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Fragmented embers of the evening light casting shadows on
the outline of your preferred wanking pants.

Rathmines all blue and black outside
with stern encroaching trees reminding
of your parents
(and what they might be expecting to do now, as opposed
to what you're doing)
encircling empty Doritos packets submissive to
console lights ever glowing
Stacked shores of ruin against life's pursuing

And mocking you in  the corner
The amp that laid echoes to a thousand bands
thought of that never were.
Figurehead of a thousand conversations that led to kisses
never so sweet as those felt and remembered
in this dungeon of worn out ego and instilled fear.

Home to one hundred nights of solitude
sans reprieve or want of care
with the stench of student bachelor
left hanging in the air.
 Jul 2015 Joe Bradley

Bright blue iris skies
shimmering down
upon sweetly scented
honeysuckle meadows,
welcome us this warm
early Saturday morning
as we stroll hand in hand
between soft pastel colors
and enchanting aromas
decorating our world
in a beauty enhanced
only by our love

and there is
no place else
*we would rather be
Good morning beautiful
we need a plan
in case of emergencies
and unexpected nightfalls
when the world turns sharp edged
and strange

we need to prepare
for days of pale faces
wet socks
and cold hands

we need to hold each other
and mend each other’s tears
- sowing the untethered buttons back on

we need to let ourselves breathe
when the air is hard to come by
and we need to let go
of stale dreams
that rot away in attic corners
and dusty chests

we need to walk
into the shiny street
wearing nothing
but our best smiles
reserved for Sundays
and first stork nests
 Jun 2015 Joe Bradley
Jedd Ong
It was this Jabawockeez dance back in ’09
where all the members had red
tracksuits, and white masks.

They, popping and locking their way through
to the hiphop world title, a rhythm all their own:
a tight mesh of violins and dropped beats.

Your evenings wake up like their dance routine -
all fuzzy, late edges and hard, sideways locks -
you the trapped light from an old photograph.

Your limbs are a tangle of red tracksuits and gloves,
sterile-white boots, but yellow masks: its sounds full
of their bedtime violins, your heavy beat sunrises.

You take these pills to keep the mornings asleep.
I am entangled
No I'm entwined
I am pulled closer
can you feel my pulse?
I whisper in your ear
Still pulling me in closer
I feel I think I hear
Our hearts beat a thunder
A pressure takes my breath
Our hearts beat a thunder
I move and you say
*not yet
This will be a working progress
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