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Jason Apr 2021
Though my heart was dead long ago,

This ******,

Through my chest,

It is as the first.

Though I knew long ago,

The break of trust,

Denies me rest,

Heart smoldering, mind cursed.
©03/25/21 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved.
Jason Apr 2021
She set me on fire and asked, "Why's it so hot in here."
© 03/01/21 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved
Jason Apr 2021
Ya know...

If that most famous pair of star-crossed lovers had only possessed cell phones,

Things might have gone much differently.

Jason Apr 2021
In the story, Samson is said to lose his power when his hair is cut, breaking his vow.

I think he was wrong about his hair, and the actual source of his power was his love.

I think he lost his power the moment he realized Delilah had betrayed him.

Not when she betrayed him, nor when she cut his hair, but only once he realized what she had done, see?

So at the end of the story, when Samson gets his strength back, it happens not because he grows his hair, but because he forgives Delilah.

His hair was only a metaphor for his faith (in God, love, women, and Delilah in particular)...

Anyway, I'm growing my hair out.

*Edit - I wanted it to be clear this was about forgiveness, not betrayal. <3

Disclaimer: I'm not religious, but I grew up going to church and Sunday school, etc.
Jason Apr 2021

You enchanted the moon, didn't you?

Or bribed her?  Maybe you promised her a star or two?

She hunts me with Orion's bow, pacing behind shadowed cloud,

My celestial stalker ridin' low, warily wrapped in misty shroud.

She whispers stark and yet, soft as a breeze on an April afternoon,

Press on now, my pet.  You've done so well, we'll sleep again soon,

But we've a fortnight to go if we're to come full circle by month's end.

So many dreams still to sow... To reap those lupine howls once again.

She waxes and I wane, she mystifies with madness then soothes me sane.

Serenity to insanity, delirious depravity to moon-magicked majesty,

A cosmic clockwork cycle muddling my mind with lunar gravity.

She pushes me to righteous malice and pulls me to solstice solace,

She masters tides in her caprice, what hope has a malcontent apprentice?

© 04/04/21 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved

There's a bit of the moon in everything I say and do,
I shouldn't be surprised she reminds me of you.

Just an interesting note: I was inspired to write this last night as I was watching the moon from the window at my desk.  Today, I was wondering if the moon was actually anywhere near Orion...

Turns out Orion is just to the east, but the moon was in the house of Libra when I wrote this, which is friggin cool.  :p
Jason Apr 2021

It's not an altar

If I don't worship upon it

(Even if I still whisper prayers)

It's not a pedestal

If you don't stand atop it

(Only, I still look up to you)

It's not a quest

If you're no princess

And I'm no hero

(Yet, I still seek out dragons)

It's not a dream

If there's no hope

(And I still wake a million miles from you)

© 04/02/21 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved
Jason Apr 2021
Loving you is like playing tug-o-war,

Except the rope is a lightning bolt.

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