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Kaiden Feb 21
There is a child discovering your path
Running away from the world's anger and wrath
There might be a future awaiting ahead,
But what if one day they end up dead?
  Feb 19 Kaiden
stop asking my how I feel
I will always say I don't know
Kaiden Feb 19
A poet's last poem.
Death's lullaby.
Words forever forgotten,
To be discovered,
And never understood.
I felt like this one would make a good 100th poem. Not perfect but whatever :3
Kaiden Feb 19
Some things
Are simply
"Explain", "I can't". Sometimes the kid is right, mother.
Kaiden Feb 19
So close,
Yet so far.
It cannot be defined,
Nor fully felt.
You're always trapped.
No matter what you do, you're never fully free.
Kaiden Feb 19
What if
There are
Two Gods?
One false,
And the true one,
Known by only few.
When we were kids, me and my brother made a theory that some "christians" (the ones that use religion to justify discrimination) believe in their own, false God, oblivious to the one they're "supposed" to believe in.
  Feb 18 Kaiden
i let him read my poetry
as he flipped through the pages,
i hoped
he wouldn't recognize
the ones i wrote about him
his name starts with an o. he plays trombone with me <3
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