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Some people
are born with
tornados in their lives, 

constellations in their eyes. 

Other people
are born with
stars at their feet, 

their souls are lost at sea.
 Oct 2015 Juan cortez
Tony villet
Feelings of anguish and despair
This vicious cycle has me ensnared
Butcher my heart to pieces
This confirming my thesis
That nobody will care
I'll cause no commotion
Not any emotion
Without a thought
Quickly forgot
Floating breathlessly in the ocean
 Oct 2015 Juan cortez
I loved watching  
your body light up
the first time
you felt me up

The medal
against my *******,
sit in diagonals
painted silver
they've found the perfect home  
against my soft skin
and your perfect lips

I want you
to feel them,
admire my art
and know this is not
what everyone sees

They are
lessons I have learned
in ***  
and love
the more your fingertips
you will learn my mistakes
and heartbreak

When your tongue travels,
you are tasting everything
I pour
into my art
and feeling
all of my humanness
you are seducing
all of my dreams
and living
in my fantasy

Give me
the touch
I crave
tie me up
in your arms
and wrap me
in your skin
kiss me
with all the colors
of fire
let me feel
your kinda love
and allow me
to give you mine.

— The End —