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 Jun 2017 Jeffrey
 Jun 2017 Jeffrey
Anger that boils in the depths of my veins
was bound to erupt when love is at stake.
 Jun 2017 Jeffrey
Lyn Camm
Watching her was a gift.
She had yet to see me come in, she was raw with emotion, and I got to witness the way she breaks, and how she takes it all in.

There’s a lot of smiling; even when confused.
She paces the floor and wraps presents while making dinner; she’s so precise.

On occasion you can see her eyes water, a panic sets in as she pulls her hands threw her hair, exhaling. Taking a moment to shake it off.

She continues, and repeats.

She can play the role of fine and under control so well.

If I never caught this moment I’d never think she breaks at all.
From my 2016 emotional breakdown!
 Jun 2017 Jeffrey
Ellie Belanger
"You have heart, girlie," said the lady.
I smiled but I thought,
"Ma'am, my heart is lazy."
I can't make it love
Anymore than I can make it beat,
But I can make it hurt and crack,
Like records on repeat.
 Jun 2017 Jeffrey
Psyched Out
 Jun 2017 Jeffrey
My mind is numb, not from drugs or *****,
But from the television, phone, and electronics i abuse
This stream of news feeding to my consciousness is all self-induced. I keep the cycle going and set it up where I keep myself confused?

So many words, so many pictures, so many thoughts,
the chaos, the headaches
Only the one's in silence and loneliness have fought
Disruption with corruption in my daily feed
Ruins my mind's ability of its own impressions
and thoughts, putting pen to paper
versus touching fingers to buttons
(And make no mistake between touch and feeling)
Which is more liberating to feel, to move energy, to inspire free will
and which one was bought

So why am I addicted to distraction with all of its misuse
The fear of moving forward is just resistance to produce
the gift within me that was already planted and seeded in place

My only job is to water and grow into my space
Yet this gift within me is the resistant qualm that bakes
Fearing to discover that I am more
than I think I am


Thats my mind numbing dis Ease that I battle


Readjust the cycle,
for it shall not shadow
Other generations right, to
fight another battle
Remove, not gift our numbness
Channel deeper
Awaken the next child
And we honor the cycle of growth that
lives to empower.
it's weird how
you're not here

yet I feel you
- still -

reverbs tingling

like you always
******* do
 Jun 2017 Jeffrey
Mateuš Conrad
believe me, you grow out of it
   you reach the natural conclusion
as women do,
    experiencing menopause,
your's the least actrattive cunterpart,
no choice...
          you just grow out of it...
you just get bored
                       you just grow out of it...
it literally become a case of
     yep, it becomes a hmm equation...
and if you're not married,
  5p.m. feels like 9a.m.,
                         the **** is going on?
fyck, uleterior motive for spelling
           so what the fyck's going on?
pop culture... fuckle me...
                   send some more sleeping
pills my way,
    so i can pretend to be in a
heavyweight boxing match
         fighting both klitschkos
   at the same time, in street fighter mode
of pretending to be blanka /
            zangief / vega?
    i'd **** over him
such **** ******* /
     dhalsim - mr. stretch-armstrong /
                           mr. fantastic...
tekken never conjures up
an equation
      that music does
   i.e. the beatles (street fighter)
vs. the rolling stones (mortal kombat)...
tekken never really made it
         for "equality" status:
                        equal status, i get it;
nonetheless, men tend to grow
out of the practice of *******,
  just like women
   are automated to experience
                       you just get bored
of the hand as ****...
                       d'uh dummy dum dum
+ a mongolian harmonica
    (index moving up & down
with the lips perforking
          the motorboat effect,
encapsulated within the brrrrrrrrr;
sure, the missing trill of the r in english...
    and there are no diacritic indicators
that the letter ought to be the sole-source
of vibration...
           hence no roll with the umlaut ä -
   sounds like chinese wow wow wow yo
             yoyo that ****?
      count that as two:
          hämmer, i.e. haamer...
          i.e. hāmmer...
              or ha'mmer... so what's with
the trigonometry of the m?
  how many more times do you have
to wave a goodbye?      
                  but the scandi- version?
middle-class english,
   i love their slang,
        they slang a longer word into
a shorter word,
   but never bother to adffix a hyphen
for invigorative measures...
    it always seems to be: oxford approved;
if americans are yanks...
                   the british? wanks;
         totality bound by sources found
    in either peckham or hackney;
oh right, the roll...
  an aangstroom, i.e.  ångström...
                    linguistic ballistics...
        **** gets funnier when writing fiction,
the irish and the slav prefer the hyphen
of differentiation in a convo, i.e.
  - and so
- so what?
the post-germanic tribes of anglo saxons and
    they prefer the inverted commas
and the he said...
                          e.g. "i was saying," he said.
yes, i know that's a fictional character
     but you could at least count,
   toward expressing the correct arithmetic,
i.e. 'i was saying,' he said;
i know no one was saying anything,
             you were thinking someone
was saying something you "said"...
          so why was it never the irony of "citing"
with only two index fingers,
   as opposed to
         two index and two middle fingers?
i swear to god, that's not how
you quote...
                    if you're ever going to quote;
it can only mean
   a beginning of ambiguity,
   by invoking "     ", you're making war
on the thesaurus.
 Jun 2017 Jeffrey
Accept that you deserve more
Than painful love
Life is moving
And the healthiest thing
For your heart is
To move with it❤️
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