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 Mar 2016 Jemoh
Eternal Threshold
To be someone,
who's loyal by heart,
when I say:

". . . it's through"

 Mar 2016 Jemoh
Eternal Threshold
F e e l i n g s
All that
M a t t e r,
I should've done many things,
B y   n o w.
 Mar 2016 Jemoh
Vanessa Gatley
Time to rejoice
Jesus reign
How I love
To have the eggs blessed
 Mar 2016 Jemoh
Vanessa Gatley
 Mar 2016 Jemoh
Vanessa Gatley
Better off
Just living as a plant
I would assume
They don't need to
Work all their life
Don't have anybody
Talking bad about them
They don't need
To pay attention
In school
Best of all they can die
Yet be reborn again
Next season
to be the light,
carry with you
a heart filled with
fiery burning passion
to help

and seek no reward
for thyself

lesson #3 from firefly

you may be small but you can be big as you can be through your light

Note: the italic last line is from "R k"

tap or click the #igmslessonsfromanimals tag button to read the other lessons
 Mar 2016 Jemoh
Brad French
Say this prayer,
Never again I swear
To be unfair or unjust
Bring me to trust
Your magnificent words
That led me as high as birds
Souring above twilight
And deep into the night
I pray to you,
The only color I see is blue
Tired and helpless
I need your bless
Your words that comfort and control
Please intercede my soul
Bring me to peace
Ready to release
Hear my plea,
As I am on my knees
Empty as I feel
Fill me with your zeal
Blood drips from my hands
Let me understand
The way to forgive
And the way to relive.
 Mar 2016 Jemoh
The corner street awaits with pride
Raise the palm and wave me hello
As the eyes melt reveal your heart

The smile is the manipulating trap
A stance you gaze magnifies my life
Stay in the zone oozing not snoozing

Disengaged in bases of sinking shells
Float on the wavy stretchy topography  
Claim my proponent inside the rigid iris

The splash of the canvas sprays attraction
Alternate the kaleidoscope fluid flashes
A slash, smashing my scepticism cynism

Untitled spiking depths and radiant flames
Erode past the sizzling chargrilled grins
It's in my eyes, my very soul sits and shines
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