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Jun 2014 · 10.5k
Green Eyes
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
Innocent eyes,
Green and gold,
Mischievous smile;
The lips that they imagine teasing whispers come from.
Just one glance
And you'll know that she doesn't a man.
Jun 2014 · 222
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
The scars you left,
Tried and true,
Are still lingering between us,
Keeping me away from you,
You promise that it will be different this time,
That you won’t do me wrong,
But the memories haven’t faded,
When the pain was just too strong,
I give all that I have,
Just to see you smile.
But something in me says that you will only stay for a little while
And out in the cold I’ll be,
Left on the floor like I was before,
To pick up what is left of me,
When I hear you two’s song on the radio,
It makes me cry inside,
Because it reminds me of what I’ll never be,
Of how important I will never be in your eyes.
Jun 2014 · 284
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
I stand in light
Nothing to hide, except for one thing.
I feel the darkness at my back.
Everything I know,
All that I was raised into tells me to run from the dark,
But I do not.
I let it consume me inch by inch.
Who straddles the dark and the light.
Can move freely between them.  
I am in awe.
Something about you pulls me to the dark.
I would never say it as it would be out of place,
But I feel it nonetheless.
I want a full moon,
As cliche as it sounds,
When the lines between man and beast are blurred.
Pull me into the dark cruelly,
Past all of my borders.
Never taking no for an answer.
Lure me in with devious whispers,
Getting into my head.
Take me captive in my own mind.
Bind more than just my body.
Leave marks on more than just my skin.
Don’t just cause me pain,
Consume me.
Take me far past your sadistic nature,
Into the eye of the storm.
Into the belly of the beast.
Jun 2014 · 204
Morning After
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
As  you lay in the bed
Sleeping off the night before,
I feel a warm ray of light hit my face,
The sun is rising,
But it’s dark inside.
I sit amongst the destruction,
Feeling like the only human being left,
I look at you,
Still feeling that overwhelming love,
Even after all that I went through

I stroke your cheek,
Letting a single tear fall on you,
As I wish that I could fix it,
Fill that endless hole that you have inside,
That you feel the need to fill with all the wrong things,
Wanting to do anything to make you happy,
But knowing deep down that I can’t

The vicious cycle to which we are bound,
It feels so right for a while,
Then that one night comes,
Where it all comes tumbling down,
Everything that I built,
The wall I built around you,
To keep you happy,
To keep you safe

My heart is tired
Jun 2014 · 349
Supposed To Be
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
You were the sunrise,
Luckily I still have the light of the moon.
You were the supposed center of my universe,
But yet you gave me no hope, no warmth?  
I am content under the moon and stars,
So subtle,
Away from the forward rays that you display.
At night,
when the wolves howl and the owls screech,
I look up in my sky and find that you are nowhere to be found…
I smile.
Jun 2014 · 888
A Woman Scorned
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
Perhaps I’m insane,
It wouldn’t be the first time someone would think that,
He thinks that I am,,
Cat lady in training

But little does he know,

I have a secret,
A light hidden,
Yes, hidden in my soul.

There, words flow freely,
It’s deeper than anything that he could comprehend,
Couldn’t even wrap his head around it,

His soul is new and naive,
Mine is antique,

He is muscular
Physically stronger,
I am feminine,
but yet I am still 3 times the man he is inside.

So walk along boy,
thats what you are,
Because a real man would see this light,
This gift.
See my worth.

Shoo fly,
Go on back to your cavalcade of short skirted, high heeled kittens,
Where looks alone makes your world go round.

Your soul will always just be on the surface....
Jun 2014 · 329
Just Take Me Home
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
Heart soon to stop,
Taking precious breaths,
On borrowed time,
They’re standing over my bed,
Asking for a last request
No last rites
No words of wisdom.

All I want to say,
Is that I just want you to take me home,
Sweep me away in my last hours,
To where we began,
Family has been there my whole life,
But there will never be enough time with you it seems.

Wrap yourself around me,
Call me baby,
My little paw in yours,
Make me dream the way you used to,
With a sparkle in my eye,
Make believe that I will live forever,
Like a character in one of your stories.

A kiss on the nose,
Just hold me when it’s time drift away,
Telling me ‘mucho, mucho, mucho’,
Whispering to me that everything is going to be okay.

Just take me home,
Which is anywhere you are.
Jun 2014 · 288
A Poet, A Man
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
You may be physically stronger than me,
Perhaps you are saner than me,
Maybe even more honest than me,
But you accuse me of never being as exceptional as you are,
Never quite reaching your level of greatness.

You speak of your greatness,
As a poet,
Attempting to weave words,
Rhyme them,
Bend them to your will,
Trying to mirror what you see on TV,
Writing about blow jobs, *****, and benjamins,
You insist that you’re so deep,
When the deepest I’ve ever seen you go was inside of me.

You speak of your greatness,
As a man,
Boasting of how handsome you are,
Pointing out my ****** flaws,
But when you really look at yourself in the mirror,
You hate what you see,
You slapped me around,
Then say it’s my fault,
My stupidity.

I hate to be the one to tell you this,
As I was always told a real woman was supposed to build up a man,
I never want to be the killer of dreams,
But you don’t weave words,
You don’t bend them to your will,
They circle around you,
Too fast for you to catch,
You don’t have any benjamins,
Just some 20’s from your mother.
The only depth you’ll find in your soul is being ankle deep in *******.

I am far from perfect body and mind,
But I can bend words,
Weave them into things you could never imagine,
They flow from my pen,
From the sway of my hips,
Rolling off my tongue,
Oozing from my pores
Without even noticing,
I make poetry.

You are no poet,
And you sure are not a man
Jun 2014 · 370
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
Ever since I immersed from the womb,
I swam against the tide,
Never learning the easy way

People around me have always wondered,
‘What creature is this?’
‘Why does she stand alone?’

Sometimes my arms get tired,
And my legs grow weak,
The smooth sailing ships often stop,
With its jovial passengers,
Offering me a spot in their carefree crew,
To join them as they let the vast, mighty sea determine their destination,
Never having to give it a second thought,
But never do I give in

As they would dance jovially in their uniform way,
I would be off-beat,
Hearing my own song,
The one inside

I would much rather be alone,
Dancing through life the same as I always do,
Jun 2014 · 356
Josian de Aqua Jun 2014
I count the days,
The months that we have been apart
I dream of the moments when time stopped
When you kissed me,
As I awoke in the middle of the night
Sensing the comfort of your presence,
But you were not there.

— The End —