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I never heard her say "I love you"
But I did hear her say
"Wake up. Breakfast is ready."
"Here's some extra money."
"Make sure you bring an umbrella today."
"Buckle your seat belt."
"Did you do your homework?"
"I saved a seat for you."
"Be home by ten."
"Are you okay?"

I can say that
I feel love
Not because I hear it
But because I see it.
"I love you" is just a sentence unless you act on it. Show it, don't say it.
 Jan 2015 Jedidiah
i don't believe in extremes
to follow the belief
that one has to be something
and not the other
is absolutely absurd
or at least somewhat absurd
because i don't believe in extremes

when you told me you loved me
every part of me
my twists and turns
and the sharp curbs of my dark alleys
where i keep the real monster
i scoffed
brushed it off
like the momentary dust
that, i believed, mimicked your sentiment

but when you came looking for me
when i was intoxicated
with something strange
not just alcohol
two hours before the sun started to rise
i looked at you and i swear
i swear
i had to catch myself
because i thought of something
only ***** gave my brain courage to think
i never would have thought this
before you

see, i never believe in extremes
what is wrong with me
They rest all over
whilst I was rooted to the ground,
the water acting like superglue
as my limbs stretched out.

Towards the clumps of land
rods of steal and wood weaved,
to connect and *****
that which we call humanity.

But there were abuse on the rods
formed by hands who'd calloused hearts,
poison coursing through their veins,
but not a single thought was given
for they were innocent in their brain.

Said limbs and rods spiraled out,
as nothing was left to chance,
intertwining everyone's destiny
in majestic flare and grace, grand
like a ballerina's dance.

But the poison was too corrosive,
the termites were too much,
as everything eroded, imploded,
crumbled and buried under
mounds of earth.

But today is different,
a new beginning, a new life.
As if the gods have willed
something better to arrive.

Indeed they came: Ports
forged from purity anew,
where fresh legs are delivered
and old legs whisked away.
For no matter how dark it
was, is, will be,
even during the night,
there always is and will be
a pip of light.
A poem I had to compose as our homework for Literature class. This was the assignment posted by our teacher:

Think of a metaphor for your 2014, the year that was; and think of another metaphor for your 2015, the year that will be.
Write a poem (at least 12 lines) using those 2 metaphors. Typewritten.
Also write a 1-page explanatory paper explaining your poem and the metaphors/imagery you used.
 Jan 2015 Jedidiah
to love
 Jan 2015 Jedidiah
i used to be in love once
with someone
i thought only i
could love the way i did

i used to be in love
or at least what i thought love was
because i held her smile
with both of my arms spread wide
like my wrists were nailed
to the corners of her lips

whenever we said our goodbye's
i felt like a part of me
was taken away
and the hole that was left in my chest
was, as i convinced myself, one only she could fill again

i gave her everything
but i rubbed my eyes with salt
to mask the truth that she didn't care to do the same

i used to be in love once
with someone
i thought only i could love the way i did
but no matter how much i studied her
studied her every move
i never learned that to be in love
is not the same
as to just

because you never asked me
to be your saviour
i don't need to hold up your smile with my wrists
because yours would appear
whenever mine would light up your world

we'd say goodbye
and you'd carry a part of me
as i carry a part of you
and from then on
it became something we both shared
that encompasses any distance between us

i felt like i gave you nothing
but you tell me
that all you need
is me

they say i'm foolish
to rush a love like this
but i didn't seek it
the complete opposite rather
i pushed you away
and you pushed me away
but here we are

they say
you're not what i think you are
it may or may not be true
nevertheless, the response is
"shut the **** up. to hell with you"
because for once
i think this love is good for me
 Dec 2014 Jedidiah
bend & break
 Dec 2014 Jedidiah
i convinced myself
that you're the one i need when
i needed love more
from wading in the shallow waters
of the world's perception of
she plunged into the "ugly" truth

she washed off the
layers of powdery pigments
with the hot tears tracing down her cheeks
she tore down the
expensive garments that draped her body
exposing her skin and bones:
worn and torn? yes
frail and fragile, no
she stands strong and sturdy.

she wears
her crimson wounds like golden jewelry
her beads of sweat like strings of pearls

she stands
firm on the truth
that beauty is more than just
pulling attention
by external attraction
it is pushing
past set expectations for
what is more captivating
than freedom
from binding limitations,
what is more glorious
than a revolution

dig down deeper
and embrace yourself
there is more to beauty
than just being pretty
 Dec 2014 Jedidiah
 Dec 2014 Jedidiah
i’m tired of counting the days
until the rays of light beaming through my eyes
will cease to shine
when you finally tell me
that i am no longer yours
and you are no longer mine
 Dec 2014 Jedidiah
find you
 Dec 2014 Jedidiah
you try to hide
you run away
from me
from my eyes as they wander
to study you

you hide your skin
tainted with long red streaks of pain
you rush to cover your limbs
that cried blood the night before

you hide your face
when i ask you what’s on your mind
“nothing” you say
barely flinching
barely giving any sign of disarray
but hiding your face nonetheless

you hide the words you assemble into works of art
the combination of 26 letters
that your give you comfort
until they run out of meaning

you hide and hide
in the vast sea of “nothing’s wrong”
of self-disillusionment
of barely coping
but i will come find you
to rearrange letters
until words finally have meaning

i’ll come find you
to break down your walls
one brick at a time

i’ll come find you
and kiss your scars
knowing full well that my lips won’t sooth the burn
the ache you feel in your heart

but i’ll do anything
i’ll do anything to find you
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