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 Jun 2013 Katherine
 Jun 2013 Katherine
Perhaps you fail to see
the beauty of broken things.

Beauty is the pen that has run out
of ink but is still kept in a
desk drawer.

It is the chipped teacup that
drinks comfortably,

the last ice in an empty glass
at 4 o'clock in the morning.

It is the comfort of a broken
clock, because it never tells you
where to be or what to do,

and the door that doesn't close
but reminds you to keep
your heart open.

It is the broken steps in the stair
that you choose to skip

and the tears in your eyes as
you stare into the broken
bathroom mirror because you
never seem to know your worth.

When I look at you, I don't see
a broken girl,

something that needs to be fixed.

When I look at you I see

in every scar and imperfection,
and I will gently kiss your smile,

wipe away your tears and tell you,

you're not broken;

In the day
It’s just fine
A costume
Special effects
Creepy music
But when the sun goes
Everything comes

The scenes
The flash backs
That just stay
In your mind

And that’s not all
The sands of
And turn those
And flashbacks
And now

Every corner
Of your safe haven
Is turned into
A portal
And Monsters
Can come into your world

Every shadow in the dark
Lurks a menace;
An unknown and unwelcome
Leaving you paralyzed
With fear
Unable to move
Unable to breathe
Every muscle
Tense and taut
Curled up in a ball
Hugging your knees to your chest
Trying to calm
Your fluttering heart

And slowly,
Your eyes close
And you slip into that
Blissful oblivion

And when morning comes
You're left
A poem for all the horror movies I've watched and regretted watching, horror movies I know I'll regret watching but watched them anyway, and other horror movies to come. XD
 Jun 2013 Katherine
I feel delighted to have a curse on me,
may be this gift me a reason,
to get an acquaintance or to seek
what  they call enlightment to see.

like every step i miss a day,
or slip  down off that cliff,
each wonder tell me why
i need to stand up straight again.

To no one's surprise i weep and cry
as we week creaturs do
and i blame God ,but not myself
for each wrong i do!

but still the spark does'nt get dim,
because everytime i get the light,
to burn that defeat inside
and begin with a new shine.

the story of tiny ant still strikes my mind
which i always ignored when i ws a child
yet it is somewhere in my mind
and helps me to get wt i desire to find.

so the quote''COURAGE & HARDWORK' never fails'',
always return its promised meaning
that i shall stand after my defeat
to rule the world again......
Pure shadow, breathing;
seeing the question in your embrace —
     the color of heat...birds in a secret storm.  

Let's  be  tight.

Weak legs.

A crazy shine.

A dry catch, safe;
love's stone a spent breeze —
     laughter's lot...short emotions that needed to rise.  

Gentle sounds.


Eat a star.

Minds died, began;
cool facts giving way —
     later...night's secret covers the skin.
...for M.C.

© 2013  J.J.W. Coyle
 Jun 2013 Katherine
mark alen
 Jun 2013 Katherine
mark alen
Life is a *****,
You'll learn this in a glitch,
No one to trust,
Most love is outta lust,
We all come from the same,
Everything equals pain,
No one for what's right,
All we ever do is fight,
In the in end,
Voices full of sin,
Do what you must,
Death spawns from us,
Only sadness in the end,
No one will win,
Yet life goes on,
But no one knows how long.
 Jun 2013 Katherine
Alex Apples
Which is worse?

To love and lose
Or to never have been loved?

To know the completeness of sleep, when
bodies click like puzzle fragments
and then wake one day
to feel cold sheets
and an absent puzzle piece

Or to pass a smiling stranger in the street
sense the stirring of your soul and
despite your unkissed lips
simply ache for a kiss
and loathe yourself for not smiling back?

Which is worse?

To wonder why no one on this planet can love you
Or wonder why even love was not enough?
Pain is relative.
 Jun 2013 Katherine
You Said
 Jun 2013 Katherine
For my "Big Brother".*
Love Always, *****.

You said it was adorable
The way my hair curled
around the hollows of my neck
Brushing across my skin
like a
n o o s e

You said my looks could shatter glass,
that my repugnant features
would SURELY guarantee a life of solitude
You loved to point out my flaws
And how my laugh was too late
breathing too loud
walking too fast

The shallow scars on my wrists
were alluring to you
you encouraged me to make more
and I loved the kiss of cold metal just a little too much

You said you understood me
my thoughts were dark and scattered
I wasn't always able to share them with you
But I didn't need to
you already
"u n d e r s t o o d"

my dark companion
the only one I ever trusted
We fought our demons together
Dragging the other to hell as well

You wasted no time in telling me
what a waste I was
of skin
of space
and I wasted no time in  b e l i e v i n g  you

You would hold me in your arms
and whisper bittersweet nothings
compliments with a hard slap attached
convincing me I was far more flawed than I am.

We fought like rabid wolves
nipping at my ankles,
you'd force me to f a l l.

tearing and ripping apart flesh
with words
and my feeble palms
left angry red marks on your chest and face
but my struggle only made you more eager

Every tear that fell from my face
gave you life
every sob that came from my throat
gave you a voice
you could not stand alone
you said
y o u  c o u l d   n o t   l i v e   w i t h o u t   m e

You said I didn't understand you
that I could never comprehend the torment YOU
were experiencing
I was FAR too dull to see.

It wasn't until I realized
I didn't need to play your childish games
I didn't need you
or your "passionate, intense" heart.

Once I stopped hitting back
your blows became harder

Not worthy of love.

Not worthy of life.

Not worthy of existence.

And I believed you.
I trusted you.

E n d   i t,
you said.
Peering down at the street far below us

You said to.

The height was dizzying

Y o u   s a i d
Note: I'm still alive and healthy, and I'm a lot more happy than I was at the time this writing takes place. The person that inspired this is someone I am no longer in contact with, this poem is my way of letting go and moving on. Thank you all so much for your kind words and support!
 Jun 2013 Katherine
Which The Doctor Prescribed To Me That Day.
Had He Not Told Just About Making Friends?
Why In The World Did I Let Myself Fall For Her.
Have I Been Spending My Time Being Dumber?
When I Don't Trust Myself How Can I Survive.
Was I Too Busy Chatting My Way To Happiness?
How Did I Not Notice I Broke My Own Promise.
Would I Just Let The Time Pass Us By A Second?
Here I Could Pass Days With Her On My Breath.
Where Must I Wait Very Patiently Till Then...?
Will Those Arms Of Her Be Warm Or Nervous.
Would We Be Pulled Into That Other World?
Yes you are my poison & elixir.
My HP Poem #285
©Atul Kaushal
 Jun 2013 Katherine
Dreaming comes to me easily
With intense lucid fluidity
Occuring in euphoric frequency

It is so inconceivably
Something I want to share intimately
Though the lack of study
And perfected technology
Stops me from being pleasantly
Reminded these wonders are for my eyes only
I will reveal this ethereal imagery
To growing society
So I wait
For this moment in history
 Jun 2013 Katherine
 Jun 2013 Katherine
define life for me
i feel i'm misunderstood
define me for life
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