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Jun 2016 · 833
Broken Birds
Josian de Aqua Jun 2016
People wonder how I can let go of someone I love so much, with such ease.
Well, I helped repair his wings so why wouldn't I want him to fly?
May 2016 · 390
Excerpt From Love Letters
Josian de Aqua May 2016
You write about offering a simple and pure form of yourself. It was meant to be like that. We weren’t ready for each other before now. There is no coincidence in the fact that we met right when I was re-building my life and you are at your best inner-self but yet we both started down a similar spiritual path. That glowing simplicity shines through so clearly and I treasure it. What you are and have to offer from within is worth more than any material item. So many people in this world hide behind their things. Deriving self-value from it, but you really don’t have that option and in a strange way, I am grateful for it. In that I have the opportunity to get to know you in this form, before you go out into the world and feel its many pressures. All of your past mistakes are beautiful because they are a part of who you have become. I love your cracked pieces just as much as any pristine ones, if not more.  Sometimes I fear that you will take stock of all my complexities and realize that you just cannot. It’s a bit hypocritical isn’t it? To accept you as you are, but not expect you to do so in return. You are seeing me as I am rising from the ashes to become a higher form of myself. My vulnerable spots are not hidden away by armor or skin calloused from battle. We are both in a place where hiding just doesn’t seem like an option.  Just are who we are. I do want you to know, that even if you were not getting out soon, I would still stick with you. You’re beyond worth it.
May 2016 · 348
Sometimes I forget
Josian de Aqua May 2016
Once in a while I miss you
Just now and then
When the planets are in funny positions
So goes my common sense
Late at night when no one else is around
You are on my mind
I ponder all of the good times that we had

But then,
The Universe steps in and reminds me
Reminds me of the nights spent crying behind the bathroom door
Or the shreds of my artwork spread out on the floor as you slept it off near by
About all of the times you told me that  I was stupid
When you hit me then told me it was my fault

It is funny how time and our minds play tricks on us so that we almost forget all of the bad things.
Just a banter...
Josian de Aqua May 2016
Some things never change
You never have
Even after I'm long gone
You're still crying about how the next girl never understands
How the next one can't seem to appreciate that you're her man
Well excuse me while roll my eyes
Excuse me while I laugh at how you're never satisfied
Delusions, illusions, confusion
Whining that your kingdom made of sand melts whenever the tide comes in
That costume crown you wear must make you blind
I guess you didn't learn last time
Blindly demanding respect that you didn't earn
****, some little boys just never learn

Now if you ever read this you would say that I'm just bitter
But in all honesty, I feel like a winner.
May 2016 · 334
It's Elemental, My Dear
Josian de Aqua May 2016
Do you ever reach out in the stillness of a Southern California night?
As the tide pulls away from the shore, do you ever wonder if this all turned out right?
Hidden behind steel doors and paper, you once told me that you don't believe in regrets
Perhaps it's just easy for you to forget
I can see the glow of Mother Moon on the waves in your eyes
The parts of you that could never lie
Even in the moment when you made promises with unspoken exceptions
Glass between us, not able to look you in the eye when I realized that we were each other's reflection

In the air that rushes against your face
Amongst the earth beneath your feet
Immersed in the water that you become weightless in,
Hidden in the fire that you find within
Is where I will be found
There is no end for us in sight
This much is clear
It's elemental, my dear

The only secret from you that I ever kept
You are the colors of the galaxy on the back of my neck
Forever asking if you can hear the story of us again and again
Never having to fearfully wait for this all to end
For the bright fiery masses to fall from the sky
As they are enclosed safely behind our eyes
Most people are afraid to let go
But there is a secret that they don't know
Love is infinite, forever on-going
This is why I let you fly
Because I know that when it comes to you there is no such thing as good-bye
Mar 2016 · 608
Josian de Aqua Mar 2016
We fall for the ones who never seem to love us in return
But they need the medicine that we ooze
The broken-winged birds linger above as we try to find our own way
Waiting to be mended with our heart power
We are the healers
Josian de Aqua Jan 2016
You are my true love
No matter what path you take
No matter who you lay next to at night
No matter who you have children with
No matter who you watch walking down the aisle dressed in white
I will love you the same

Without conditions
More than the stars in our vast Universe
Unfathomably so

True love is not about being the only partner they ever have
It is not about labels of romantic or platonic
It is not devoting your whole life to someone no matter how they treat you
True love is between two souls who want nothing but the best for the other and loving one another so much that they allow each other to fly
No matter what direction the wind takes them
Even if it is away
Yet still loving them the same

True love is not abusive
It is not vindictive
It is not jealous
It is not holding on with white knuckles because you're scared that you'll lose them
There is no need to hold on because true love is an indestructible thread that binds us together far past the sight of man

So I will find the comfort of others arms
And follow my own path with great joy
But never love you any less then I do now

Souls never forget

This is how I love you, truly
Dedicated to Brett.
Josian de Aqua Sep 2015
To the Person Who Can’t Hear This,

In my room, half-clothed, wondering where the **** to go. I look out the window to see a promising sunset, supposed to remind me that I made through another day. Another day that you’re not here. Everyone tells me that I’ve gone on to a better place as if I’ve passed on to another plane of existence, no longer in the same world as you. Was leaving you supposed to set me free or did it just bury me? The bulletproof glass of being too late is where I broke my bones trying not to be the unloved undead. It will….not…shatter…But I do. The crimson, metallic liquid pouring out of my wounds taking form as all the words that you ever said. While the enveloping venom is all that you didn’t. No matter how much I scream you see nothing as this glass is a two-way mirror. All you see when you look my way is how ******* good you that you look today. You know what they say: out of sight, out of mind. But no one ever told me about being out of your world and being driven out of my mind.
Sep 2015 · 508
Invisible House
Josian de Aqua Sep 2015
I feel ******* invisible
Being in your past

But I can't even scream out how I feel because I'm not even supposed to miss you
To everyone around me,
You are public enemy number one
The villain who left scars
Who used me as emotional target practice

You ripped me up into pieces
To use me as fuel for your fire
For your ego

Why the hell would I miss you?

Underneath the floorboards of the ruins of the house that we built
Are the metaphorical polaroids of my secret
The fact that I almost lost my life just to escape
Because playing house with you is fatal
Making eggs and bacon for my own personal dementor
Because playing house with you is playing Russian Roulette alone
as you are too busy being the gun

And as I was hanging by the last apron string
You grew weary of the decor
But didn't bother to give your 30 days notice

This house is nothing but broken glass and ashes now
But I visit when no one is looking
Finding a broken reflection

Now you've built a house with someone new
And this house doesn't even exist to you.
This poem is inspired by watching an abusive ex be in a new relationship with someone else who he doesn't abuse. It's about being left behind as the broken one.
Aug 2015 · 525
Long Gone Memories
Josian de Aqua Aug 2015
Tonight I miss the Bronx,
I want to feel the cold east wind on my face
And have him pull my cold hand into his jacket pocket
That was my home,
He was my home
I want to hear the screeching of the halting 2 train  in distnace as he slides between my legs
To an ex-boyfriend who I finally realized is the last real fire that I've found outside of myself, but he is long gone in the arms of someone else.
Josian de Aqua Aug 2015
Fool me once shame on you
Fool me twice shame on me
Fool me three times...
Then I must be deaf, dumb, and blind.

                    "He's the one"
                                  "Oh no, HE'S the one"
                                                "Maybe this one really is the one!"
                                                           ­                 "Nevermind..."
This is inspired by the fact that I just got out of my 3rd serious relationship in my almost 26 years of life so far. We are so conditioned to find that one person who is supposed to be all of these things. So we sometimes count our chickens before they hatch and label that person as "the ONE", but then come to find, it wasn't meant to be so.
Josian de Aqua Aug 2015
There is a dragon in my closet
He has dark brown eyes
Pale skin
A south Bronx accent
and an affinity for breathing fire

Some people have skeletons
I have a dragon who has lived off of my insecurities,
My pain
So he's nice and fat...

When I was alone
His shadow loomed underneath the closet door
I pretended to not see it
His footsteps made the whole house shake
But I pretended not to hear it

Now I lay in bed at night with the one I love
And can no longer ignore it
Time to be my own knight in shining armor
Open the closet door
and the slay the dragon

He may be a dragon
That burns up all that is in his path
But I am a phoenix
Who rises from his destruction to become even stronger than before.

                                                        ­ I'm going to kick his ***...
This was inspired by my recent finding of real happiness and it being shadowed by a past abusive relationship that I was a part of for 2 years. My abusive ex is the reflection of my own lack of self-love and worth. Before I can allow someone else to love me, I have to face my own demons of self-hate.
Josian de Aqua Aug 2015
You're safe
Locked up in your safe
No one knowing the combination but you
Feelings in safe deposit boxes
Padlocked just to make sure

I tried to sneak in the dead of night
Hoping to find a crack
But I never was good with subtleties
I attempted to hold you hostage
But you never even bothered to ask about a ransom
I even tried to blow you up with dynamite
But only lost pieces of myself

You're safe now
Locked up in your safe
Safe from burglars in the dead of night
Safe from being held at gunpoint
Safe from being in a war zone
No one knows your combination
Or has the keys to your padlocks

I hope that she has a wrecking ball
Smashing open your steel door before you even see it coming
I hope that she has a stethoscope
Pressing her ear against your chest as you hold her close
Each beat of heart is a click closer to cracking the code without you even knowing

I hope that she frees you from yourself because I sure as hell couldn't
Aug 2015 · 529
Josian de Aqua Aug 2015
I am an enigma that never stops moving
I dare anyone to attempt to catch me
I may light up the sky like a firefly
But I soar like a butterfly just a pretty as you please
Like Peter Pan on his best day
Happy thoughts pumping through his veins
I am unstoppable

                                   Except when they fight...

When she cries
And he throws things
King Kong comes to the suburbs
In the loft upstairs

                    Their voices rise above all of my walls
                    Their anger piercing through any of my defenses

So I sit still
Hoping that the tornado will pass me by
I sit still
Wishing to be a table
Or perhaps that overstuffed chair that nobody likes
Maybe the unsuspecting bedside table that knows all of your secrets but would never tell

                             Maybe if I just sit still for a little while I won't exist...
Jul 2015 · 435
I Never, But You Are
Josian de Aqua Jul 2015
I never had to search for you,
Yet here you are
Flying in like a cool breeze against my skin
Presence like the sun
Warmth with me wherever I go

I don't need to ask the gods
Wish on any stars,
Or hide any bruises

You are no fairy tale
No picturesque idea of romance
Worthy of some magazine cover
Or a Hallmark card

You are better

You are openly flawed
Beautifully wounded
With a past that winds like a mountain road
Scars beneath your armor
Yet holding me with such care
Never giving up on the beauty in this world

You are love
To Brett
Jul 2015 · 448
Solitary Man
Josian de Aqua Jul 2015
Little boy loses his way,
Tossed aside instead of asking what's wrong.
Locked away
Little boy thrown into the arena
Expected to be a gladiator,
But with no crowd there to cheer him on
Or even to openly mourn his circumstances
Left to the lions.

Little boy lost his way,
Locked in a tiny cage like the lion
Wondering if he was an animal or a man
Little boy could not reach for the stars through the steel perforated door
In the world where everything echoed,
Even his demons.
Little boy forgot how to laugh

But then one day,
Little boy grew
Thrived even without being given the proper nutrients,
Proper sunlight.
Even without the proper space,
His roots grew strong
Despite the efforts of his captors.

Little boy grew into a man,
One who will hold my hand on visiting days,
Steal a kiss when the guards aren't looking.
Who laughs and smiles,
Telling me how beautiful I am despite how much the world has reminded  him of his own imperfections.
Who has hope for the future
Despite being told that he was no one.

I fell in love with the little boy who forgot about love and found it again with unjaded eyes, as a solitary man.
This is for all the women and men who love someone put in long term solitary confinement. Who have gone through the struggle of watching them struggle.
Dec 2014 · 427
If Only He Knew
Josian de Aqua Dec 2014
If only he knew that his time is running out
Do you think he would use softer words and hold me closer
If he knew?
If he was aware that soon it will be like I never existed?

I am the sand slipping through his careless fingers
Dissolving back into the earth
Grain by grain
Soon I will be nowhere to be found
And all he can do is call out into the endless night to seek me out
But there will be no reply.
Dec 2014 · 395
The Quiet War
Josian de Aqua Dec 2014
In the blur of the East Coast early morning,
Not even bothering to put on my glasses
I have to get out these words
In a world of a trillion chances
This union would never endure
In a universe of infinite forgiveness
This love would shrivel up and die

As you sit across the couch
Frost chips on your shoulder
Quieter than  the north woods at dawn
The usually calming silence stabs at me
As if you are doing it on purpose
Oh wait,
You are.

Turned a cheek
But not in forgiveness
Just to maim a bit

Now I flounder in my temporary non-existence
Searching for the proper  weapon to shatter the chaotic, scarring silence,

This is a quiet war
Oct 2014 · 439
Carry Me Home
Josian de Aqua Oct 2014
Frozen in indecision
Conflicting signs blurring my vision
Can I love under your conditions?
The world around me tells me that it’s all wrong
That what we have isn’t meant for a love song
It’s easy to believe them when you tell me that I’m not strong
So many times when I feel like you want me gone
But even when I break down I still hold on
I hold on to the memories of making love at dawn
My first kiss in the rain
Your teeth against my skin in sweet sweet pain
Nothing could truly ever explain
Please don’t refrain
Tell me that you never want me to leave again

Carry me home
So no longer would I roam
Take me into your arms
Carry me home
I’ve been wandering my whole life
Carry me home
I need it more than you’ll ever know
No need for anyone to put on a show
Just Carry me home

I whisper to my pillows at night all the things that I want to say
Dreaming of you cooly uttering the word, “stay”
Your feelings for me are shrouded in gray
I’m just waiting for the day you will show me that you love me the same
The day when there are no more protective games
The lion and the wolf dancing in the flames
Make me dream the way you used to
Of all the things that we will do
Keeping me close to you
I want to keep seeing the world through your point of view
Wrap your arms around me making my faith in in you renewed
I’m hanging on by a thread
Too many tears shed
Too many words said
Too many signs left unread
I hear your paramount voice in my head

Carry me home
So no longer would I roam
Take me into your arms
Carry me home
I’ve been wandering my whole life
Carry me home
I need it more than you’ll ever know
No need for anyone to put on a show
Just Carry me home

Take me home
So I can wake up under the city skyline
Where all of the this pain will resign
In a world where I get to call you mine
That even when the stars aren’t aligned
We will still shine

As you carry me home
So no longer would I roam
Take me into your arms
Carry me home
I’ve been wandering my whole life
Carry me home
I need it more than you’ll ever know
No need for anyone to put on a show
Just Carry me home
So no longer will I roam
Just carry me home
Oct 2014 · 527
Bronx Winter
Josian de Aqua Oct 2014
Here I sit again
Pondering the mess that we were
Thinking of you
How I was so **** sure
That I could change you
That I could make it better
Then I learned that not everything we believe turns out true
I’m still bruised
And piece by piece I am being reassembled
But it’s hard to do when it’s so cold
Out on the curb where you  threw my heart
The snow piled on top
My hands numb from picking up the pieces
Stuck in your world

I’m tired of your Bronx winter
Never seeing the sun
That melts away the snow
Never seeing the illuminating stars
That help me find my way
The cold blurs my vision
Freezing the tears in my eyes
Your winter is that sad song on repeat
That I can’t seem to get off my mind

People walked past me
Pretending not to see a thing
Stepping on pieces of what we were supposed to be
Stuck to the bottom of their shoes
Even though it tugs at my heart strings
I let us go
Out into the city streets
Amongst the careless litter
Forgotten under your snow
Just another one of your lost things
In your winter so bitter

As I ran off into the distance
The clouds blew away
The sun started shining
As the snow melted away
I realized
I’m my own sun
and I’m going to shine all year long
I don’t want to be forgotten under your snow
Or left out in the cold
That is your winter
Not mine
and maybe one day
You’ll find your sun too
I really hope that you do
Oct 2014 · 243
Memories in His Words...
Josian de Aqua Oct 2014
Back in the day,
When there was so much to lose,
I remember all the times I asked you to stay,
You made me feel like I didn't need nothin' else,
Like nothin' else mattered,
Now I'm sitting here by myself,
Playing back all the memories of me and you,
Remembering all the moments we shared,
Back when I wanted all the dreams we had together to come true,
Life goes on,
And so did I,
But the memories I keep inside,
They'll never die,
And no one can take that away

It's hard to find the words,
To tell the world how you made me feel,
Some of it felt like a dream,
As things were too amazing to be real,
I try to re-live those moments in my head,
It's just not the same,
Replaying all the things that you said,
I've never been the same since you came around,
It's funny how one person can do so much,
How they have you flying high,
And the next minute falling to the ground,
I loved you more than words can explain,
Chasing that high,
Wanting your love to fall on me like rain,
Memories can seem so alive,
Memories never die,
And no one can take that away
Sep 2014 · 331
A Lost Muse
Josian de Aqua Sep 2014
When I knew you,
You could do anything
I sat at your feet like a small child in awe
Looking up at  you with eyes opened widely
You were magical.

I lost you along the way
And I just heard your voice on the phone for the first time in a while,
I don't hear the magic anymore.

The passion is gone
Perhaps it is hidden behind clouds of smoke,
Under the *** bottles your cousin brings.
Behind your brother's hospital bed
Masked by the beep of the monitors
Or the screech of the halting 2 train.

I wish that you would promise that you won't waste away,
That you won't waste the powers bestowed upon you by the gods
But you would never.

You were my immortal,
My Ambrose.
Jul 2014 · 296
Josian de Aqua Jul 2014
I just want to scream
    You don't listen
          I feel all alone out here
                And this is the day you choose to keep me at arms length
                       Hardly a coincidence
                          As is always seems to happen this way
                                   You know,
                                     The crazy one
                                       Is left to internally scream into the unknown
                                              Under the daunting full moon
                                                     How can this be love?
                                                         This can't all be in my head
                                                             or the changing lunar tide

What is point of being with someone if you feel  and are alone at your lowest points, when you need them most?
Jul 2014 · 368
Counting Scars
Josian de Aqua Jul 2014
Hidden away from the reassuring morning light
I wonder if you're listening to love songs for someone else while you lay next to me
I held my breath waiting for my turn at holding your heart
Hoping that it would be the right fit
But it seemed too heavy for my small hands
If I dropped it
Would it even shatter?
Or would it bounce back?
Flying even higher than it was before?
Your veil of self-assurance seems to be ripping at the seams
But it still blinds me
Seeing black
Bleeding hands reaching out
never giving up on the sharp edges that cut them
They say that I should let go

How many songs can I write about going against the odds before the odds play out?
How many times will your careless words start to fill me with doubt?
How long until I have no more blood to lose?
Just hold my hand
Count the scars
I count them like other people count stars

I don't think much of my own heart
As it's not my own
You keep it in pieces
On the soles of your shoes
Swept under the bed
Turning into the monster that you don't want to face
But one day  you will have to
A piece in your pocket that you take out in the quiet of sunrise
To see if it still shines in the light
Radiating the warmth that once kept you holding on tight

If you gather all the pieces
And hold it up to the light
You  would see that shine
You would find that unending desire to never give up the fight
A beauty that only could come from within
Make me whole
Play god
And bring me back to life again
Jul 2014 · 296
Josian de Aqua Jul 2014
Echoes through the marble halls,
I find the ghost of you,
Looking at a single photograph,
I come to find a love oh so untrue,
I gave you all there was to give,
but you still left me blue,
I’ve packed my bags,
You’re off to love someone new,
But I’m still smiling,
Because  I know

Long after I’m gone,
You’ll still have your memories,
The moments that we shared will echo through
To find the ghost of what we once were,
So no matter what life brings
You’ll still have your memories of me

Even if today, I’m not on your mind,
As you hold her in your arms,
There will come a day,
When you will look back and think,
and wonder what it would be like,
If you had more than just memories of me
Jul 2014 · 333
Josian de Aqua Jul 2014
Sometimes I wish that my sleep was eternal
So I wouldn't have to face him tomorrow
So his sharpened tongue could no longer slice against my back

Sometimes I believe that only death can break these chains
Or maybe a nice padded room that his words couldn't penetrate
Because I cannot do this on my own

So I write my secret poems
In this little corner
A mere whisper

Someone help me
I'm drowning
Josian de Aqua Jul 2014
He wrote of the scars he gave her
Despite the fact that they have never met
He never spoke of the scars he left on me,
Still saying that it was my fault.
The night he drunkenly kissed me and then called me her name
He never talks about that night
Just laughs it off

He drank over losing her,
He cried over her,
As he played their song on loop.

                                                  But me,
                                                          I am his dispensable second prize pony

Do you think if he knew how bad it was, he would hold me closer?

If he knew about laying on the bathroom floor,
So angry that I could not speak
So bitter that my blood turned to venom
So broken that I was not a being anymore

I could not even escape it in my sleep.
Waking up in tears
Like a soldier dreaming of the battlefield

The  battlefield was inside me
My enemy,
The shadows that resembled him
There were no bombs
Just whispers that wrapped around my neck

                                      ­                                He left me alone.

As I laid on that arctic bathroom floor,
He was planning a life with her
I was the suicidal skeleton in his closet

                                                         ­             He left me alone..

At the lowest point of me
Among dreams of flights off of roofs without an umbrella

                                                       ­             He left me alone...

Now he says that he loves me
And wants me to smile as if nothing ever happened
His second stepford wife

A little piece of me is still on that bathroom floor
Looking up at me
Like a gruesome funhouse mirror

But he doesn't see them
He doesn't want to
I want to scream,

Mere acknowledgement like penicillin
Antibiotics eating the gangrenous, festering wounds he left

Maybe if I looked like her,
Spoke like her
He would see
                                           But alas, I will only ever be me...

                Do you think if he knew how bad it was, he would hold me closer?
Jul 2014 · 448
Where's the Trap Door???
Josian de Aqua Jul 2014
Let me out of here
Caught in this vicious cycle                                             I'm stuck in this loop
I cry                                                              ­                       I scream
I try to scare the monster away                                        Raging in the darkness
I tell it that I love it                                                             I tell it that I hate it
But it does not falter                                                           It only gets stronger
Maybe there's a trick to this                                             A simple slight of hand
Like a card trick                                                            ­   Or a rabbit from a hat
                                      Where's the trap door?
                                       The show is over
                                       I want to go home
Jun 2014 · 481
The Slow Dance
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
I ask
I dreamed
             I wished,
                 But it has never come to be.
                     In my head I can see
                        The slow dance that seems like it will never be

                              He's held me in his arms
                                 Laid his head on my chest
                                     But never has he offered me a slow dance
                                         Well at least not yet

                                             I am not especially romantic
                                                Never expecting fine gifts or flowers
                                                  I would much rather sit and laugh with him for hours

                                                       But this one little thing
                                                          S­o simple
                                                          ­  It does not require a ring
                                                            ­  Or a single grandeur gesture
                                                         ­        No music
                                                           ­         Or candles
                                                                ­      If he knew how much it meant to me
                                                              ­           Would he still not do it?
                                                             ­               All I want is one slow dance
                                                           ­                    As I put my whole world in his hands.
Jun 2014 · 371
I Swear That I Meant it
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
We write love poems,
We swear that we mean it,
Swear on the moon
The stars
The great beyond

I wrote you love poems
I swear that I meant them
But not now.
Not in this moment,
When that once hopeful glow around my heart
Turns to hopelessness
To memories of injury...again

The monsters that possess your tongue taint me
The scars are now too great in number
The heaviness of your shadow bears down as if it were my own shame
But it is your's

I swear  that I meant those love poems,
Every word

But oh how easily  words can fly away with the winds of our pasts...
For LeRudian
Jun 2014 · 420
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
Waking up to the open sky
You’re the whispering scream in my atmosphere
Your laughter echoing infinitely it seems
The star that’s out of my reach
But I wish on it anyways
I’m my own star
With a light of my own
But I used to be a part of something bigger,
Something greater than myself
Two energies entwined shining bright
You and I
We weren’t just anything

We outshined our galaxy
Exploding like we meant it
Feeling heat like the sun
Scarred and burned from our own fire
On your back
On my soul
Shattered across the universe
Into a million immortal pieces
We aren’t going to fade out so quick

You say that the orbit,
The round and round,
It was all just my game
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
I have looked into your eyes once, but I will never forget it.
When I looked into your eyes, I saw something amazing shining from within.
Something stirred inside of me and a feeling of sweet restlessness washed over me.
No one has ever moved so much with one glance.
Your ice-blue gaze rekindled my belief that there is pure beauty in this world.
A beauty untainted by the hands of time and the unfortunate circumstances created by man.
There is something deep inside of you that is breathtaking

Jun 2014 · 340
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
Every day, I come closer,
Closer to you,
Even though you are miles away,
Sitting here,
Sitting here is all that I need,
As long as I am thinking of you.

I don’t want to want you,
I don’t want to need you,
But you love me for me,
And that’s hard to come by.

I had always thought that my heart was cold,
As cold as ice,
But you took this heart,
And made it whole.
The puzzle has been solved,
I am complete.

I don’t want to want you,
I don’t want to need you,
But you love me for me,
And that’s hard to come by.

My daddy wasn’t good to me,
My mama always cries,
Stuck in the middle,
You found me,
Just in time.

I don’t want to want you,
I don’t want to need you,
But you love me for me,
And that’s hard to come by.
Jun 2014 · 294
The Beast
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
How it floods my being.
You the boy,
Brought this upon me.
Makes me wonder,
Deep down,
Deep inside,
Behind the cold unyielding exterior.

I want you to give me all of your attention,
Attention every moment,
Like a selfish, insecure child.
You bring out this,
This beast.
How it consumes me!
Be mine,
No more charades
The walls,
How they crumble at your touch!

The beast deep in me,
it fast approaches!
Just maybe,
If you run away now,
You will escape it,
escape its clutches.
For I fear,
Oh how I fear,
the way it takes control!
It swallows my mind whole,
A love sick creature from the depths below.
One track mind.

I beg you,
Leave now!
Leave before it takes us,
Before the crash,
Before the burn,
The tears
The sleepless nights.

This weak heart,
This tainted heart of mine,
Cannot bear the weight of the beast,
Green eyes,
Staring at the clock.

I fear the the beast is not as patient as I.
I feel it creep up,
Squeezing my stomach tight,
Taking the oxygen from my lungs.
Oh how it takes me into its grasp!

I implore you!
Be free!
Don’t look back!
For the beast,
It fast approaches!

Love does run fast....
Jun 2014 · 366
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
The strong one,
Hands on my hips,
Carrying everyones weight on my shoulders,
The rock,
The stone column,
But I disappear in a way,
Drowning amongst the needs of others,
Give me air,
I saved you,
So who will be my hero?

I fear it,
the very same thing you say sets us free.
Afraid to be free?
Afraid to let go
The walls have been built,
built strong and sturdy,
I sit,
Sit and look down at you,
Trying to learn how to be like you,
But alas,
I will never be.

I look down,
And there he is.
Who is he?
I wonder,
He must be,
Must be crazy,
He looks up,
No one has dared to do that before.

Go away,
Leave me be,
I am unlovable,
The fates have chosen for me,
Chosen for me a life of solitude.

All I have ever known is good bye,
For I am never allowed,
Allowed to speak those 3 holy words,

Because for one to truly love,
one must let go.

I fear that,
letting go.
Believing that if I did,
I would fall into tiny pieces,
Left to be trampled on,
no one to glue me back together,
Fix me,
Save me.

He doesn’t leave the wall,
He sits,
Calls up,
But for how long?
He is a fool,
I cannot be loved,
For my tender heart,
It cowers behind stone,
Jun 2014 · 260
The King
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
You brought tears of joy to my eyes.
The first man to do such a thing.
You have made me feel,
Made me feel,
Cared for,
For the first time in oh so long.

You don’t wish to toy with my heart,
You don’t wish to use me.
You want to love me,
To love the unloveable.

You are brave to have climbed the wall around my heart.
Slowly, but surely.
The champion.

Now you are king.
But now I wonder,
What shall you do with my city,
My core,
My heart?
Will you rule it to ruins with war and betrayal?
Or perhaps build it to memorable greatness,
Making it truly immortal?

This is your choice,
For all I can do is sit beside you,
A loyal subject,
And perhaps a foolish one at that.

You say that you have wanted me all along,
Who knows if that’s true.
But somewhere deep inside,
I somehow knew that you were something to me.
Perhaps my inside knew before I did.
Jun 2014 · 358
Uncertainly Love
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
Perfectly imperfect is what we are,
Our love as flawed as could be,
We argue,
We pout,
You know exactly how to get to me,
As I always attempt to figure you out

You could crush me in a second,
With just your words,
But just one kiss could make it all better,
Sometimes I wonder if I’m just too fragile,
Shattering me with just a word or two

I always imagined that I was so strong,
But you took that thought away,
In no time at all,
Now I have no choice,
But to do the only  thing I know,
To hold my head up,
Standing tall
Jun 2014 · 256
To My Old Friend
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
Every now and then
I wonder where you are
If you are happy
And if you ever look up at the stars
The same ones that I looked to
When you broke our hearts,
A piece of yours
A piece of mine
Shattered into pieces
All the remnants now overgrown with vines

There is someone else now
We love each other so
But I’ll always carry a piece of you
You may not even know
How much of me you took with me
When you walked out that door

Another sleepless night
Spent attempting to remember your face
But this time no tears
I have someone that fills the void
The one you deepened so
A piece of him
A piece of me
They make a whole
Jun 2014 · 471
Wolf Heart
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
Heart oh heart,
Foolish and misleading,
Here we are,
Pain welling up,
Body shaking,
We let someone in,
Now here we are

More nights,
Crying into silence,
Wanting no one to know,
To know that we allowed,
Allowed someone to get that close,
Close enough to hurt us,
To shatter us into a million pieces

I  shall never listen to you again,
Only destined to be the lone wolf in the night,
Looking up at the moon,
Howling for the one I lost,
Praying to mend what is left of me
As the rest of me is now missing
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
Sometimes things just feel tight,
You try to laugh it off,
Something about our love doesn’t seem right,
Can’t you see the damage done,
The cracks in my sanity,
From when you run,
Away from the question a hand you see,
If you love me or her,
If you feel like  this is supposed to be,

Can’t give in,
Don’t want to let go,
But you break my heart  to pieces,
You’re messing with my flow,
I know that there is always tomorrow,
But perhaps that’s too soon

You don’t seem to comprehend this game,
As I won’t be the one played
Stuck here, looking  back on all the times I whispered your name,
I wish that you could hear,
Hear me everytime,
When my heart cries out,
When your doubts are on my mind,
So maybe if I write this,
And add a beat to this rhyme,
You will hear me loud and clear,
No more wasting time

Can;t give in,
Don’t want to let go,
But you break my heart  to pieces,
You’re messing with my flow
I know that there is always tomorrow,
But perhaps that’s too soon

I have the heart of a poet,
So easily shattered by your touch,
Be careful what you hold on to,
Because it just might be too much,
As it drips from your hand,
Piece by piece,
Never knowing where it will land,
Never having any peace.

Can’t give in,
Don’t want to let go,
But you break my heart  to pieces,
You’re messing with my flow
I know that there is always tomorrow,
But perhaps that’s too soon
Jun 2014 · 1.4k
Manic, Manic
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
Up and down,
I’m tired of this dance,
Walking the tight rope,
Driving me to madness,
Sinking my soul deep.

I must be crazy.

Lock me up,
Lock up this monster,
Don’t look back,
As danger perhaps lurks behind,
Behind these eyes.

I would never hurt another living thing,
But my words are like poison,
flowing the veins,
of all the people who read my words.

I’m down,
Sinking to the depths below.

Prisoner to it,
impenetrable chains.
Jun 2014 · 910
Joel's Doors
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
Behind Locked doors,
Olive skin,
Salty and smooth,
Impenetrable hands,
My every night,
Hearing me,
Hearing those four letters put together,
It opened the floodgates,
The soft, sumptuous core,
A bittersweet mixture of  fractured past and resplendent future.
Cloaked behind your mask of worldly expectation,
Behind the unsturdy wall of your desire to be champion,
The Hero,

Behind locked doors,
Blemishes were abolished,
Bodies were merely stepping stones,
Stepping stones to something higher.

Behind locked doors,
You hide.
Jun 2014 · 347
Jonathan, Oh, Jonathan
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
People come and go,
It's just the facts of life,
But when I found you,
It cut down my defenses like a knife,

I never knew that anyone,
Anyone could be so smooth
As to slip past all of my guards,
Still wanting me still too
Love never came easy to me,
Never staying in one place

But you,

You've got a hold on me,
But I never said it would be easy,
I never claimed I would be perfect

Like a wounded animal,
Something deep in me wants to hide,
It has nothing to do with my love for you,
It's the struggle I have inside

With a gentle hand,
You've picked up the wounded me,
Nursing it back to health,
Not ever letting it be,

Slowly making me believe that I can be loved,
But now and then the frightened wounded me,
Calls out to struggle free,
Telling me that I'm not worth loving,
And to just let you be.
Jun 2014 · 1.2k
My Black Eye
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
These are the moments when strength is tested,
When one’s wisdom is put on trial,
To choose anger,
Or to choose the high road,
When part of you wants to destroy,
Holding back so much,
Inside this mere mortal body

Inside resides the monster that wants retribution,
To lash out,
To let it all out,
But in when the wave of emotion clears,
You know,
You realize,
You were meant for better,
Going beyond the surface,
To find the calm inside,
To look past it all,
To save oneself from something much worse than destroying another,
Destroying yourself....
Jun 2014 · 282
Like The Wolf
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
Like the wolf,
I watch,
I wait,
Hidden amongst the trees

Foolish prey,
So loud,
So overestimating,
You think you are immune

I see all,
I see you,
I hear all,
I hear you,
Flaunting your colors,
Attempting to lure a victim once again

It will be the death of you,
Your demise,
As I bide my time,
Masked by the snow of humility

Under your hypnotizing feathers,
So pleasing to the eye,
Lays the shriveled remains of what was,
So desperately grasping,
Twisting nature’s fate for your own pleasures,
Trying to have what you cannot

When Winter is over,
Your feathers will be gone,
As the cycle of life starts anew,
No longer will you be a pretty bird,
They will finally see the real you

Like the wolf,
I will come out of hiding,
Searching for my worthy prey,
Of course I will walk right past you,
Because you are not worth the time of day
Jun 2014 · 333
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
Laying in his bed, looking up at the ceiling,
Asking yourself if this love is real,
Perhaps you are merely a lifeboat,
The one  that saved him from drowning himself in heartbreak,

You brought him back to life,
Making him whole again,
Or so you thought

Doubt is an ugly creature,
Insecurity is his destructive sibling,
You love,
But does he?

So many nights you lay awake,
Attempting to make sense of it all,
Trying to find a sure answer,
But no such thing ever comes.

After all the arguments,
When his words strike you down,
Like lightning in some massive storm,
You learn to keep such pain to yourself,
Fearing that you will anger him once again,
As he sits on his throne,
Talking of boredom,
You try to be the court jester,
So that his fickle love does not leave once again

He does not hear...
Jun 2014 · 329
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
I’ve written a lot of words about this love,
Written a song or two,
I gave everything and then some,
All for you,
Now I stand where I started
Back to square one,
I am not whole-hearted,
But when was I ever?
I thought I was made for you,
Now I don’t feel so clever,
In my own imperfect way,
I guess things are never what they seem,
I know now that it’s not okay to stay,

I was stubborn,
I dared to dream,
Of a love without sorrow,
Without angst,
Without tear-filled eyes,
Ah well, there is always tomorrow...
Jun 2014 · 310
I Just Need Some Space...
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
Let me fly,
But don’t lose hope,
Let me fly,
But don’t let go

My place is above the world,
Where I can be free as a bird,
Figuring out what goes on in this soul of mine,
Pondering that I am like no one else that I know,
I retreat to the skies,

We all have to go home sometime.

I have been in the world with you,
Not even noticing the time,
Not even glancing up at the sky,
Forgetting for a moment that I am an enigma,
A puzzle in a motion

You’ve done what no one else could,
Keeping a wild wolf by your side,
But every wolf has to wander on it’s own
Howling to the moon and stars,
Finding it’s center,
But always coming back home

Listen for my howls in the distance,
Letting you know that I’m okay,
Telling you that I love you,
Even though I stay away

Let me run,
But don’t lose hope,
Let me wander,
But don’t let go,
Jun 2014 · 392
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
Past all the darkness and rain was the person I lost.
Now that I have been through it all,
I recaptured what I once lost,
and I am one step closer to freedom

My eyes are open,
My heart back in its rightful place,
Not waiting for anyone’s approval,
Living from moment to moment,
Looking for that wide open space

For a little while,
I forgot who I was,
Not knowing the power I had inside,
But it’s never too late,
To grab it,
To take it,
Pushing the cold world aside,

I loved,
Perhaps I lost,
But I found myself amongst it all,
I can breathe again,
I’m not afraid anymore,
Holding my head up,
Standing tall
Jun 2014 · 304
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
I saw it in the cards today,
What I didn’t want to see,
But needed to see,
Spoke to me,
to let me know,
Over and over it screamed,

Our time is up,
Let go,
Let go,
I need to let go,
I know that you’re going to be okay,
So now I can move on

Fighting in my own head,
You stick like glue,
But my head tells me to push,
Speaks to me,
To let me know,
Over and over it screams,

Our time is up,
Let go,
Let go,
I need to let go,
I know that you’re going to be okay,
So now I can move on,

I wanted to be there to catch you,
To piece you back together when you fall,
But now I know,
You don’t need that,
That you don’t need me,
I can go.
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