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Sep 2014 · 777
Jose Valdovinos Sep 2014
Is it wrong,
Taking a chance?
I think not.
For i rather fall
And get up,
Then not to try
And just fail.
Ive took many chances some good some bad but I have learned from them and thats whats making me a stronger person.
Sep 2014 · 639
ur beautiful
Jose Valdovinos Sep 2014
Just looking at u brings a smile to my face.
Hearing ur voice makes my hair stand in the back of my neck.
Would love to run to u and tell u everything will be ok.
But been their and done that to many times.
Plus im still a boy learning the path to man hood.
Sep 2014 · 7.7k
Jose Valdovinos Sep 2014
Trought these rought and cracked sreet.
Seems to remind me of life strugles and dispares.
But just like my skateboard that keeps going foward with every push I take.
I see know that no matter how big a problem, you got to keep pushing.
For the road is everlasting, but its time we dont have so just keep
Sep 2014 · 1.1k
Jose Valdovinos Sep 2014
As plains pass by they leave their Thunder cry's
I feel them with a passion, or its just my heart that's roaring inside for passion.
Passion haha what's that know in days.
For passion to me is love, to care and be cared for. We dont lack it just hide it .
To know that trough turbulance and rain storms a destanation will be reached
A wonderful heart filled with love and joy that roars loud, louder than these plains that go by every 10 minutes, that i thank for making me feel small and insignificant but yet againg so big cause of all of these emotional feeling im overwhelmd with that make me human, i miss these plains.
Sep 2014 · 690
ur sent
Jose Valdovinos Sep 2014
I pass right by u and catch ur sent.
That sweet aroma that make me forget.
Dont know what it is,but is just so pleasent.
For that brief second made my day.
Back to the real wrold,where all my strugles
But cant wait for the day again where u pass by,
Once again I catch ur sent and it takes me
Sep 2014 · 527
Go to bed
Jose Valdovinos Sep 2014
Tossing and turning I keep myself up. For emptyness takes over my bed. Wrapped in blankets I cant seem to find that warmth I seem to ones had.
Missing her touch and kisses that warmed me right up. After a few minutes blankets arent needed, for she fills me with love,wraps me right up,and puts me to bed.good night.
Sep 2014 · 727
Jose Valdovinos Sep 2014
Is it wrong for me to want to love,
To carelessly  make decision's.
That at an instant   moment drowns you,Blinds you with so much emotion and Lust.
I cant lie and not say I haven't been their, But I find my self back here to many times.
For my way of thinking and loving needs change, change my mentality.
All I can say, "I love all my experiences weather good or bad, for they mold me into the passionate,lovable ******* that I am.

— The End —