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 May 2016 Jose Amezcua
I hope to be so smart
as those that loved
and got a broken heart
I hope to be so honest
and so philosophical
of the hurt put upon us
I hope to be so strong
to move beyond
and not be wrong
I hope to be so armoured
that it never hurts again
just like I always wanted
I hope to be just like you
as you write your heartbreak
in a style so true
One day,
when it all comes due,
One day,
I hope
to be,
just like you
9th May 2014
 May 2016 Jose Amezcua
Give her all of you
Love her for the last time then
Suddenly leave her
Don't ever do this to anyone.
Blackberries, fat with summer rays,
Burst sure and true, like ocean waves
Against my tongue they carry too
The scent, the touch, the taste of you.

Each bramble stripped with greedy hands
Felt no qualm from scarlet brands
Those such marks would wash away but
Stains of you will still remain.

The scratches heal, I’ll brush away
Those nettle prongs that stick and stay
I’ll brush the bracken, soothe the sting
But thoughts of you will always cling.

Those onyx beads, their shiny spheres
Imbued with Sunshine, wet with tears;
The taste is fading from my mouth
Their waves of sweetness drawing out.
Like my poems? Toss a penny my way
You stood there and smiled
And the more you smiled
The more my soul glowed
Like a Firefly at night
I expected you to share yours
But you took off your shoes
And as you gave them to me
You went to dance with him

I gave you my soul
You gave me your sole
 Mar 2015 Jose Amezcua
Eric W
 Mar 2015 Jose Amezcua
Eric W
Sometimes I can't find the solace I require in my loneliness.
Other times I can.
I can rejoice in my presence, and
be grateful to be alive.
But now...
All there is now is a singular floating leaf
that is blown away from the pile before it can
So Spring comes and the grass grows,
and I am still alone.
I search within myself for some seed,
some growth,
that proves that the soil is not spent,
and that my joy does not always require
in vain.
And in vein these rivers and Spring wet-weather
branches flow,
for it rains and rains,
but nothing may grow.
But alone.
And as the limestone gives way to
ash, and roots that enclose to form
a ring,
we lose ourselves but for a moment,
but what could also be a hundred hundred years
that many many tears will allow me to
encircling an eternal hell
that may yet be
I find the ways to say
as surely as the trees find a way
to reach toward the sun,
that the sun may give such life,
may turn the Winter to Spring to
Summer to fall as I do,
in love with you,
but will blind and burn
as surely as
and will set and night will come
where I will howl and cry and sigh
at the moon,
without you.
And the stars shine bright as a reminder
that there are a hundred million hundred suns
like you,
but also that my sun has departed and
the hundred million hundred other suns
could burn a hundred million hundred years and not be
like you.
As surely as I search and the night grows long
with the shadows on the inside, and
all I find are the writings on
the chalk-hide to symbolize the turnings of years,
you rise,
with a greeting and a smile,
my solace.
Of ev’nings music I hear the spheres
My thoughts all exchanged for dreams
With tears and prayers
Yet I you refused
Lament and love

I have complained
And all my sour – sweet days
Disobey and to complain, yet praise
Subjugated I dwell in your tenderness
My dreaming dream

Your rich gold trees & milk meadows
Maple's flashing leaves falling rains
Deceit, to hear, I did not listen
My laborious devotion

Two melting stars meeting
In breathless throe
Breeze's gentle sigh's
A star spilled province weaved in love
My dreaming dream

© Arnay Rumens / A Sol Poet
 Mar 2015 Jose Amezcua
This is a nonstop situation.
And you are not ready for a nonstop, yet.
We don't have time for you to stop
And catch your breath.

I pray to god that I'll have you for another day.
But you're losing.
Oh ******* it,
You're losing.
Could you please make it more subtle?
I'm starting to panic.
before you let go
of the grip that you have
on the end of the rope
take what is left
of the minute you own
giving it back
in a penitence of love

before you lose hope
catch a shooting star
in its after glow
open your heart
and let it all flow
bring a thought to fruition
then let it grow

before i go
just a few things
i thought you should know
there's as many rights
as there are wrongs
mixed with the highs
as well as the lows
this is going to be my last piece of insanity until i learn to control it instead of it controlling me. my poem yesterday was much more truthful and troubling than you could imagine. (Who am I talking to! I'm sure a lot of you could imagine!) poetry has consumed my life and i need to get it back. thanks for always reading...I SHALL RETURN!
I woke up late last night
Startled by the light
One on the wall to the left of me
One on the wall to the right

I turned my head this way and that
Which made it very clear
The dawning light inside of my room
Was coming from my ears

My very first reaction
Was one of lost control
When I took my index fingers
And plugged up my ear holes

Which must have taken some effort
That really wore me out
As I inadvertently began to yawn
The light came out my mouth

The only answer to my question
I must have had a bright idea
But since I was sleeping at the time
I can't remember what it is

— The End —