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 Aug 2016 Jules
plot twist
 Aug 2016 Jules
plot twist:
they like you back
they do enjoy texting you
your mind is wrong
 Aug 2016 Jules
An armor's shine
never lasts
but so long
as it doesn't break
you'll probably survive.
watch out for maces
 Aug 2016 Jules
 Aug 2016 Jules
A lot of unsaid things
we should probably talk
but you know
it's an
uncomfortable subject
and who
but a *******
would choose
another awkward subject
lot of those
 Jul 2016 Jules
Vincent S Coster
Eat not my Brother
For though his skin is darker than mine
His tears are no less salty
Nor is his laughter less sweet

Eat not my brother
Treat him not unlike a man
For though we are not alike on the outside
Humanity is not only skin deep
This is the poem which Vincent S. Coster's fifth collection takes its title from. He wrote it in response to the shock at seeing countless black men being killed in America by police officers. It is disgraceful that there is still officers who think it is perfectly acceptable to gun down some young man or woman simply because they have different coloured skin. It is a puny attempt on my part to speak out and shame them.
 May 2016 Jules
 May 2016 Jules
i am capable of anything
because I am a woman
and the blood in my veins
is centuries old
one part iron, two parts *magic
 May 2016 Jules
once upon a time
these folks were chained
locked up tight
in a deep dark cave
but one got free
he maybe she
left the cave
and found the light
awed they felt
everyone should see this
so they returned
got killed
strangled by chains
but their corpse inspired others
it wasn't all in vain
worth it?
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