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I am Strong

because I have loved you for this long

because I am able to look to you with another

because I've spent all these days without being with you

because I still loved you even though you would not love me back

because I went through all this pain without you even knowing

because I wrote my heart out, breaking it over and over again

because I looked into your eyes and deceived myself with false hope

because I've had nightmares of you, believing they were dreams

and because  I Love You

Yes, I am Strong...

                                                            ...j­ust not Strong enough to tell you

                                                 I Love You.
Not strong enough to let you go
Mi táctica es mirarte
aprender como sos
quererte como sos
mi táctica es hablarte

y escucharte
construir con palabras
un puente indestructible
mi táctica es
quedarme en tu recuerdo
no sé como, ni sé
con qué pretexto
pero quedarme en vos.

Mi táctica es ser franca
y saber que sos franco
y que no nos vendamos simulacros
para que entre los dos no hayan telón
ni abismos.

Mi estrategia es en cambio más profunda y más simple,
mi estrategia es;
que un día cualquiera
ni sé cómo, ni sé
con que pretexto por fin me necesites.*

― Mario Benedetti
I cannot write
I cannot find
behind the creases
of my mind
the words to fill
another line,
those words wait
out of sight
for now I
cannot write.
** hum
Two weeks before summer you left.

I bleached my hair and thoughts

while you were away

I grew tired, impatient on my own.

A month later, I met someone new

I thought he was nice and

smart, I let him take your place

and do the things that were yours to do

because if I had gotten him flowers

he would not have left

them in my room and told me

they would die

in his.
typical unrequited teenage luv probs
I've got a loss of words,

I feel nothing but everything
and I'm not sure what it is

but nothing is quite right
but then again, nothing is quite wrong

I think I've lost my mind in the
thoughts of..

How can I be so blind?
Who am I again -
whats your name?
look at the stars, they shine so bright.

Get out of my head
I want to get out of my own head
please lets not do this

You're a beautiful boy, I love you
I hate you
who are you?
hold me close keep them away

I can't do this I want to die.
I feel nothing,
I want to feel.
This is what I was going through, A bad trip with my lover while we were on shrooms. It was the worse experience I've ever had. While on them, I was tempted to walk into the middle of the street of traffic because on shrooms, you cant feel pain. My head was gone I had temporary lost  myself.

— The End —