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Tom'riesa Waranatau
Papua New Guinea    Smile on my face, I came from mother's womb, cried loud when grandmother struck me on my buttock with her palms, and grandfather just stared …
Denxai Mcmillon
27/Non-binary/Frederick    it isn't always depression it could be that you've simply outgrown things you feel you need.
Sophie Charlotte
18/F    Every poem I write is random and off the top of my head. Most of them aren't really about anything happy. They're my go to, …
PoETE         Poet-Pete
L.A/L.V/EU    “I’m saying what I’m trying to” All Content Written by PoETEPETE {2000 ~ 2018} ~©~ Protected & never neglected. Currently working on a huge project …
mjk plumage
england    my heart is of other worlds.
Cat Fiske
United States    though it all, my weak moments have created my strongest yet. my youtube channel, i'm starting to record some of my poems.
Jekk Mickale H Paderes
Philippines    He is the poet. By the way, I am just His writer. —-██—— Put this on —-██—— your profile ██████—if you’re not -—██—— embarrassed —-██—— …
Got Guanxi
London - England    I won't explain what the poems mean so don't ask! You are the music while the music lasts. - if it's untitled, then it's unfinished. …
Helen Crews
Roman Four
19/Non-binary    Another speck of dust, on a whirlwind ride through space. Careening wildly closer to a black hole.
Shadow Paradox
"My poetry is me inside an inkwell" Dressed in shadows while writing surreal poetry. Writer + Dreamer + Hybrid.
Original Piece of work
Bella Anima
Singapore.    Darkness is my Light.
Mike Essig
Mechanicsburg, PA    I am a monk, minimalist and anarchist. I now live in Mechanicsburg, PA in a shotgun apartment (without a shotgun) with only a neurotic cat …
Amber Bowen
Locked away in my mind.    I write until I can write no longer, because with each word I feel a little stronger.
a wildfire
'tower up into the night like a young tree.' photographer. i write about shadows and light and love.
Emmanuel Coker
London    You can always find me here...BBM channel» » C002BB207 and website Thanks :)
Trey Swint
North Carolina    ~Atheist ~Biracial(black and white) ~Been to/ lived in 15 countries ~Been to/ lived in 15 states ~2nd degree black belt(Tae Kwon Do) ~2 sisters/1 brother …
South Africa    I never understood why i fell in love so easily and experienced pain so often and so deeply. I do now. For the poetry.
Jackson Ryan Callahan
19/M/New England   
Avery Geistdorfer
F    I may be young but who are you to say how capable this existence of time makes me?
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