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 Apr 2017 Joe Cole
Druzzayne Rika
I had walked on this lands
when I was young
The green nature ,
magnificent horses ,
multicoloured birds ,
the blue sky ,
tall trees , scattered sunrays
and wild flora and fauna
accompanied me on this walk
around this beautiful island .
This nature's land
By: Cedric McClester

Women swarmed the streets
Of Washington and the USA
Putting the President on notice
That they don’t intend to play
And he can’t take away
Everything that they’ve gained
To make America great again
Had better be explained

Women swarmed the streets
Some called it ***** power
Their numbers were increasing
Each and every hour
Even over seas
Their voices could be heard
So trying to keep them down
At that point was absurd

Women swarmed the streets
They came from everywhere
And every ethnic group
Was represented there
In all stripes and colors
Of the rainbow see
Expressing their desire
To have him let them be

Women swarmed the streets
It’s not to be believed
How their numbers kept increasing
Who in the world conceived
That two women from Hawaii
Would have been the trigger
For a demonstration and march
That just got bigger and bigger

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2017.  All rights reserved.
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