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  Apr 2016 Katherine Dee
loneliness has defined
this old soul.
Bittersweet melody
has tuned my way of

I don't know how much
my heart could stand
the weight and wait
for that simple moment,
that single spark
to feel alive
and stop breathing
the ashen smog of reality.
from ashen gray to ashen fields
comes, ashen smog...

do they care if I'm loved?

perhaps I'm too comfortable on my
own space and too confined to be bothered.

thank you for reading,
  Mar 2016 Katherine Dee
Joe Cole
My words are but a shooting star
To be seen in all its glory
But as shooting stars fade in an instant
So do my words to be read once
Then fade into obscurity
  Mar 2016 Katherine Dee
I know it's hard to touch the clouds
when memories
hold you down
I know you cry a lot inside
when no one is
I know it is hard to wake up
when breathing cuts so deep.

and the birds, they sing
you cannot hear
and the sun, it shines
you cannot see
and there's a lot of warmth around
you cannot feel.

I know it feels so hard
to live
with so many scars


light will shine and you will
and birds will sing and
you will hear

It's just a dark path
you have to walk
and I will be there
to walk along
don't hold your breath
don't give up yet
keep your hope
and you'll find one day
that you can fly again
for you deserve
the highest clouds
the purest air
the deepest love.

and I'll be here for you,
you, dear soul,
the sweetest lyric
of them all.
for lyric, <3
  Mar 2016 Katherine Dee
Busbar Dancer
One need only look to the four winds
to find four frowns;
eight sad eyes
straining to see
through stained glass tears.
The man said "I die daily" but
he didn't have a constant stream of
status updates
to maintain.
I define myself daily.
Being special has
thus far
not protected me from
the unbearable weight
of today.
All of the analog cigarettes and
old fashioned daydreams
in the world
cannot save me now.
If I'm not seen
am I really here?
Heavy hearts and weary heads
reside respectively in the chests and on the necks
of everyone I encounter.
The gas station attendant
feels empty and
is bereft of a sense of irony.
The world ends
not with bang OR whimper,
with a deep and baleful sigh...
with a deep and baleful sigh...
with a deep and baleful...
I keep safe, not to gaze upon your pictures past
Yet I stare at your memory whenever my eyes shut tight

I keep safe, all to keep you from my thoughts during day
Yet you live throughout my dreams by night
  Feb 2016 Katherine Dee
It's not the rain
that makes my eyes wet.
It hasn't rained in forty days.
Nights are long and quiet.
The silence cuts to bone.

It wasn't rain that quenched the fire.
It hasn't rained in forty nights.
The well is dry... so am I.
Nights I sit in silence
while it rains.

r ~ 4/19/14
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