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 Aug 2020 Jeremie
 Aug 2020 Jeremie
my lips have known yours
in every lifetime
and now i know for certain
that the universe
will always
bring me back
to y o u.
- you are worth the wait in every eternity.
 Jun 2020 Jeremie
Melissa Rose
Trauma triggers you
to be highly alert
to look for danger
at every turn

Oppression is cruel
and wounds the spirit
The truth about trauma
it has no limits

You may get labeled
Anxious or depressed
The truth about trauma
it never rests

It doesn’t have to be
through an accident, war or abuse
The truth about trauma
can be what didn’t happen for you

Neglect and rejection
cause tremendous pain
The truth about trauma
it leaves an invisible stain

Labels like low self concept
or insecure
Discount the truth about trauma
and the pain we endured

If you weren’t nurtured
and basic needs weren’t met
The truth about trauma
it changes our mindset

We believe we aren’t good enough
or permanently scarred
The truth about trauma
perception’s impaired

We are not damaged goods
no flawed character traits
The truth about trauma
doesn’t have to seal our fate

By reconnecting the mind, body
and soul
we uncover the truth about trauma
and reclaim the life that it stole
10/14/18. Don’t get me wrong as a survivor of childhood trauma I understand the simplicity of this poem and how it only scratches the surface and doesn’t even come close to representing the intricacies and deep emotional affects of trauma. Sending <3 to all who can relate.
 Jun 2020 Jeremie
Melissa Rose
Become not the longing to be seen
but the scene itself
 Jun 2020 Jeremie
Melissa Rose
Truth is not a thought of the mind nor a scene through the eyes but the depths to which one feels love radiating from their soulful heart
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