
Burning ...
Words from my pen
Assays the feelings of my heart...
Lies there a heart undiscovered
Filled full with overflowing love
Concealed to your mind, ignorant
Making me burn to incessant fire
Of you...and your thoughts!!
Aug 2020 · 47
My country..
The most emotional word
Bringing memories of martyrs
Bhagath Singh to Mahatma Gandhi...
The struggle for freedom  to breath
The air of  liberated  great Indian soil
From the colonial imperialism...

The wars waged...blood shed
For a free India
Is a gift of the generation old
To the generation next..
To see  the self dependent India...
Ruled boldly but not rudely ....
In the path of democracy....
With prayers, for non demo of craziness any so...

Wish Long live Indian democracy...
Aug 2020 · 44
I had only one mind
That was so timid
With no fear jealous and anger
As of now  there’s  always a hunger
to be with you……
And jealous  on people around you…

My mind has now become two
With a conflict in between them too
Each taking positions left and right
In a struggle to know wrong and right
Each with reasons so valid
And  firm on their views solid…

The war is for you
One mind wants  more of love to you
The other wants to stop loving you
As is too hurt by you ..

Wish both my minds unite together..
To what my heart wants altogether
To love you more than ever..
For I can live without you never

Try a bit to understand me
If no... let me know ...
Understanding is the base of love!!
Aug 2020 · 70
Birthday gift
I thought I could be happy
As you would make me happy
With you around me..
As your gift for me
On my special birthday!!

As always

Loneliness accompanied me
In your place
With Wonderfully packed gift of
Aug 2020 · 66
The days and nights
I enjoy each with you
Is a blessing from my Lord
And I believe it in solid...
But for his grace ...
You and me would still be
Unknown hearts to each other ...
He gave you to me ..
To care for you a lot
And vice versa too...
And for sure
he wants me to love you
to love me....
Aug 2020 · 119
Heart filled Thankfulness
Small seedling planted in cultured soil of  The Chinmaya
With all morals and ethics well observed and absorbed roots
Has grown firm and strong with branches spread across the globe..
Like an evergreen umbrella tree providing shade and support
To the ones who stand under it, otherwise too.

The flowery shower of naturally pure wishes and blesses
From all branches of the giant awesome tree
Has added fragrance to my special day……
To remain as such for each day and every other day !!

By all means, I feel words at scarce  
To express my gratitude so sincere..
However,  My heart from depth expresses
Heart filled thankfulnesss…..
To all branches
Of this Mighty Evergreen Friendship tree….
My thanks note to all my school friends..
Aug 2020 · 309
Happy birthday to me
Today is my day
Wishing myself this day
A very happy day
For today is my birthday  !!
Aug 12
With wings spread of their dreams
to Reach their dear ones
And breath the air afresh
of their land of birth
pursue their homely dreams
And enjoy their evenings
With relatives and neighbours
To blast their holidays in style
Of their willingness..
From their land of duty,
To land of their home,
the world they belong to
They boarded the flight...
From Dubai to Kozhikode
Which flew high to touch the sky
Along with the dreams of  happy souls it carried...
Pulled  down to realise the dreams..
To touch the land...
Destiny skidded...
Of dreams and the aircraft
Taking life of the pilot and his co....
Letting it go to rescue dependants in the flight...
And many lives lost  life,
The shattered dreams...
The  disfigured aircraft..
Members lost families
Parts lost bodies..
As ramnants of the flight..
Bringing tears of its thought!
The flight from Dubai to kozhikode skided in the run way leading to loss of life...of nearing 20 persons including the pilot and co pilot on 7.8.20
Aug 2020 · 39
Words and deeds
Believe in your words
As it soothes my heart. .
Even if contradicts your deeds
That hurts my heart....

Love expressed by words
Melts my heart and drains my pain
Actions, again forms the pain
To hurt my heart in depth...

May be ...that's your love
May be that's what you love
To do with me..  
To hurt me in depth with your deeds!!!

But still. ...I love you like hell…...
Aug 2020 · 44
On a rainy day...
Met on a rainy day
Together we stood
With tiny parasol over head
Shielding each other
From the downpour
Of the magnificent monsoon rain!!

You held me tight
To your shoulder on right
I felt the warmth of your love

And in that .....

I lost myself
Aug 2020 · 240
tidal emotions
Thoughtful sway of emotions
Oscillates in  mind
Forging vibrations  of you
So distinct and divergent
Recurrent so cheerful
Sadness at rarity
For the  tidal waves  in me
You are the shore to touch upon
To hug on
So  fiercely  !!
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