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 Dec 2019 Just24
We are bound
 Dec 2019 Just24
You and me,
we are bound,
like the silence
to the sound,
like a heartbeat
to a breath,
like life is bound
to death.
to be continued...
 Feb 2017 Just24
Stephanie Lynn
the good days--
i hate them
because i am
constantly reminded
that my time with you
is limited
as the sun sets
every dusk
the idea you
chose me
to walk beside
your short journey
is just plain luck
so i sit and reminisce
in your memory
while you're still
here with me
even as it comes to this
it's a must
(C) Maxwell 2017
 Feb 2017 Just24
Lexi Dvorak
I watched as the rain pooled in the wells of your cheeks,
The shadows fought for dominance between the cracks in your teeth.

I watched as the light left your eyes,
Your wandering soul pulling its way out of them.

I watched as your breath fought to make your chest rise again,
Hammering its way up and down, like a jackhammer on a mission.

I’m sorry that I saw stars in your eyes,
And I fell for you, yet I wasn’t there when the light left.

I’m sorry I saw flowers within your heart,
And I picked a few, but I wasn’t there to pick you up when you fell.

I’m sorry I heard birds sing each time you took a breath,
And I held a few of those birds, but I never let go and you suffocated.

I’m sorry that I fell in love with your smile,
But I got nervous and left to quickly.

I’m sorry, I’m sorry for loving you,
Because regardless of the nights we spent smiling,
I left and you fell apart.

And lastly I’m sorry,
I’m sorry I never told you I was falling apart too
 Feb 2017 Just24
EJ Aghassi
Clawing precious time;
Making sure your name's spelled right;
I think I love you.
 Jun 2015 Just24
Star G
 Jun 2015 Just24
Star G
When I finally admitted
how difficult life was

and how horrible humans
tended to make it for me

and how depressing I
made it for myself

I finally decided to work
on my life and myself

and then I realized just
how smooth and quickly

my life transitioned to joy;
became easy and fun; just
by trying my best.

I realized that actions
instead of words are
what make a difference.
 Jun 2015 Just24
Star G
 Jun 2015 Just24
Star G
I find it
funny and
ironic how
you are the
very thing
that breaks me
while holding
me together.
 Jun 2015 Just24
Star G
My world
is slowly
save me,
because I
can't save
 Jun 2015 Just24
 Jun 2015 Just24
The pain that I never show,
Is the pain that you'll never know.
 Dec 2014 Just24
DC raw love
if i dine you and wine you
take you to a movie
open your door
will you spend the night

she then just tells me
fast food, HBO
and lets go to bed
I'm horney as hell
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