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Jul 2019 · 239
For Lauren
Jeanette Hersey Jul 2019
You held me long within you
From the moment I grew inside you
You knew me and I knew you
As I thrived within your womb
Every day to grow and move
You felt me and I felt you
As one with you so long
Every breath, your voice your song
I loved you and you loved me
My time here was too fleeting
So short our earthside meeting
But you knew me and I knew you
As you gazed upon my face
And held on to hope with grace
You loved me and I heard you
I felt each beat of your heart
Our love can never be torn apart
My mummy you will always be
I love you and you love me
For my cousin Lauren, in memory of her Baby girl Gracie Jane who passed away at 8 hours old.
Mar 2017 · 429
Discovering You
Jeanette Hersey Mar 2017
So familiar
yet still you are  mystery to me
I have kissed these gentle lips
a thousand times before
but each time it feels like the first

So much time
yet never enough
I love to while away the hours with you
exploring, laughing, just being
each moment lasts a lifetime - but is fleeting

So much love
yet still I fall deeper
I have felt your heartbeat in time with mine
for two decades and more
and still I am discovering you
For my husband
Mar 2017 · 434
Jeanette Hersey Mar 2017
Even though we are no longer joined
No longer sharing the same oxygen
the same blood
the same body.
Still you are a part of me
and no matter how far
how much time passess by
you will always, always, always be

From newborn baby in my arms
to toddler with a smile that steals my heart
to child who has a zest for life
to teen that causes so much strife
as young adult I had to let you go
just a little, I'm still here you know

I watch you striding forth with pride
My love I can't contain or hide
You are my gifts, my life, my heart
We will never truly be apart
My child this love is like no other
the boundless, endless love of a Mother
For My Children, Jessica, Maisie, Charlie and Eric ***
Mar 2013 · 510
My Girl
Jeanette Hersey Mar 2013
Sometimes we scream
sometimes we shout
sometimes we don't talk at all
sometimes I'm sure you hate me
sometimes you're really cool
sometimes we laugh
sometimes we cry
sometimes we totally get it
sometimes you make me oh so proud
sometimes I do forget it
sometimes I wish you were still small
my daughter now so grown
no matter what - I love you so
and that I have always known
For my middle daughter Maisie - 16 today <3
Feb 2013 · 3.0k
My Hippy Love
Jeanette Hersey Feb 2013
My hippy love, my hippy love
so fluorescent and so cool
you drift around all decked in flowers
so sweet and fanciful

Underlying scent of frankincense
a smell so soft and hazy
your peaceful diplomatic ways
your love of life so crazy
I was given 6 words to fit into a poem. This is what came out. Specified words were, fluorescent,fanciful, diplomatic, crazy, underlying and frankincense. A little too easy.
Feb 2013 · 549
Ripped apart
Jeanette Hersey Feb 2013
You walked out of my life
away from my love
having cheated, betrayed and lied
Alone I sat where last night we'd loved
ripped apart and broken inside

I smelt the pillow
with deepest breath
it was you my beautiful you
I knew that your scent would fade away
there was nothing I could do

How could a few hours
change everything?
I still tasted your lips upon mine
Last night you had held me and loved me
and everything had been just fine

A revelation - just one revelation
ripped apart all we'd built
all we'd shared
but nothing could ever be the same
after all had been declared

Ignorance is bliss they say
Should I have spared you
all this pain?
It's not just you that's hurting now
and I am the one to blame.
Jan 2013 · 484
Tangled with you
Jeanette Hersey Jan 2013
Into your arms I fall
Safe from harm
so warm
Wrapped up
so blissfully
Legs and arms entwined

In your eyes I lose my self
Lost and floating
Sharing thoughts
and fears
Gazing deep into your soul

In your heart I trust
Loved up and hopeful
A never ending smile
Spending my life long moments
my love my life
Tangled with you
Jan 2013 · 516
Lovers with no love
Jeanette Hersey Jan 2013
You bewitch with your enchanting smile
a mouth that begs to be kissed and tasted
Raven locks and slender curves
Captivating laughter leaves your lips
Air of confidence and knowing eyes
that belie your deep rooted pains
I see you take the souls of men
drawing them in poor fools
you shred their hearts and break them
maybe their pains salve your hurts
or make a balm for your cold and empty heart
that lies closed and shut off in the dark
No matter how many lovers slip into your satin sheets
you will never feel the warmth of hearts that beat as one
Jan 2013 · 1.2k
Jeanette Hersey Jan 2013
Cut from my womb
no signs of life
no first breath
no first cry
no first cuddle
I did not get to count your fingers or toes
nor did I get to look into your eyes
you were taken and I was left alone
wondering and fearful

Our first meeting through a plastic box
wires, tubes, laboured breathing
so frail and broken
tears and hopes as I held your tiny hand
afraid as tears wet my face

So tiny for such a brave warrior
fighting against the odds
as we stayed by your side
marvelling at your strength
and the devotion of those that cared

The first time I held you
gingerly fearing tangled wires
I finally felt that you belonged to me
my little man

Our first night alone
much overdue
rush of love
as you snuggle in
and suckle like a pro
Soon I could take you home
and you would truly belong to us

Now time has passed
you grew and found your feet
my naughty little adventurer
who is far to busy to sleep
full of life as if making up for lost time
Jan 2013 · 318
Jeanette Hersey Jan 2013
I like to smell you
and breathe you in deeply
I get lost in you
your eyes
your smile
tasting your lips
the feel your hands on my hips
I love to lie beside you in the dark
just knowing that you are there
You always know just what to say
Sometimes I think you can see into my thoughts
I happily let you in
But only you

— The End —